Chapter1: Wake up call

This is my first fanfic sorry if it's a little lame but tell me what you think.

Beep beep beep Keita stirs in bed slightly to find he can't move his arms. Slowly opening his eyes sure enough Ako-nee and Riko-nee were clinging on to him. Dam Ako-nee, Riko-nee why do you always… never mind… Ugh I locked the door and they still got in… now how do I get them off of me?

Meanwhile the alarm was still going off and Keita was getting annoyed. Ako (who was on Keita's right side) began to stir she half asleep threw her leg over Keita so that so was straddling him. She reached over and turned off the alarm clock which said 2:30 am then collapsed on top of Keita.

"Ugh ouch" Keita was starting to wish his alarm clock hadn't gone off. A few seconds later Riko gets up and walks to the door. "I'll be right back Keita-kun" she gave a sleepy smile and walked out.

Ako was fully awake now and didn't hesitate to lock and barricade the door. Keita tied to use this chance to get up but he was to numb to move before Ako pinned him down. Ako face began to turn red but she knew there was little time before Riko came back.

"Ako-nee w-hat are you doing? Ako –nee!"

"I wanted to kiss you Keita-Kun…why is that so wrong? You and Riko kissed almost all day yesterday! Why do I have to be left out?"

Keita looked at the wall and sighed "one little kiss cant hurt" Ako grinned with delight. Ako didn't hesitate to kiss him and when their lips touched instantly it sent waves of pleasure through both of them. It wasn't long before they it became a deep passionate kiss.

(Meanwhile if you were wondering Riko fell asleep in the bathroom because Ako gave her alcohol at dinner.)

Keita's tongue explored every part of Ako's mouth. His hands began run up and down Ako's body she moaned when his hand ran across her bra.

"Keeeita-kun…its only suppose to be ahhaaa…" Keita began rubbing her nipples that had grown hard under her shirt. Ako bit her lip to hold back a moan, she began to pull away but Keita pulled her closer.

Before Ako could push away again they were in another passionate kiss. Ako was beginning to lose control of her thoughts Keita's every move drew her mind blank.

Keita wanted more he could smell her skin, taste her sweet lips, every part of her turned him on. The deeper their kiss got the more of her he wanted.

Keita broke the kiss and grabbed Ako's wrists and rolled over so he was on top of her. "Keita…aaa…" Ako was cut of by a moan when Keita began Kissing her neck. It wasn't long before Ako shirt and bra was off.

Keita began trailing slow kisses down Ako's body sending fire down her body. Ako's moans fill the room and only get louder when Keita begins swirling his tongue on her left nipple and twisting the other one. He repeated the process for the other side making sure to tease her with every touch.

Ako's body felt like it was on fire as Keita's mouth traveled all over her and stop when he got to her shorts.

"Ako-nee… are you okay if I-" "Keita-kun…(panting) please I need you…" It only took seconds for Keita to get Ako's shorts off.

"A little wet Ako-nee?..." "Keita-Kuuun!..." before she could say anything else they were in another deep kiss. Ako pulled back to take off Keita shirt her face turned bright red when she looked Keita in the eyes. He ended up taking off his own shirt while Ako still flustered managed to see the bulge in Keita's boxers.

Whispering in Ako's ear "Your sure about this?" Ako felt like the wind was knocked out of her but she manage to mumble "yes" despite her embarrassment.

Keita leaned down close and right as he begins to pull of Ako's underwear.

BAM! Riko kicked down the door still a little drunk

"what about me Keita-kun?"

To Be Continued…. =)