A/N First of all I have no claim to Covert Affairs. I just like to play with the characters.
Thiis story takes place after Jai's birthday.
I was gonna get this up Sunday night except I wasn't able to.
Two weeks had passed since Mandy had taken up residence in Jai's apartment and life had settled into some semblance of routine. She had taken to sleeping with him to insure prompt rising to meet her demands. So far nobody had came for forward to claim the loveable little kitten and Jai knew he couldn't keep her. But an overheard conversation when out at lunch one day had led him to the perfect plan for finding Mandy her new home.
The day finally arrived and Jai was up early enough to get Mandy ready with a bath and careful combing out of her fluffy coat. A bright pink collar with her name on it finished the kitten's presentation. Then she was into her carrier with food water and a small litter box.
Arriving at Langley Jai parked his car in the secure parking lot and left the windows rolled down so the kitten would be okay. Reaching into the carrier to give her a pat the young man said, "If all works out as planned you'll be going to a new home."
"Hey, Jai. You want to join Auggie and I for lunch?" Annie asked as she paused by his desk before moving on to her own.
"I've got to run an errand. May catch up to you later. Where are you gonna be?" the young man asked.
"Hadn't decided yet. I'll text you when I know," Annie replied.
"All right," he replied.
It was shortly before lunch time when Jai finished up his work and headed out for Mikes' to drop Mandy off with her hopefully new owner.
Entering the restaurant Jai could see that it just about empty although it was getting close to lunch time. Taking a seat in one of the booths he smiled seeing Mandy heading toward him menu in hand.
"Hi, Jai,' the young woman said cheerfully as she placed the menu on the table and pulled out her order book.
"Hey, Mandy, I was wondering if you could take a break for a few minutes" Jai told her.
She glanced around the nearly deserted restaurant and replied, "Well, it's the calm before the storm so maybe I can. Be right back." Giving him a smile she headed for the kitchen and stuck her head in the doorway. "Hey, Mike. Okay if I take five? I'll let the girls know where I am."
"Go ahead," Mike replied not looking up from where he was playing FronteirVille on his laptop.
Shaking her head Mandy headed back over to where Jai was sitting and said, "I've got five minutes. What did you want?"
" I've got something for you. I guess you could consider it a birthday present but I need to get it out of my car. Come on," he replied getting to his feet.
Outside in the parking lot Jai was greeted by an indignant meow when he opened the car door. "Okay, okay," he said reaching into the carrier and gently removing the kitten.
"Oh she's adorable. Can I hold her?" Mandy asked looking at the kitten in Jai's hands.
"Sure, go ahead," he replied carefully handing her over.
"She's so soft. What's her name?" Mandy asked stroking the kitten. "Oh you is a pretty girl."
"Her name is Mandy. I though that was a pretty name," Jai replied not mentioning the fact that Annie had originally suggested the name as a joke.
Do you know what Mandy means?" the young woman asked.
"Never thought about it actually," Jai replied.
"It's a variation of the name Amanda and means loveable or she who must be loved," Mandy replied stroking the kitten.
"She certainly is loveable," Jai commented reaching up to stroke the kitten's soft fur.
"Where did you get her?" the young woman asked.
"She showed up at my apartment building during that big rainstorm two weeks ago. Nobody claimed her and I can't keep her because my building doesn't allow pets," he replied. "So she's yours. Happy Birthday."
"She's the best birthday present I've had in along time," Mandy said reaching up to give Jai a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."
"I made sure the vet checked her over and she's current on her immunizations," he replied. He took the kitten from Mandy and put her back in the carrier. "Where are you going to keep her the rest of your shift?"
"I think I can hide her in the employee restroom," the young woman replied and took the carrier. "I'd better get back to work."
"I'll head on inside," Jai answered. As he headed for the door he pulled out his phone and saw he had a text from Annie. We'll be at Mike's. Meet us there?"
He quickly texted back I'll be there.
Mandy had carefully stored the cat carrier in the restroom and headed for the booth where Jai was. Giving him a bright smile she asked, "What can I get you to drink?"
"Iced tea will do nicely," he answered. "So it's okay for you to have a pet where you live?"
"It is. I was looking for a kitten. My grandmother used to say You don't find a cat, it'll find you. I'll be back in a jiff," the young woman answered and hurried away.
"Maybe I could call you sometime. We could have coffee and you can tell how Mandy is doing," Jai suggested when she returned with his iced tea.
"That sounds nice. Let me give you my number," the young woman replied. She reached into her apron pocket to pull out her order book. Quickly scribbling down the numbers she tore the page out of the book and handed it to him.
Jai slipped it into his wallet and looked up to see Annie and Auggie just entering the restaurant. With a smile he waved them over to join him.
"Did you get your errand run?" Annie asked as she took a seat across from him.
"Yeah. I was just dropping off a birthday present," he answered smiling at Mandy who was headed their way.
A/N Ifthe bunnies give me any more ideas there may be more to come. Meanwhile I'm back to working on Tender Loving Care.