Dear beloved readers,

I got horribly horribly distracted by life... I am thouroghly and deeply sorry. Please forgive me. Also I have realized that all of my writing needs a TON of revision. I must have been on something when I wrote some of it, which would explain a lot of your confusion. A lot of the time when I'm writing my mind works a whole lot faster than I can type/write. I apologize for that, and I plan to re-write all of my stories, and hopefully you can all go and re-read them, not only for my benefit as a writer, but so you can get more out of the stories themselves. I know I'm asking a lot of you guys since I haven't posted really anything in over a year, but it would mean a lot to me if you gave my work a look over once I've revised it. One of my other stories St. Vladimir's IM has been revised and actually taking a some what different route than before. In the mean time I'm going to work on them in this order:

St. Vladimir's IM

Moonphase (not an actual fan fic... but one of my stories all the same)

Graduation (Just so I can make sure I know where I'm going with Hiding From Life)

Hiding From Life

Again, I will be eternally grateful if you all would forgive me and offer me a second chance. I hope to not let you down. On a side note, Moonphase will be moved to my livejournal account, seeing as it's not actually fan fiction. It was my first non fan fic story, and I hope to re-work it until I get it right, and besides St. Vladimir's IM (which I have found a renewed interest in) it will become my main focus. I'm sorry if this upsets any of you. I do not know when I will have any of the stories ready for you all to see again, but I promise, they will be better and less confusing. You guys are great, really you are! Please forgive me!