Chapter 3 is out (finally).

I hope you all enjoy!

I don't own Black Butler, Yana Toboso does.

Morbid Mortician [Undertaker Series]

"Now that you have gotten your weapon; it's time for work!" the flamboyant Shinigami explained to his apprentice while leading her inside his office.

"A-ah, Grell-sama?"

"Yes, Dark darling?"

"How much work have you not done?" she asked directing to the massive paperwork cluttering the entire area.

Grell looked over at the red-headed female and laughed nervously.

"Well, you understand right?"

"Yeah, you slack off on your duties..."

Grell gasped dramatically; his green eyes welling up with tears.

"You're so mean, Dark! You sound like Will!"

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to come out that way!"

Grell glanced at Dark out of the corner of his eyes.

"Oh it's ok, darling! It's a good thing you're cute."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing, nothing..."

The female Shinigami sighed shaking her head in dismay.

"Whatever, let's just get this paperwork done."

"Yes, yes I don't want to get in trouble with Will."

And with that the two Shinigami sat down and began the tedious work of filling out paperwork.

Dark sighed in relief; After much work into the night, she had finished her mentor's paperwork. She looked over at Grell, who had fallen asleep at his post.

'That damn slacker, making me do all his work.'

A knock at Grell's office door broke Dark's thoughts and ended up waking the sleeping Shinigami up.

"It took you long enough to wake up, Grell-sama..." the female hissed out to the male as she went to answer the door.

"Oh hello, William-sama, come on in!" Dark told the stoic Shinigami, her personality doing a 180 as she smiled at William.

"Thank you, Miss Nighttrait." he told her as he stepped inside the now clean and organized office.

"It seems you have been keeping that wretch in check, have you?"

"I suppose..."

"Will~! That's mean!"

"Don't even speak to me you slacker."

Dark laughed nervously not used to all this tension.

"A-anyways, what was it that you needed, William-sama?"

"Actually, I need you and Grell to got to the World of the Living to pay a visit to someone."

"And who would that be?"

"You'll know when you see him, now get a move on unless you want overtime..."

"R-right, come along, darling!" Grell told Dark grabbing her hand and whisking her off once again.

"So, Grell-sama?"


"Who are we going to go see?"

"If I assume correctly, then Will's talking about the Undertaker."


"Yes, I think you will like him~!"

"What's that mean?"

"Oh nothing, it just seems like you're that kind of girl. Well, c'mon we better get going."

'"That kind of girl"? What does he mean?'

Dark just shook her head and followed her mentor into the World of the Living.

:D Undertaker will be in the next chapter. Took long enough, right?

Reviews, Favs, and Watches are love!
