A/N: Here's my second story, I hope that you'll enjoy it. Please review on what you think of it, or how I'm doing. Anyways enjoy the story.

Chapter 1

Humphrey's POV

I sitting in the boxcar of the train I had jumped on a few hours ago to leave Jasper. I looked out the open door and watched the forest go by me; the sun was beginning to set. My mind was lost in thought. 'I can't believe Kate never told me she was getting married to Garth, after all we went through.' I thought 'Well maybe being a lone wolf won't be so bad.' I laid down 'Hmm... I wonder where the train will take me this time.' I was heading north and out of Jasper Park. 'I guess I'll get some sleep and see where I am in the morning' I closed my eyes and fell asleep

Back in Jasper
Kate POV

I was laying down in the Alpha den, I couldn't sleep knowing that Humphrey was all alone out there somewhere. I never married Garth, how could I if my heart belonged to someone else, and that someone was Humphrey. Now I made him leave and I may never get to see him and tell him how I feel about him. 'I have to find him!'My mind yelled at me, I got up and was about to walk out the den when my mom opened her eyes and saw me waking out of the den.

"Where are you going Kate?" She asked
"I'm going to find Humphrey, no matter what it takes." I said
"Well okay but you be careful I don't want you getting hurt." She said
"I won't, I'm going to find him and bring him home." I said before running out of the den

I ran a little way through the forest and stopped in a small clearing. I smelled the air around me looking for his sent; I couldn't find it so I walked around the area, still smelling for his sent.

After searching high and low for 20 minutes I found his sent. I started running again, following his sent. I wasn't long before I approached the train tracks that ran through Jasper Park. As soon as I got to the tracks his sent vanished 'He must of gotten on the train.' I thought to myself, I decided not to wait for the next train and start walking along the track, heading north. "I'm coming Humphrey" I said and kept walking

Back on the Train
Humphrey's POV

The sun was rising over the mountains in the east, I opened my eyes. The train was still moving and I had slept through most of the night. I looked out the boxcar door, the scenery and trees look mostly the same as they did back in Jasper but there was a lot more snow and it was much much cooler. I let out a shiver, I could see some dark clouds up ahead but where I was it was clear with a few high clouds.

I got up a stretched; my body was stiff from sleeping on the hard ground of the boxcar floor. I decided that it was time to get off the train and explore this new area to see if there was I place I could live. I looked out ahead of the train waiting for the perfect time to jump. When I saw a clear spot I jumped of the train, jumping in the opposite direction the train was going to minimize the impact one my legs. I landed safely on the ground, and watched the train keep going and disappear into the distance.

I looked around this new world I was in. There were plenty of trees and bushes. The ground was covered in snow in a few spots, I could see some birds flying around between the trees. 'This seems like a calm and peaceful place.' I thought to myself, I started waking again, still looking around for a place I could call home.

Up ahead I could see a small valley between two tall snow caped mountains. 'Maybe I'll find a good home in there' I kept walking toward the valley in the distance, the dark clouds were getting closer and I knew that I had to find some shelter fast. I quickened my pace to try and beat the distance storm. My path through the forest started to get a little steeper as I ascended into the valley up ahead of me. I kept up the pace the storm slowly catching up with me, I looked behind me and I could see some lighting striking out of the dark clouds, I could also see the pouring rain too. I looked up ahead and saw a huge narrow pond with a river running into it. 'I'm sure I have time to take a quick water break.' I slowed down and walled up to the ponds shore line. I bent my head down and started drinking the water. When I finished and was about to get back up I was hit on my side. I flew a few feet sideways and landed hard on the ground. I looked up to see a dark grey wolf above me, growling at me. I quickly got to my feet and backed away slowly.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my area?" The wolf asked
"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your area, I'm new around here, please don't hurt me." I said still backing away
"Well I'll let you go this time, but next time I see you in my area, I will kill you!" He said "Go now!"
"Okay okay" I said getting up and walking past the wolf and along the narrow pond shore line "Gees what was his problem." I said to no one in particular.

I kept heading deeper into the valley following the narrow pond. The storm was right above me and it started raining. I looked over and saw a small cave 'I guess I'll sleep there tonight.' I thought and walked toward the cave. I walked in and saw that no one was home. I walked to the back of the cave and laid down, falling asleep with the sound of thunder outside.

A/N: How was it, I hope it was good. I know it's on the short side. Next chapter coming soon.