So here's my latest fic in the Glee fanfiction world. It's going to be Quick and Finchel and its loosely based on the movie The Holiday. This is the prologue, the regular chapters after this will bounce back and forth with Rachel and Quinn.

Mad thanks to Manda and Miranda for plotting endlessly with me (no jokes I've been working on this since November) and to my beta for being pure awesome!

Anyway, I'll stop rambling, I hope you like this, and remember, reviews are love!


Quinn walked through her twin brother's dark red front door and plopped down onto one of the bar stools he had around the kitchen island. She let out a sigh and ran a hand through her blond locks. It had been a long day and she was just ready for it to be over.

"What happened?" Finn asked from the stove, not even turning around to face her.

"I saw Will today." she announced, leaning forward and stealing one of the grapes from the bowl on the counter.

Finn rolled his eyes from his position at the stainless steel stove. Will was her ex-boyfriend, and things had not ended well between them. It had been six months since she'd seen him, so when they saw each other in the grocery store it kind of threw her through a loop. She'd been browsing through the dairy department looking for the yogurt she loved when she'd seen him and next thing she knew she was abandoning her cart full of groceries and a crying hysterical mess in her car.

"Did he say anything to you?" Finn asked, turning around to face her.

Quinn shook her head and took a shaky breath. "No, he just kind of looked at me wondering where…where…well you know who was, and then I just kind of booked it out of there because every time I think I've dealt with everything that's happened in the past eleven months something like this happens and it hits me right in the face."

She takes a deep breath and fights back the few tears that had gathered in her eyes. Talking about what had happened was always painful for her. She knew that Finn thought she just didn't want to talk about the situation, but in reality she just couldn't yet. It was still so fresh and it still hurt so much to even think about.

They're interrupted by Finn's twin daughters racing into the kitchen, practically killing each other to get to Quinn first.

"Aunt Quinn!" Daisy beamed launching herself into her aunt's arms.

"Hey baby," Quinn smiled and kissed her forehead, then reached for Delilah and did the same. She'd always been devoted to her tiny blond nieces, but when Brittany died two years ago she'd been over every day and was now a constant fixture in their lives. These two four-year-old girls had helped her more than they could ever know. Everything she does, she does it for them.

The twins settled themselves on Quinn's lap and Finn gives her a look.

"I'm just saying, maybe it would be a good idea for you to get away for a while. Heal. And you know it's what Britt would of wanted you to do too if she were still here."

Quinn rolled her eyes and sighed. They'd had this conversation so many times over the past six months Quinn could practically recite it back by heart by now.

"Finn, I can't just leave. What about the girls? What about you? I can't just leave you, especially since-"

"Yes you can," Finn replied cutting her off. "I've got this now. I don't miss her any less, but it's been two years, we're fine. Good even. The girls and I will be okay if you take off for a while. Just humor me and think about it okay?"

Quinn nodded her head and snuggled her nieces a bit closer to her body. Maybe Finn was right. Maybe it would do her good to escape San Diego for a while and just get away.


Later that evening Quinn walked into her home and flipped on the lights. She checked her messages and flopped down onto her couch, turned on the television to a Grey's Anatomy repeat and pulled her laptop over to log in a few more hours of work before she'd head to bed and call it a night.

She ran a hand through her hair, frustration evident on her face. Her house felt so empty, so quiet, so lonely all by herself, that the quiet was all that she could hear. She longed for someone to come home to, a family of her own. She'd come so close...

She shook her head and shifted her mind over to the conversation she'd had with Finn earlier. She knew that Finn loved her and he was just looking out for what was best for her, but this was the first time she'd even entertained the notion of going away like he'd suggested when everything had happened all those months ago.

On a whim she opened her internet browser and started browsing home exchange websites. It was on an even bigger whim that she listed hers.

She remembered Brittany dragging her to go see a movie back in high school where two girls listed their houses and miraculously all their life problems were solved when they switched houses. She'd just about given up on miracles but there was no harm in trying.

Besides, maybe she shouldn't give up on miracles just yet.


"I don't understand why you can't stay in a fucking hotel Rachel," Santana groaned as she flopped down onto Rachel's couch.

Rachel rolled her eyes and turned to face her best friend. "Because San, and you should know this, I hate being in hotels. Absolutely hate it. So why would I stay in one for months while I'm away from the city shooting this movie when I can find a perfectly nice place to trade with someone."

Rachel was a Broadway star about to break into her first major movie roll. While she loved playing Funny Girl, the four month hiatus she was taking from the stage was going to be a refreshing stage. All her life she'd wanted to be a Broadway star, but this movie roll, was something new, fresh, and exciting, and she couldn't wait to get started.

"Because you leave in a freaking week and you still haven't found some place that wasn't inhabited by a crazy person or a stalker. As your agent and more importantly your fucking best friend I strongly suggest you find San Diego's best hotel and hole it up there."

Santana and Rachel grew up together in Columbus Ohio. They'd gone to NYU together-Rachel for the performing arts, and Santana for business. After they'd graduated Santana had insisted on managing her best friend and within a week Rachel had her first audition. It was for a small part in an off-Broadway rendition of Guys and Dolls and that had lead to bigger parts until she'd eventually landed the lead in the Broadway revival of Funny Girl. Santana had been with her through it all and when she'd first shot the idea of doing a movie Rachel had rolled her eyes, but eventually she'd come around to the idea, and then got excited about it.

Rachel rolled her eyes and continued to browse the website. She clicked on the new listings tab and mumbled a few "mmhmms," so Santana would think that she was still listening before she clicked on a house that seemed promising.

It was a small cute little house, but she missed the small and homey feel that she had growing up in Ohio. It was ten minutes away from the studio she needed to be at each day and close to everything else. Rachel didn't see the harm and sending the woman a message to see if she was interested in an exchange for a few months. Okay, four months, but really that's details.


Quinn was about to just call it a night and head up to bed when her laptop signaled that she had a new email. Figuring it was her boss wanting to move up tomorrow's meeting, she opened her email and quirked an eyebrow when she realized that it was from the home exchange site that she just listed her house on.

She scanned the email and smiled when the woman told her that her house reminded her of home and it was something she desperately missed. Quinn even allowed herself to get excited when the girl told her she had an Upper East Side apartment in New York. She had a job that could be done anywhere, and New York was about as far from San Diego that she really cared to go.

Plus if there was one place in the world she'd always wanted to visit, New York was it. Quinn hit the reply button and responded right away.


I'm Quinn. I'm not going to lie, at this point in my life with everything that has gone on your place sounds almost like heaven. When were you planning on coming down here for and about how long would you be interested in exchanging houses?



She hit send before she leaned back against the arm of her couch. This is what she needed, time and space to finally heal from everything and she could even take in a play or two in the process. Sometimes her brother hit things right on the nail.

The woman, who introduced herself as Rachel, responded quickly and Quinn felt a smile break out on her face when Rachel said she needed to be away for four months. Her smile got a little bigger when she saw that Rachel was coming next week. There were a lot of loose ends she still had to tie up, but she was pretty sure she could make it happen. She hit reply and sent Rachel one word: Fantastic.

And she really hoped it would be.


"What the fuck is your problem?" Santana asked as Rachel let out a loud squeal and clapped her hands together.

"Do you really need to curse so much Santana? Really that sentence would of been just as effective without the-"

"Shut up and tell me what made you squeal like a damned pig." Santana said, cutting Rachel off.

Rachel rolled her eyes and turned to face her best friend. She'd known Santana forever and didn't really know why she still tried to break her of her bad habits.

"You're so crass. Anyway, I have found a place to stay in San Diego." Rachel exclaimed clapping her hands together and grinning at her best friend.

"What, seriously?"

"Indeed. Best thing is she has a job that can be done anywhere so she can pretty much pack up and go whenever! She seems really nice, her name is Quinn."

Santana wrinkled her nose and studied her best friend. "It's going to be so weird not having you two blocks away from me. You've never been more than two blocks away in my entire life."

Rachel sighed. It was the truth and she didn't really know what she was going to do without her best friend by her side constantly. "I know San. But you'll visit right? And its only four months, it'll fly by in no time."

"I guess. I just don't know what I'll do with myself."

Rachel laughed. That was as close to Santana telling her she'd miss her as it was going to get. "I'll miss you too San. And I'm pretty sure you'll find a way to…occupy yourself."

"Touché Rachel Berry, touché."

Rachel smiled and got up to pull her luggage out of her closet. She was more organized than you could imagine so of course she'd need to start packing right away. She could feel herself buzzing with energy and excitement. There was just this feeling of very good things coming out of this exchange, very good things indeed.
