Heyyyyy so this is my attempt at some new commers coming to st vlads WOOOPPPP arnt you all exciteddd HELLL YEAHHH so ummm if its wronggg tell me pleaseee :)

I dont not own any of richelle meadss storys

Chapter 3masons (pov)

I was just stood her talking to Eddie when lissa shouted me over for another rival, jesus how many more do we have ahaha, i chuckle to myself just then i remember what eddie told me earlier about Rose and Kirova and i cant help but smile. I then look up and see a beaut of a girl stood there looking around nervously, she has red long gorgeous hair that i would love to touch and stroke my hands down it, shes pretty thin but thats what all morio are like and she has these big blue eyes that i can tell i will drown in everytime i look at her i just know it, shes wearing black skinny jeans and a red tight tank top that goes just above her belly, i know i should'nt be looking but she has in a gold diamond belly bar in just looking at her makes my mouth water.

After my evaluation of her i wave and see her freeze, i wounder what thats all about hmmm ill have to find out, so i just walk over to her and grab her hand and say "Hello there, my names mason, im very happy to meet you, and i suppose ill be your guide around here" i say with a laugh i can hear the uncertanty of it but im glad she doesnt, i just have an urge to grab here keep hold and stay with her and make her safe for ever but it cant happen no, no way im a daphmir and shes morio besides i like rose right, yeah i do, she had lucious red long hair and bright blue eyes. WAITTTTTT hold on a minute rose has brown long hair borwn eyes and curves oh godddd i moan im doomed, im already thinking about megan, this girl is going to invade my dreams. HELP SOME ONE HELPP MEEE.

as i was in my own little world i hear a tiny voice whispering "Get a grip girl", i look down and fine megan deep in thought and realise with a pang it was her,

"Excuse me did you say something" i ask her although im pretty sure she did, and im pretty sure i know what she said i just want to hear her voice again.

As soon as i say this she begins to blush furiously, i know its only a blush but can that seriously turn my heart to smush, its unbelievable. all i can look at her blushing by now shes bright red but i dont care she just looks so incredibly beautifull its crazy, its like my hand has a mind of its own for it reaches up and slowly brushes its self upon her cheeck, she freezes and i think shit shes going to go mental at me so i quickly retreat my hand, look around nevously and realise that me myself is going red as i stutter "Sorry" Cough "I didnt mean to i just thought your blush was cute" Oh god good going Mase now shes going to think your an utter fool, but she does something that amazes me, she looks at me through her eyelashes and batts them at me im simple out of words as she says:

"Really, you really think so"with an innocent smile on her face, and i know she isnt faking it i dont knnow what it is but i feel as if i know her its crazy.

So i peply honeslty "Obvcourse there is something you should know about me and that is i dont lie, so yes i really think your beautiful" i say with a smile

She looks shocked and sttuters "Y-y-you said m-my blush was c-cute not that i was b-b-b-eautiful" i take a second to think this over and swear under my breath "Well i think umm your beautifull to" cough. Just before i get my self in deeper shit my saviour Rose comes over.

She bounds up to us looking furious and exclaims "Alright i need to pummel some girl who is going after Dim-Gurdian Belikov" she quickly ammends her self as she sees Megan, but she starts to give her a werid look. She tips her head on the side and says to Meagn "Hey you look familiar do i know you"

Meagn looks a bit shy and replies in a small voice "Um no but hi my names Megan Belikov" with this both of me and rose are stood there in silence Belikov, Belikov oh SHIT shes a sibling of Dimitri, great even if i did take a chance and get to know her a bit more i wouldnt be able to because Belikov is her family and he will Protect her like nothing, whilst im talking to myself rose splutters and replies,

"Wait, wait, wait your not by any chance related to Dimitri Belikov are you" but just as she has finished this sentence, the one and only Dimitri bounds in to the room, roaming the space as if hes looking for someone. It seems hes found them as he looks at Megan, and a big smile breaks out on his face he then rushs over and meets us in 3 long strides he gathers Meagan up in a big bear hug and spins her around crying "MEGAN".

Meagan is just laughing her head off and the sounds plows through me and practically kills me, from the inside out. "DIMITRI" she screams laughing and giggling somemore, "Put me donww i cant breathe" she gasps out.

He sets her down and looks like a kid who just lost him favourtie puppy but found it again, "Oh megan" he says whilst holding her at arms length"Ive missed you so much, i couldnt wait for you to come here "

"Me too ive been looking for you all morning and the i banged into Lissa who introduced me to Mason" she gives me a shy look, and blushes, Dimitri obvcourse being the god he is sees this and gives me the evil eyes but thankfully megan continues "and then i banged into this girl, By the way i never got your name"

Rose smiles at her holds out her hands shakes it when Megan complies and says "Hello nice to meet you im Rosemarie Hathaway, but if you ever call me that Morio or not i will kill you" She says seriously i growl at her, and she gives me a weird look, were as dimitri is looking like he wants to kill me but rose carrys on "So please call me rose ". Megan smiles and totally overlooks our inner arguments and accepts the new friend.

"Rose" dimitri says "Please will you show Megan round i need to talk to Mason for a second" Oh god i think i know what this is about and its not going to be good shit im shitting myself oh crap,Rose just smiles and takes megan away, Dimitri watches them walk away and when no-one is within hearing shot he turns to look at me, with the look that got him the reputation as the god. I gulp. And shit myself.