Emily's knuckles turned bone white as she clutched the steering wheel.

"Drive where?" She managed to say, holding her voice as steady as she could manage.

James moved the barrel of his gun down to the nape of her neck where he pushed it into her. He whispered directions into her ear. With each turn, Emily became more and more frightened as a million thoughts ran through her head. She decided her best option would be to try to sneak one hand off the steering wheel and call the team. They knew she was supposed to be coming to the station; if she didn't make it there soon, they would surely realize something had happened.

"I know a lot about more about you than you think." She blurted out, trying to distract this murderer somehow.

"Oh yeah? Tell me about it Ms. Prentiss." James was amused by her sudden outburst and her composure. He couldn't wait to take it all away.

"I know that you were a good person at one point. I know that this isn't your fault." Emily elaborated as she slipped her hand down the steering wheel towards her pocket.

"And what makes you think I haven't been killing my whole life and you've only just caught on to my scent now?" James actually began to ponder how his life had ended up like this. Maybe it was because of how good that first kill felt. After he lost his job and his girlfriend, the murder of his girlfriend's best friend was almost erotic. James sighed a breath of happiness as he remembered the memory.

Emily's hand was almost to her phone. In a few more seconds she would be able to speed dial Hotch. She could feel the hope bursting inside of her. "Well for starts, you only have killed blondes which leads me to believe that someone very close to you hurt you and left you humiliated. Maybe a girlfriend or even a coworker." Her hand was on the right button she was sure of it. She pressed it, praying for a miracle. "But the reason I know-" She could faintly hear the phone ringing "-you didn't ask for this life is because someone wronged you. It's their fault not yours."

James didn't have time to mull over her assertion, as they had arrived at the place he had parked his van. "That's enough for now Ms. Prentiss." James jabbed his tazer into Emily's side "We're here." Her eyelids fluttered for a second before they shut. As James dragged Emily out of the car and began to duct tape her wrists and ankles, he saw a cell phone fall out of her pocket. With the heel of his boot, he stomped it into the dirt, crushing it, and in doing so, crushing Emily's chance of escaping.

Back at the station, the color drained from Hotch's face. He turned to face the team.

"Something is not right. It's Emily. I think he has her."