Right… So it's been like 3 months again.
Sorry. But I have a completely valid excuse this time. I was busy getting my girl cherry popped. That's right folks, I am now down with girls too. My friend used to classify me as heteroflexible but now I have been upgraded to a full on bi now. I got my first taste of a girl and now I'm obsessed. So, should any of you single readers find yourself on my beautiful island let me know. Especially if you have long hair. I like long hair.
Also, I was in a fluffy mood so fluff is all you got. But it's cute and sexy so enjoy.
"So I can choose any five people in the whole world?" Haley asked, as she lay tangled in her lover's arms. Brooke nodded. "You get to choose five and I get to choose five. We each take a turn naming one, but once you choose someone they are automatically off limits to my list and vice versa."
Brooke placed a kiss atop the blonde's head and smiled, "I'll even let you go first." Haley took a moment to consider her choices carefully before looking up at her girlfriend with a devilish grin. "Ellen Page."
That took Brooke aback. "Really?" she asked skeptically.
"What?" Haley immediately jumped on the defense. "She's beautiful and talented and supposedly really smart." She buried her head against Brooke's chest as the girl began to giggle.
"Oh I don't doubt all that. I agree. She's pretty enough. I just didn't expect your first choice to be a girl, let alone your famous alter ego," Brooke teased.
Haley brought her head up to meet the brunette's beautiful brown eyes as she narrowed her own in suspicion. "What is that supposed to mean?"
Brooke began to laugh a little louder. "She's beautiful and talented and supposedly really smart," she repeated Haley's earlier words in a poorly mimicked voice. "Plus she totally has that sarcasm thing you've perfected."
Haley looked away in annoyance. "I am not sarcastic." Brooke had to work to bite back a smile before Haley rolled her eyes in annoyance. The girl really was so pretty when she was all worked up, and she always got worked up over the littlest things. "Besides," the tutor stated in mock anger, "I didn't know we were allowed to mmake fun of each others list."
Brooke donned a hurt look as she brought a hand down to her chest doing her best to embody the innocence she never truly had. "I would never make fun of you."
Haley scrunched up her face in the cutest way before she untangled their limbs and pounced on her lover, tickling every week spot she had learned throughout their relationship.
Through her laughter, Brooke managed to cry out a surrender when it was clear that the blonde had gained the upper hand. Haley took the chance to straddle the brunette and pin the girls hands under her knees, relishing in the rare opportunity of a submissive Brooke Davis.
"Tell me your sorry," she demanded in a stern voice. Brooke complied meekly and said her apologies through a sly smile.
"Now tell me you love me and I'll let you up."
"What if I don't want you to let me up?" Brooke rasped. "What if I like you right where you are?"
Wearing a cunning smile of her own, Haley checked to make sure she had the lithe cheerleader under her control before running a finger down the valley of her ever-present cleavage until she began to purr like a cat. She leaned down slowly and brought her lips within an inch of the other girl's, but when the brunette leaned up to press their lips together Haley pulled away with a wicked grin.
"But then we'd never get to finish our lists and we wouldn't get our five free celebrity fuck passes."
Brooke bucked her hips and let out a soft moan making Haley raise a questioning eyebrow. "Mmm… Sorry," Brooke whispered softly. "You always get me sooo hot when you curse."
Haley leaned in close and when Brooke tried to lift her head to close the distance Haley moved passed her until her lips were at her lover's ear, "You mean when I say things like…fuck?" Her teeth grazed the brunette's ear as she spoke causing another moan to slip through Brooke's throat.
Haley leaned back on the balls of her feet, releasing the pressure on Brooke's hands. As soon as she did the brunette took advantage and pushed Haley backward. Unbalanced as she was, Haley easily fell onto her back. Brooke quickly moved to lay on top of the blonde and trapped the girl beneath her body weight.
Before Haley had the chance to protest, Brook silenced her with the kiss she had been dying to feel for however long she'd lain trapped beneath the beautiful blonde. Their lips melded easily to each other's, a perfect fit, and moved in such perfect harmony that could only come from a lot of practice.
Much as she never wanted to, Brooke broke the kiss for lack of oxygen and an even more important need to peer into the chocolate eyes that would forever belong to her.
"You should know better than to tease me." She leaned back down and captured those soft lips once more, forcing them open so their tongues can dance together. "I always collect," she mumbled into the tutor's mouth.
"You still didn't tell me that you love me," the blonde said in between breaths and kisses.
Brooke shifted her weight onto the bed and off of Haley before running her hand through the blonde's soft hair. "You know I love you." Haley sighed in content as Brooke continued to caress her.
Lost in oblivion, Brooke was brought out of her silence by her lover's soft voice. "What did you mean when you said that you didn't expect my first choice to be a girl?"
"Oh," she said surprised by the question. "I don't know. Nothing," she lied.
Haley leaned up to kiss her once more. "Just tell me."
"I don't know… It's stupid."
"It's not," the blonde argued as she pressed their lips together again in hopes of coaxing the truth out.
"I just- I guess I always figured, or hoped, or whatever, that I would be the only girl you ever loved," she admitted softly.
Haley giggled and nuzzled against to soft skin of Brooke's neck. "Of course you are the only girl I've ever loved." She kissed her neck. "You are the only anyone I've ever loved." She kissed her again. "And I know I could never love anyone like I love you." This time when she kissed her she didn't lift her head away to say any more. She only continued to kiss and lick and suck until she was sure Brooke's eyes were rolling back. Then, evil as she was, Haley stopped.
"Your turn," she chirped, "Who's your first person?"
Ignoring the growing, throbbing pressure in her pants she happily spoke without missing a beet. "Brad Pitt."
"Ewww!" Haley squealed out of contempt. But Brooke was quick to reply. "What are you talking about? It's Brad Pitt! Don't you remember that one part in Thelma and Louise with the hairdryer? Oh and the cowboy hat? Not to mention the sexy abs. How can you say eww?"
"Easy, he's like a hundred."
"He is not! And besides, who cares if he's old? He's still Brad Pitt."
Haley stared at her lover with an amusing expression and a secret smile causing Brooke to look at her suspiciously. "What?" she yelled losing all gaiety from her voice.
The blonde's smile only widened. "Nothing. I just didn't know you were into old men is all." She spoke with little emotion in her voice and looked up at the ceiling as she did so, but Brooke was not one to take such things lying down. Instead, being the mature woman that she was, Brooke let out an exasperated huff and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't want to play with you anymore."
"Oh come on," the tutor argued through her laughter. "You can make fun of my first choice but I can't make fun of yours?" Haley moved to kiss the sulking brunette but Brooke turned her head away in a childish attempt at staying angry, so she got a cheek instead.
"First off, I did not make fun of you." Brooke stated stubbornly. "B, even if I did, which I'm not saying that I did, no you cannot make fun of me back." Brooke finally turned her head to face her girlfriend to ensure her point would be made. "But most importantly, he is not that old! And I am not into old men."
Haley conceded, as she always did, with nothing more than another laugh and a stolen kiss. "Fine, Brad Pitt isn't that old," she said with a roll of her eyes. "My turn again."
"No." Brooke interrupted. "This game is boring." She climbed back atop her girlfriend with all the grace of a stalking cougar. "I have another game in mind." She lowered her lips to the soft skin of her slender neck and took a gentle nip before returning to it with the softness of her lips.
Haley threw her head back to allow more room for Brooke to do as she pleased, and that was exactly what the brunette did. She kissed her way up until their lips met in an outburst of pent-up teenage hormones.
With a newfound urgency, they both began the tedious work of removing the others clothing without allowing their lips to separate, not even for a second. It ended up with no clothes ever really leaving either girls body. Instead Brooke only pushed Haley's tank top up and pulled her shorts down only enough to shimmy a hand down to her girlfriends sex. But as she ran a finger along the sensitive nub, a wicked idea popped into her head and she pulled away with a devious smile.
Annoyed with the lack of contact Haley leaned up and tried to reconnect with her lover but Brooke pulled further back and pulled her hand away from the girl's center.
The tutor shut her eyes and threw her head back against this pillow wit an agitated groan. "Please don't Brooke. I don't want to play games right now." Her voice had taken on a whiney tone, which she might have found embarrassing if she could concentrate on anything other than the internal throbbing of her core.
Brooke led with an apologetic half smile before kissing the blonde quickly and pulling away to give an explanation. "I just thought of something that we've never done before." That peaked the blonde's interest.
Brooke got off her bed and walked over to her dresser drawer. She pulled something out and hid it behind her back as she sauntered back over to the bed and moved to straddle her lover.
"I'm almost afraid to ask what you've got behind your back."
With a dimpled smirk, Brooke pulled her hand out in the open to show a pink phallus that made Haley's chocolate eyes grow wide. She opened her mouth to say something but the only thing that passed through her lips was the air in her lungs.
Brooke's face twisted into a look of confusion. "Umm. We don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought, maybe you woul-"
"No. It's not that," Haley interrupted. "It's just that I… I mean, I never… Won't it hurt?" she finally spit out with nothing more than a whisper.
"Hurt?" Brooke repeated confounded. "Why would it hur- oh!" Her eyes grew wide in understanding. "I guess I never really thought about that." She fixed herself with another of her teasing smiles, "Sometimes I forget how innocent you were."
"Yeah, before you corrupted me." Haley tore her eyes away from the intimidating equipment in her girlfriend's hand and tried to look as confident as possible. But she failed, miserably, causing Brooke to place the toy aside and put a hand to Haley's cheek. "We don't have to." It was simply said and did much and more to wash away most of the fear the tutor held in her eyes.
Brooke brushed a stray hair aside. "Did it hurt? The first time that I…" she let her voice trail off when Haley nodded. "But only a little, not as much as I thought it would." A small blush crept up the tutor's cheek, painting them a rosy red.
"Tampons?" Brooke asked.
"Well, yeah but…" her eyes fell to the side where Brooke's pink toy casually lay, "they aren't quite that big." Brooke smiled at the increasing color added to her girlfriend's red-hot face. She pulled Haley up to a seated position and wrapped her legs protectively around her waist as she placed a reassuring kiss to her soft pink lips. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to," she mumbled into the girl's mouth.
With ease, Brooke lifted the tiny tank top away from the tutor's slim body and assigned each of her hands to a breast. She massaged her already hard nipples until Haley slipped her own hands under Brooke's top and forced their bodies apart so she could tear her clothes away and feel the skin-to-skin contact she craved.
With bodies forced together and hands tangled in the others hair, Haley made her decision. "Okay."
Brooke pulled away to look into those dark eyes she loved so much. "Okay?"
Haley nodded, "I want to. I want you to do it."
Brooke grinned as she pushed Haley on her back and removed the rest of her clothes until Haley was entirely bare. A hungry look passed over her features as her eyes grazed the taut body beneath her. Haley squirmed under its intensity, only to make Brooke all the more hungry for her lovers flesh.
She leaned down and placed her lips to the girl's stomach. She kissed her there and relished in the felling of abdomen muscles contracting under her lips. She moved downward leaving behind a trail of fire, and only stopped when she reached the heated center that begged her for attention.
Brooke did not refuse, rather she dove in eagerly and greedily lapped up all the sweet juices she had come to lust after. Hooking Haley's leg over her own shoulder, Brooke continued to massage the bundle of nerves with an expert tongue. Before long she found a hand tangled in her hair, pushing her head down and Haley lifted her torso up. As if they could get any closer together.
When she looked up she could see the blonde's back arched so that her breasts blocked the view of her face. Haley had a special talent for always looking sexy; Brooke might have envied her if she didn't get to reap all of its rewards.
With her lubricant now replenished, Brooke pulled back and moved to grab her toy that she couldn't wait to use for the first time.
With a quirked eyebrow, she drew it across Haley's body. Her lidded eyes never left the object as Brooke drew an invisible picture on her body with it, and Brooke's eyes never left Haley. She took in every inch of her girlfriend's expression with giddy anticipation of what's to come.
She finally brought the pink toy to her center and rubbed it along her sopping slit. She felt Haley's body flinch so she moved it away in an effort to ease her nerves. "It will only hurt for a second," she promised with a whisper, "if it even hurts at all. Who knows, I might have already broken it." Haley nodded in permission and Brooke brought it back to stroke the tutor's wet sex.
Her mouth moved to take an earlobe between her teeth as her hands continued their movements. "Are you afraid?" she breathed.
A soft sigh slipped from Haley's lips before she answered. "Not with you." Brook smiled and kissed her full on the lips once more. How perfectly they fit together, as if they were meant for each other.
Without needing to look at the land she had traveled to so often, she brought the head of the penis to the tutor's opening and began to circle her nether lips. Her mouth had moved down to the edge of Haley's collarbone where she placed an apologetic soft kiss.
She eased the tip of the toy in slowly and felt Haley squirm beneath her. She simultaneously pushed it deeper and sunk her teeth into the bone she had only kissed moments before, as someone had once done for her when she lost her virginity. She didn't remember much of that night but she remembered the bite that took her mind off the pain below. And judging by the way Haley's body had gone ridged from just the tip, she was sure it would hurt, at least a little.
Haley's body tensed as she let out a gasp, then she seemed to melt into the bed. Brooke slid it in and out slowly as Haley got used to the new experience, it didn't take long before her breath turned jagged.
Brooke brought their lips together once more and stole what little breath the girl had. When she finally did pull back, she left the poor tutor gasping for air.
Between each thrust would come a moan, or a curse, or best of all Brooke's name. The cheerleader increased the speed of each stroke until the only thing Haley could do was whimper out in pleasure.
It was entirely erotic to see her tutor lose herself in her own pleasure. She thrust faster and deeper until Haley's body was writhing out of control.
Haley reached for Brooke and dug her nails into the skin of the girl's shoulder and began to match each thrust with one of her own. Nothing more was needed, Haley was going to come any second. Brooke moved faster and faster and faster until all sense was lost and the only thing to be heard was an unintelligible string of words and sounds that was too sexy to bother finding a meaning in them.
Brooke never stopped as Haley rode out one wave after another, she let the girl take all the pleasure she needed, and when she was done, Brooke slipped the now glistening toy out and took it into her own mouth so that she could taste the fruits of her labor.
It was delicious.
After she licked every inch of her girlfriend's sweet juices off, she tossed it aside and brought her lips down to Haley's so that the girl could taste herself.
She gathered the spent girl in her arms and tangled their bodies together once more until they became a part of each other; no longer two people, but one.
"Besides, I don't care who you name," Brooke stated, referring to their earlier conversation. "You can't have sex with anyone else except for me." She placed a possessive kiss atop the blonde's soft hair. "You are mine. No one else can have you.
Before anyone tries to tell me that there is no way Haley's hymen could still be intact after all the sex she's had, I'm going to say that yes, it is in fact very possible. My best friend had a girlfriend for a year and a half, and when she was 15ish she fucked her first guy and bled. Granted, their sex life wasn't quite so rough or frequent. And we were pretty young so… yeah. Who knows. Frankly I'm far too wasted to care at the moment.
Besides, I mean really. It's my world and I can do with it what I like. So fuck you… Unless you believe me, then... not fuck you. Unless of course you want me to. =] I'm totally down for that.