Allow me to thank StarlightBreaker. You are my favorite! You actually review my story. I LOVE YOU.
And you answer your question, I have another story I wish to start but I want to finish this and my other one before beginning another.

Namine looked at Kairi in utter shock. "I can't believe they would do that," she mainly meant Sora.

Kairi shook her head. "I just feel stupid. They both played me for fools."

"Sora's just dumb," Roxas said while taking a couple of chips and throwing them in his mouth.

"I would never expect him to do that," Namine said quietly.

"Well he did. I don't understand why but knowing he was apart of it made me more mad at him than Riku. I mean, Riku did set up that whole scene at the club but I'm not so mad at him than I am at myself, I suppose," Kairi mumbled.

Namine took Kairi's hand and lead her to her room. "I think you should sleep on it, maybe you'll feel better in the morning."

Kairi stared at Namine with her glossy eyes, trying not to cry from her friends generosity. "I doubt it," Kairi sniffled a little.

Namine walked back to where Roxas was. "I think Sora just didn't know what to do."

"With what? Placing the bet? I said it before and I'll say it again. He's dumb. He has no brain."

Namine rolled her eyes. "He may be an idiot. But I'm sure he didn't mean it."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Roxas asked with a smirk. "I sure Kairi won't want to see either one of them for a long time."

"I have a slight idea," Namine gave a soft smile.

Roxas tackled her onto the couch and held her down. "Aren't you cute."

Namine giggled a little while trying to push him away but she was to weak compared to him. "I'm just cupid in disguise."


The next morning, Kairi woke up before their alarm went off. Her eyes rolling around the room. She was laying on the floor with a bunch of pillows and blankets to make herself comfortable for the night. She was still upset from last night and didn't want to go back but- she couldn't depend on Namine forever.

Kairi stood up from her nest and took her bag with her uniform in it and walked to the bathroom that was across the hall and placed her bag right next to the door. She looked up at the mirror. She had a messy afro going on from the curls and had blank streaks from the makeup that ran down her face. She lowered her eyes to see the mark left my Riku. Kairi closed her eyes rightly with anger. She was stupid.

She stripped down from her clothing and hopping into the bathtub to begin a showering. She stood right at the back of the shower to wait for the water to become hot, she stuck her hand in the water to see if it was warm enough. It wasn't, it was scorching hot. Quickly, she pulled her hand back, bracing herself to run through and turn the heat down. Within moments the water cooled down but her body reddened up from the hot water. Once the water was a perfect temperature, she stood there when it hit her. The note from when she cleaned the boys room. Seven, she could have stopped it but she didn't. Seven, a lucky number for some but- not her.

She took some of Namine's shampoo and twirled it into her hair, scratching it into her scalp to get it clean. She couldn't stop thinking about last night, making different sequence of events from it. How she could have acted differently or stopped it from happening, or even if she hadn't heard, how would things be. She tried to wash her brain clean with the shampoo but that was impossible. Her mind kept racing with events.

While Kairi was in the shower, Namine opened her eyes before her alarm went off too. The shower must have woken her up, but Kairi wasn't in the room. She could get away with it. She reached for her phone that was on the desk next to her and dialed Sora's number.

"Namine? Is Kairi there?"

Namine smiled and giggled and how he reacted. "Yes, she's in the shower right now. That was pretty low of you, you know."

She could tell Sora was ashamed. "It wasn't my idea, honest. Riku made the dumb rule and said that would be the only way to break it was the bet- I bet this sounds stupid and I'm just mumbling on and on. I really should shut up."

"No, I want to hear what made you do it"

Sora took a deep breath in. "Well, Riku and I, as you know, both," he paused. "-Like Kairi," Namine began giggling again. "Quit it," be begged.

"Sorry," she spoke with slight laughter.

Sora continue. "I'm sure Riku made that rule to avoid conflict, but it didn't work. I guess he couldn't handle it and decided to do the bet," Namine was silent for a moment. "Namine?"

"I have an Idea,"

"An Idea?" he repeated. "For what?"

"Making Kairi less mad."

"I don't think anything at this point in time will let her forgive me," he said hopelessly.

"Quit being stupid, I know what she likes."

"Her mother told me some stuff that she likes," Sora admitted. "When she called I asked her stuff-"

"You're in love," Namine cut in, slightly teasing him. He couldn't come back with a comeback, all he did was mumble while Namine continued. "Kairi likes chocolate, regular chocolate. Bring some to where her and I work today. I'll make sure she'll serve you-"

Sora cut her off this time. "She'll probably make you do it."

"I'll make sure, come by around four in the afternoon."

Meanwhile, Kairi stepped out of the shower. Her hair plastered to her face, it covered her love bite. She gave a soft smile and took her bag and grabbed the uniform. Once she got it on, she opened the door to see if Namine was up, she was and she was on the phone. "Who ya talking to?"

Her eyes looked directly at hers. "Sorry mom, I have to go."

Sora changed his voice to sound a little more famine in case she could hear. "Oh course, I'll talk to you later," his voice cracked towards the end of it.

"You need to shower?" Kairi asked her.

Namine nodded and walked to the bathroom.


Kairi's hair dried, allowing her to actually work with it now. She tied her hair to a side pony tail to block the view of the mark. It worked, slightly. She took some of Namine's bobby pins to hold it into place so it wouldn't move around. She walked out of the bathroom from the restaurant and fixed her apron.

Namine was in the kitchen waiting for the food when Kairi got in to complain. "Namine!" she whined.

Namine closed her eyes tightly. "Yes?"

"You know what else? Riku is a big ass. What possessed him to fake a fight? Plus what guy doesn't believe you when you say you're dating someone, why do you have to kiss him? Why do you need proof? You don't!"

Namine rolled her eyes and turned around and looked at her. "How about after work we go to the beach. It's only... four," she began walked out the kitchen door.

"As long as they aren't there! I'm up for it!" Kairi shouted to Namine who was leaving.

Demyx looked up from the finishing touches on the plate. "You're being too hard on them, girl."

Kairi hissed at him. "I have all the right to be," she crossed her arms.


"I don't need your opinion," she snapped at him.

Namine poked her head in through the kitchen. "Dem, is the food ready?"

"Yes it is," he picked up the plate and walked it over to her.

"And Kairi?" Namine began. "We have a table ready for you to do. They're at table seven," what a horrible number. It was the table that was in the corner of the restaurant.

Kairi walked by with her notepad out and a pencil. "Hello, I'm Kairi and I will be your waitress today," she began. "Our special is-" Her enthusiasm went way down when she was it was Sora. "-What do you want," she snarled.

"Listen, Kai-"

"Don't call me that."

"-Sorry, Kairi," he began. "I want to talk, really."

"Well I don't, I'll have Namine serve you," Kairi walked away and glared at Namine who was serving another group of people. Kairi mouthed at her 'You'll pay.'

Namine placed the food down and walked over to where Sora was sitting. "I'll get her back here."

"I'm feeling this is a bad idea," Sora stated.

"Just calm down, I got this," and she walked away to fetch Kairi.

Kairi was at the entrance waiting for new costumers when she was grabbed by Namine. She hooked her arm with hers, locking them together. "What are you doing!" Kairi cried. "You're not bringing me back there-"

"You need to get over it, listen to him!" She dragged her back to the tabled and planted her into the seat. "You're sitting here," Namine want pointing her finger down at her. "You won't move until you've got this settled. All you do is complain about this! So how about you do something about it."

Kairi stared at her with her mouth wide open. Namine never acted this way. "B-But-"

"If I come back here and you're not here- so help me god."

"Fine!" Kairi hesitantly replied.

Namine had a proud smile and walked away from the table leaving the two there. Kairi was slouched over with her arms crossed and Sora was sitting there with his hands in his lap.

"I'm waiting," she said impatiently.

"I didn't want to do the bet," he said.

"You still did."

"I felt bad about it-"

"I don't care if you did- you agreed to it."

Sora began to feel uncomfortable. Things weren't looking to good for his case. He quickly whipped out the box of chocolate. "I know you like this stuff..." He passed the over to Kairi who was just looked at them then him.

"You're bribing me now?"

"Not at all!"

"Then why did you get the chocolates?"

"This isn't going as planned," Sora sighed and began to get up.

Namine was pour water into glasses at a near by table saw the tension between the two. It didn't help that Sora was getting up. Namine quickly rushed over. "Oh, no no no no. You're getting this worked out."

"She won't even listen to me."

Kairi just rolled her eyes. "Well he got me chocolate. He's trying to buy me an apology."

"See, she won't even listen."

Namine slapped her own forehead. "Why do you think he's buying an apology?"

"He never bought me this stuff before-" Sora cut her off.

"I'm just going to go now."

Namine tried to persuade him to stay but he refused and left, Namine looked down at Kairi, shaking her head. "You're not staying at my place tonight, I really want you guys to figure this out. You can't rely on others for so long. They live with you and you need to figure it out."

"Nami, It's too soon for me to even think about forgiving them, she said honestly.

"You're blowing it out of proportion. After work you should go and talk to them, well, maybe just Sora. He's the one who's truly sorry."

Kairi pushed herself out of the booth. "Fine, fine, I'll talk to him," she walked passed Namine and went to the front door and got the next people ready to seat.

Hopefully the next chapter is the last chapter.