Hey Everyone! This idea just came into my head so… I thought I'd write it:)

And… if you're reading this please check out my chapter story: Detention Night! Thanks :D

Nina's POV

"Wow Nina, you look beautiful tonight." My boyfriend, best friend, and companion complemented me.

"Thanks Fabes." I tried to choke back a girly giggle as his took my hand and led me out the door.


The guy I've waited ever so patiently for.

I remember one time when I was young, around 8, me and one of my friends were taking a "What Guy Are You Destined to be with?" quiz. I still remember the questions I answered…

1: Where would you want YOUR guy to take you on a first date?

A movie

A fancy dinner

A mini-boat cruise

A romantic pavilion

(I chose D)

2: What specific characteristics would you want YOUR guy to have?

Funny, sweet, nice, smart

Popular, sporty, hot

Popular, not-so-smart but hot

Awesome, funny, joker

(I chose A)

3: What do you want YOUR dream guy to look like?

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed

Brown-haired, hazel-eyed

Red-haired, brown-eyed

Blonde-haired, brown-eyed

(I chose B)

4: What random thing do you want YOUR guy to have?

An awesome sports car

A British accent

Lots of friends

A mansion

(I chose B)

Results: You're destined to be with a guy named Fabian. He will have brown hair and hazel eyes, and he will be funny, sweet, nice, and smart! (What a package!) Plus, he will be British. For your first date, he will take you to a romantic pavilion, for dancing and just alone time. You WILL get married and have three kids. Hope you meet YOUR guy soon!

Back then, me and my friend laughed at that quiz. She was "destined" to be with a guy named Josh, a popular jock. She was jealous that my guy had a British accent, and she wanted hers to have one too.

Oh, how I laughed at that stupid quiz. But then I met Fabian. He was everything a girl could ask for: gorgeous, funny, super smart (or as I like to call him: geek-chic), and really sweet. I wonder if my old friend ever met her Josh. I guess I'll never know, since her family moved away when I was ten. I hope that she will get as lucky as I did with Fabian.

Fabian led me up to a beautiful white pavilion.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

"Certainly." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him to me.

I knew it, I thought to myself and tried to keep myself from laughing.

"Did you know that we'll have three kids one day?" I looked at him.


"Never mind for now. Nothing can ruin this moment."

And with that, we leaned in for a kiss that would open the doorway to our destiny.

And that's it! I know it was short but I thought it was cute:)

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