Chapter 1: Enter Kaiser

"Stop! I said STOP!" shouted the detective as he chased the criminal through the crowded city. The assailant-in-question shoved his way into town square, through hoards of people, laughing all the way.

"I said stop, or I'll shoot!" yelled the detective pulling out his gun. People around him became aware of the hostile situation. The run-away criminal stopped within the crowd of people. People around the criminal began to panic and scatter away from the scene.

"You'll shoot? Is that so, Detective Marberry?" said the felon as he turned around to face the law enforcer. He had a big, wicked smile on his face as he stared directly at the detective.

"You had plenty of times to shoot me in Viridian City. You had even more chances in Azalea Town." Said the criminal as he mocked Detective Marberry.

By now, the crowd of pedestrians was long gone; only a few brave souls were still watching from behind cars or from shop windows.

"Honestly, I don't know why you keep chasing me around this world, detective. I'm not doing anything wrong." Said the convict as he kept that twisted smile on his face.

"What you're doing is totally wrong, Kaiser!" stated Detective Marberry.

A few bystanders overheard the detective reveal the criminal's name.

"Kaiser? Did he say his name was Kaiser?"

"The Kaiser?"

"I think we should get out of here…"

"All I want to do is unify people and Pokémon, that's all." Said Kaiser in an innocent voice.

"You know damn well that's not what you're doing! You know Pokémon/Human relationships are wrong!"

Kaiser's smile disappeared at the detective's last statement.

"It's a free world! If humans and Pokémon want to love each other, then I say they can!" shouted Kaiser.

"You say they can, but the law says they can't." said Marberry.

"Shut up, stupid detective. You're just a hound dog for the system. Here, I'll show you that Pokémon and humans belong together." Said Kaiser.

Kaiser then reached around his belt and pulled out a pokeball. He pressed the button on its center and out shot a red beam of light. When the light dimmed down, it revealed a Zangoose. The Zangoose fluffed its fur and stretched from being cramped inside the ball. It then turned towards Kaiser with a big smile on its face.

"Hi, Master. What do you need from me?" asked the Zangoose ever so politely whilst wagging its tail.

"I just wanted to give you a little kiss for being such a good girl." Said Kaiser as he smiled at his pet.

"Oh, Master…" blushed Zangoose as she ran over and scooped up Kaiser in a hug.

"Kaiser, you better not…!" warned the detective.

Ignoring the law, Kaiser and his Zangoose began to kiss. The two lovers locked lips and closed their eyes. Then, Zangoose shoved her tongue inside Kaiser's mouth. Saliva began to slob around the two joined mouths. Zangoose began to moan and pant as the two sinners continued kissing.

"Oh, Master….does this please you?" asked Zangoose.

"Yes it does, my good girl." Answered Kaiser.

"Master, let's go somewhere private and let me be a 'good girl' some more….please?"

"No, not now, my sweet. There's business to be handled now." Said Kaiser.

"Master…." Whined the Zangoose.

"Later. I promise…" said the criminal. Zangoose began licking on Kaiser's neck.

Detective Marberry, who had just witnessed this disgusting act, almost puked in his mouth.

"Kaiser, romantic activity involving Pokémon is against the law! You're under arrest! Do not move or I will shoot!" said Marberry as he aimed his gun at Kaiser.

"That's what you said in the Orange Islands." Mocked Kaiser.

Kaiser and his Zangoose turned to leave.

"I told you not to move!"

Marberry fired a bullet from his rifle. With lightning quick reflexes, Zangoose's razor sharp claws slashed the bullet into two halves just before it connected with Kaiser. Kaiser petted his Zangoose.

"Good girl. Come on, detective. You know that doesn't work against my Zangoose.

"Then maybe this will…" said Detective Marberry as he pulled out a pokeball from his pocket.

The detective activated his pokeball and out shot at Machamp.

"Typical government-issued Pokémon." Chuckled Kaiser. With that, he called his Zangoose back into her ball. He then pulled out another pokeball and called forth another Pokémon. From the new pokeball came forth a Zoroark.

The Zoroark turned around to Kaiser and smiled the same smile as Zangoose had. Zoroark ran over and scooped up Kaiser in her arms. She was much bigger than Kaiser was.

"Hi, Master. Ready for more fun?" said Zoroark seductively as she licked her lips. Kaiser smirked and rubbed her head.

"Not right now, foxy girl. We have sort of a situation in front of us." Said Kaiser pointing to the detective.

Zoroark noticed the law enforcer and his Machamp. She smiled as she realized there was no threat in front of her.

"I'm tired of dealing with this detective right now. Could you get me out of here, sweetie?" asked Kaiser nicely.

"Sure thing, Master."

"Hey! You're not going anywhere! Machamp, use close combat!" shouted Marberry.

Machamp began charging towards Zoroark throwing a flurry of punches and kicks. Zoroark easily dodged all of the incoming attacks and retaliated with a head-but into the Machamp's nose. Machamp fell over onto the ground covering its bloody nose in pain. Kaiser chuckled at how weak government-issued Pokémon were.

Then, Zoroark grabbed Kaiser and held him in her arms, close to her chest.

"Ready to go, Master?" asked Zoroark as she gave Kaiser a quick kiss on his forehead.

"Yep, let's go."
With that, Zoroark used her illusion techniques to cast a field of purple smoke around town square, completely covering herself from anyone's sense of vision. Zoroark dashed off into the shadows of the city with Kaiser snuggled in her arms, easily escaping Detective Marberry and the law again.

When the smoke cleared, all that was left was an unconscious Machamp on the ground and a defeated detective. Detective Marberry swore at himself for letting Kaiser get away yet again. A small piece of paper blew in the breeze and landed in front of him. He noticed it had something scribbled on it. Marberry picked up the paper and read what was on it.

"You're a really stupid detective. Just give up.
Love, Kaiser"

"He mocks me to no end."

With that, Marberry recalled the Machamp into its ball and pulled out a phone from his pocket. He contacted the law agency he worked for.

"….come on, pick up…..hello? Yeah, its Marberry…..yeah…he got away….again…I know…..yes, I did shoot. No just once…..well, it wouldn't have changed things. No, his Zoroark broke its nose….I know it's been 2 years! Stop bringing that up!"

On the other end of the line, the Chief of the Law enforcement agency was furious.

"Marberry, Kaiser is at the very top of the most wanted list and this is the 28th time he has gotten away! I think it's time I reassign this job to someone else." Said Chief.

"No! Kaiser is mine! I'll take him down!"

"Marberry, as you know, Pokémon/Human bestiality is strictly forbidden in this world and this Kaiser character has been breaking this law across the globe for 2 years. He's been successful in turning people against the law and influencing those people to have relations with their Pokémon. He's even resorted to killing to get his point across."

"I know, sir."

"Do you? Then how hard is it to catch an 18 year old?" yelled Chief on the phone.

"He's very crafty!"

"Or maybe, you're just incompetent. It's been two years since Kaiser first came on the scene. He claims he's a vigilante on the path of justice, but he's just a sick, dangerous kid who's horny for his Pokémon. Listen, I think it's time you just gave up on this Kaiser case and let someone else handle it—"

"I can handle Kaiser! I've been on him for two years and I'm the one who knows him best! I'll be the one to catch him!" said Marberry.

Marberry hung up the phone and began to shuffle around town as the sun began to set.

Back at the agency, Chief became uneasy...

Meanwhile, in a field somewhere far away on the outskirts of town, Kaiser and his two Pokémon were resting against a tree. Kaiser was feeling up on his two lady friends as they were panting and moaning his name. Kaiser had each of his index fingers pumping in and out of each Pokémon's pussy.

"You two did very good today, my beauties." Said Kaiser as he kept 'rewarding' his two girls.

"M-Master…it feels so good…"

"Yes, Master. Please don't stop…..we love you…"

"And I love my girls, too."

"w-what are we going to do next on our quest for justice, Master?"

"That is simple, my pet. We'll unite the love between Pokémon and human."

"What are you gonna do about that pesky detective?"

"Let him be. He's not worth dealing with. Now just relax and enjoy your 'rewards'."

"oh, Master…"

The sun slowly set as the two Pokémon moaned for their master…