Not really a Harem but he does have multiple wives and no its not going to be a porn fanfic, this has a storyline, sex scenes are optional, upon majority request
"Mr. Potter"
"Mr. Potter!"
Harry suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. It seemed like an office of some sort. In front of him was…what was she? She was obviously a secretary but that wasn't what confused Harry, it was how she looked, she was stunningly beautiful and she seemed to glow, literally, and she had pointed ears.
"Mr. Potter please close your mouth, Leon will see you now," she said with a sly grin
"Uh, yea…wait what? Where am I?" Harry asked continuing to look around but nothing gave away where he was.
"He'll answer all your questions, I don't get paid enough to answer to answer your questions," she said, "actually I don't paid at all…," she murmured under her breath which didn't go unnoticed by Harry.
She doesn't get paid? Where the bloody hell am I? Harry thought to himself as he went through the only door visible in the room. Once he had stepped through he took notice that there wasn't another door which had him question how they got in there in the first place. He turned back to the man, who also looked stunning, as he rose out of his seat behind the desk to claps his hand and shake Harry's.
"Ah Harry, it's nice to see you, well not really because you don't exactly come here by choice," said the man, "please sit, sit. Would you like some tea?"
Harry sat down, "uh yes…please?"
Suddenly a teapot appeared in the man hands and as he began to pour it onto his desk and teacup appeared to catch the tea, "there we go, Earl Grey, always my favorite and relaxes the body. Well for me at least for me," the man chuckled as he handed the tea to Harry, "ah almost forgot," he snapped his fingers and the tea suddenly lightened. Harry looked at the tea questioningly, "French vanilla creamer, I like the taste, try it."
Harry took a sip and was pleasantly surprised that it was actually quite delicious, as he settled into taking another sip the cup suddenly disappeared.
"Well enough of that," the man said as he returned to his side of the desk, and started to shuffle through files in his desk drawer, "Potter…potter…Pooooooooootter…'Poet'-er….Otter…farter….my brother…from another mother…and father…and grandmother….and grandfather and –"
"Can you please stop that!" Harry said as he got frustrated.
The man looked up, "Oops sorry about that got carried away, ok James, Lily, ah Harry Potter," the man pulled out a massive file and whistled, "that's a lot of paper work," the man said as he opened it and looked at the top paper, "Alright Mr. Potter, is it ok if I call you Harry?" not waiting for an answer he continued, "Harry, how do I put these delicately…your dead."
Harry stared at the man mouth wide open, "I'm dead? When, how, why?"
"When, just a few moments ago; how, you…," he looked at the paper, "you…oh wow that's a stupid way to die – no offense – you literally died taking a crap…just joking you were attack in your home; and as for why, you're Harry Potter, anybody who can kill you would get instant fame, though not the right kind mind you."
"So are you God or Death or…" Harry asked
"Oh dear me no, I forgot to present myself didn't I? My name is Leon and I'm something between a guardian angel, track angel, and an angel of death basically I keep you on your life track, including if you die or not, trust me most die because quite frankly they don't have a good enough reason to return, your parents had to die because their souls were literally ripped from their bodies and Tom Riddle burned their bodies so they couldn't return," Leon answered the question that lingered in Harry's eyes, "you however are a special case, you have to return and not just to your body but through time as well," Leon said
"Time?" was all Harry could get out
"Yes time, you see I accidently mixed up your file with Deans, your fellow Gryffindor, you weren't supposed to even love Ginny in the romantic sense, she looks like your mum first off and second she's your best mate's sister, which basically makes her your sister. Although for the matter, you were supposed to break off your ties to one Ronald Weasley by at the latest your second year, once again my mistake," Leon said as he began to flip through pages and pointing things out.
"Wait so who was I destined to be with?" Harry asked
"Oh you see that's a little more complicated than you think," Leon said as he flipped to a golden tab in the file, "lets see, Fleur Delacour," Harry was surprised by the answer but thought that that was as luck as he could possibly get , "Gabrielle Delacour, Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis, Luna Lovegood and last put certainly not least Hermione Granger," Leon said looking up, "I didn't decide these Fate and Destiny did, devilish of them to pair you with them, good looking bunch the lot of them, beauties that any man would be luck to just get one of them and you got the best of the best," Leon said with a smile
"W-what, do I like, marry and divorce them in that order before settling with Hermione?" Harry asked; it was the only logical outcome for that many girls. He was surprised when Leon laughed.
"Ah Harry you are a funny one," Leon said, "you marry them all…and maintain all the marriages at the same time. Hermione becomes your first wife and becomes Lady Potter, then you marry Daphne she remains Lady Greengrass, you marry Fleur who becomes Lady Delacour, Tracy, Lady Peverall, Luna, Lady Lovegood and Gabrielle was the unexpected who you married at the same time with Fleur but she becomes Lady Black."
Harry stared at Leon, his face unreadable, "Ok well lets continue shall we? I want to get through this as fast as possible since we have to send you back, the only thing you will remember is the fact that Ron caused Hermione's pain and you love Hermione everything should fall into place after, besides I'll be keeping you on track this time, I mix up a file and then your whole life gets turned upside down jeez it was only on luck I figured it out before you faced tom or you would have died, so I'll be seeing you Harry, I might pop in from time to time, but don't worry its just to make sure everything is running smoothly, till we meet again Mr. Potter."
That was the last thing Harry heard before everything went black.
Shouting, lots of shouting was what he heard. He looked around he found himself in the middle of the Great Hall with an unconscious Quirrell on the floor as students tried to get out of the Great Hall as quickly as possible. He followed in suite before he noticed that Hermione was nowhere in sight and remembered that she was crying in the bathroom because of what Ron had said earlier. Without a word he broke apart from the flow of students and made a dash for the girls' bathroom. He was down the hall when he heard the screaming. Harry burst forward with new found energy.
When he entered the bathroom her found the troll standing the middle of it, swinging he club and smashing several stalls. Harry began to panic thinking that Hermione could be hurt or even worse dead when her screams came to a stop.
Without much thinking of the matter he pointed his wand at the troll and yelled "Sectumsempra!" and watched as the head of the troll was severed from the trolls body and the body fell over with a loud thud. Harry stared at the body then his wand Sectumsempra? When the bloody hell did I learn that spell? before he suddenly realized the original reason for coming in here, "HERMIONE!" he called as he moved around the body and opened the only stall that wasn't destroyed. Relief flooded him as he saw the girl balled up the corner crying silently. Harry without a second thought dropped to his knees and pulled her into a hug, "oh thank Merlin you're ok," Harry murmured into her hair
Hermione returned the hug, grasping at Harry like her life depended on it and cried.
"Shh, its ok, its ok, I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you," Harry whispered into her ear. Suddenly they heard the door to the bathroom open and Harry was instantly on his feet his arm still around Hermione as she cried into his shoulder and the other wand pointed at the new intruders. He didn't even register that it was the Headmaster and several teachers at first because at this point Harry was about ready to put his life on the line for the girl.
"Put your wand down Mr. Potter," Snape sneered. Harry blinked and for the first time registered them as for who they were
"Sorry, kind of on edge," Harry said
"Yes well I can imagine why," Dumbledore said as he looked at the body of the troll and then the head, "what happened here, why aren't you two with your fellow housemates."
Hermione suddenly turned in Harry's arm but made no move to remove herself from his arm, "I can explain that Headmaster sir, you see I thought I could handle the troll myself, I read all about them you see and I thought I could control it," she lied
"That's not true," Harry said sternly, Hermione turned to him panicking, "Ronald Weasley made fun of her saying that nobody would want to or will be friends with her. She was upset and came to handle her emotions here; unfortunately the troll found her and began to attack her. I came just in time to kill it before it killed her," Harry said before turning to Hermione, "there's no need to lie just to protect Ron, what he said was wrong and almost got you killed."
"Yes well be that as it may be, may I as how you came to kill the troll?" the headmaster asked
"Um, I used a spell, I don't know where I know it from but it just came by instinct, I used Sectumsempra," Harry said.
Snape visible paled when he heard the spell, "Where did you read or learn this spell?" he asked in an almost whisper
"I don't know sir, it just came to me," Harry said. Snape held his eye contact for a moment before he turned away confused.
"Yes well, due to the circumstances, I will allow this to pass, I will be having a small chat with Ronald Weasley on his behavior, off to bed you two," McGonagall said as she ushered them out of the room.
"A great dueler that one, I can tell, he has the raw instincts and talent" Harry heard Flitwick say as he and Hermione made their way to the Gryffindor tower.
The walked in silence, Harry's arm still holding Hermione close, who was blushing madly at being held by her new love, who had been nothing more than a crush before tonight. She suddenly stopped which caused Harry to stop and look at her questioningly.
"Thank you for saving me Harry," she said while ducking her head and becoming very interested in her shoes.
"What else could I do but protect the girl I love," Harry said before he could stop himself. he blushed madly which unfortunately didn't go unnoticed as Hermione's head whipped up so fast that it was surprising that she didn't get whiplash.
"Y-you l-love me?" she stammered out her heart beating hard in her chest
Now it was Harry turn to duck his head before he calmed his nerves and summoned the Gryffindor courage that the hat had obviously seen in him, "Yes, I do, ever since I met you, I've liked you and it only took me until now to notice that I loved you and that it was Ron who was pulling me back. It was when he hurt you that he hurt me in a sense making me realize I love you," he said without a single stutter or hesitation. Hermione could have died happy at that moment hearing those words. It took them both a moment to realize that they were slowly getting closer to each other and they didn't bother to stop, they could feel each other's breath on their lips –
"Mr. Potter, miss Granger, why aren't you two in bed yet?' Ms. McGonagall said sternly, causing the pair to jump apart blushing madly, "come on, obviously I have to escort you two to bed, as you seem incapable of doing it yourselves," she said secretly smiling knowing that she had ruined a moment thoroughly and was just going with them so that it wouldn't be so awkward when they got to the common room. Once inside she watched them, making sure that they went to bed but caught it when Harry slipped Hermione a slip of paper but said nothing, after all there were no rules against it.
Harry collapsed onto his bed, night finally taking a toll on him.
"Harry mate, where were you?" he heard Ron say beside him. Harry suddenly became angered
"I went looking for Hermione, since she wasn't with us," Harry responded coldly
"Why would she be with us, shes not our friend and why did you look for her, she nothing but a bossy know-it-all," Ron asked oblivious to the cold tone Harry had used. When Harry didn't respond Ron assumed that he had agreed with him and gone to sleep so he did as well.
Harry however was fuming in his bed, angered at his former best mate
Hermione quietly got into her bed unnoticed which wasn't a difficult task, seeing as none of the girls liked her. She carefully opened the slip of paper and read the quick and neat hand writing.
Will you be my girlfriend?
Hermione stared at the paper for a moment smiling before she set it under pillow and fell asleep with a smile for the first time since she had arrived here at Hogwarts 2 months ago.