EH? i've updated twice in a month? O.O

i've gotten some awesome inspiration for this story!

I'd also like to thank Missprez2007 for wonderful ideas! ^_^ a perfect way to represent some in canon moments AND to get more demension on some characters i'd introduced XD lol


Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any lovely holiday you celebrate this wintery season! And a happy new year as well!

The Road Home

Chapter six: The Demonic Nine

"So, Sakura, you gonna come my totally awesome party this weekend?" Ino pressed again. I frowned lightly and bit into my sandwich. It had been two or three days since she invited me, but I'd yet to give my answer. Today was only Thursday, only two days until the party, and she wouldn't drop it. I had hoped she'd just give up and leave me be. Especially since I had me secret apprenticeship with lady Tsunade after school everyday.

Speaking of, I was exhausted. She worked me to the bone for the hour or two I did spend at the clinic. She had been completely right about the whole 'grunt work' thing. Just yesterday lady Tsunade had a patient who had broken their arm, along with many cuts all over said arm. I was forced to make several runs for cleaning alcohol and other little things for the stitches. I learned a bit about stitches, but not enough to do them myself, not that Tsunade would have let me tried.

I also found out that it may have been a clinic, but she was a don't ask, don't tell clinic. Considering a lot of the people that lived around there (and what they liked to do for fun i.e. the UV...), she was the one they all went to.

"Well?" I looked back up, having gotten lost in my thoughts. This time it was Karin looking at me, expecting an answer.

"I dunno... I kind of have plans..." which wasn't totally a lie. Friday, I was going to force the guys to take me back to the UV, after a short day with Tsunade. On Saturday... well... I didn't have plans! But I'd find something... anything to keep me away from the party. It's not that I didn't like my...friends... but I didn't feel like I fit in with them as well as I used to.

"Plans?" Ino smiled behind me and I grimaced, recognizing that voice, "What plans?" Hidan rested his arm on my head.

I growled, shoving him off, "None of your business!"

"Pink bitch..." he growled, "Angry bitch..." he greeted Karin, who only glared at him.

"I thought, maybe you were going to the party with us, un..." Deidara at down beside me on the steps. I looked at him and found myself feeling guilty. If there was anything, besides art, that Deidara knew how to do, it was to make the saddest, heart wrenching puppy dog face.

"More like with you~" Hidan teased. Deidara shot him a 'go to hell' look, but Itachi stepped in between them, stopping the fight before it happened.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll go..." Deidara, Ino and TenTen shared equally excited smiles and I felt like I was preparing for death row. The day played out normal after that.

"Oh! Sakura! You're here," Shizune smiled, "Lady Tsunade's waiting for you in her office."

I nodded and made my way into the small room. The woman looked tired and slightly drunk, not unusual for this time of day. Her honey eyes looked up into mine, "Sa-sakura... you're here, good..." she grabbed a bag and tossed it to me. I struggled to catch it, but it still fell to the floor. After quickly picking it up, I peered inside and found three thick books. One on physical training, the other two were medical journals on basic injuries and illness.

"What's this, ma'am?"

"It's... it's for you to study. You need to have these read soon as possible... s-start the routines in the fitness book... you need to be healthier and more... fit... stronger... for... for reasons you'll find out!"

I nodded, confused. I had a small clue as to why I needed to do this... but I just hoped I was wrong...

She dismissed me and sent me home with my 'homework'. Maybe this was a good enough reason to stay home from the party... yeah right... then I'd have to explain where it all came from and none of the boys were going to believe it was for school... they already were irritated about me disappearing after school every day.

The walk home was severely unnerving. As it had been since that first day, I still felt eyes on me no matter where I went. Always, at least until I got home... that's when I felt safe again.

Today was no different. I shut the door behind me and sighed in relief. Itachi looked at me and smiled brightly, "My imouto!" he rose up from his seat and crossed the room to hug me (like usual), "Have you something to wear to Ino's party?"

I shrugged. Honestly, I did not, nor did I care. Jeans and a tee shirt were fine with me. Sasori walked out of his room, wiping sweat from his brow. His eyes narrowed on me, "You shouldn't go to that party."

"There you go again, trying to control me like one of your puppets." I crossed my arms.

"He's right, though... they tend to get a bit.. out of control and I'd rather you were here safe and sound... let Hidan and Deidara get drunk by themselves..." he hugged me close and I frowned.

"I don't care... one minute you all want me to go.. .the next I'm not allowed?" I huffed, "Why can't you just make up your minds and leave me alone..."

I hated to sound like a bitch, but I couldn't take the bi-polar treatment in the house! I tossed my little bag to the floor and turned right around and left. With no where in mind, I decided it best if I just left for dinner. Maybe this little ramen place I passed everyday after 'work'.

It took about fifteen minutes to get there, but I was glad I finally made it. Ichiraku Ramen... I didn't really care for ramen, but at this point, I'd only saved up enough allowance for this cheap meal. Choosing a seat at the little bar, I was happy to be served immediately.

The ramen actually wasn't half bad. I had just finished slurping down the last noodle when a voice cut through my moment of peace. I looked up and saw my old friend Naruto.

I couldn't help but smile, "Naruto..."

He grinned, "Come sit with us! We were just waiting on a few friends -ttebayo... they're late!"

"Che! We just got here, dumbass..." Sasuke walked up to us. I smiled warmly.

"I didn't expect to see you here... or anywhere for that matter..." I laughed.

"I come here every day!" Naruto smiled, rubbing the back of his head. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Come on loser, we're going to our regular table... the others will be here soon." the Uchiha frowned.

Naruto pouted, "Please come sit with us!" it seemed more an order than him asking. Well... I hadn't seen them or had the chance to talk in so long! I nodded and went to sit down with the two while they waited for their friends to show up.

We talked small talk for the majority of the time, the occasional question about what happened after they left the orphanage. Turns out, they both went to my school, too. In fact Madara was the man who adopted Sasuke. He was his uncle.

Naruto was still just as crazy as he was and he owed it all to this man named Jiraiya, who adopted him. Apparently the man was a huge pervert and made his living by writing books about very dirty things.

"Hey, Naruto..." I looked up to see a small group walk in, led my a teen with messy black hair covering half of his face. He was followed by several others, including a certain red-head I knew. This man looked at me with his teal eyes, which were filled with surprise.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's the rest of you! Finally! I'm starved!" Naruto laughed. I looked to them and it my lip. They were all very intimidating.

"Hi, I'm Ni'i, the cat!" the blonde girl reached out her hand to shake, "You must be Sakura! Naruto and Gaara won't shut up about you... well, mostly Naruto. You saved Gaara's life, right?" I smiled and shrugged.

"You didn't bother introducing the rest of us?" said the black haired boy again. He looked at me with a soft smile, "I'm Utakata, the slug. This is Roushi, the ape," he pointed to a tall-ish, bearded red-head, "Yagura, the turtle," the green haired boy, with a scar down his face, "Han, the weirdo," ("whale-horse..." the man with the weird mask and lavender eyes muttered angriliy.).

"I'm Fuu! The rhino beetle!" a mint haired girl smiled, "I believe you've already met Naruto, out fox and Gaara, our tanuki!"

I glanced around the room at the people, trying to remember names and faces, but was put off with their introduction. Why would they list weird animals? Fox? Tanuki? Slug? I shook my head and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you all!" I grinned.

"Oh, what a lovely surprise, I can't believe what's before my eyes!" I looked to the door to see a tall man with white hair braided against his dark skin. He wore small sunglasses that completely covered his eyes, "A lovely young lady, sittin' at the table. I'd like to get to know her, if I'm able!" I raised my brow at the odd way he rapped every line he spoke.

"Bee!" Naruto jumped over the chair and hugged the huge guy, "Sakura this is Killer-Bee!"

"He's our 'ox-ta-pus'!" Fuu smiled.

Killer-Bee glared(?) at her, "If you weren't wrong, I'd give you a nod, but to this little lady, I'm the ox-cephalopod." he grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly. I blushed and smiled politely.

"Sakura?" another? Really? Ino danced over and smiled, "I didn't think I'd ever see you outside school!"

"Yeah, I met up with some old friends..." I pointed to Sasuke and Naruto.

"You know Sasuke?" Karin frowned lightly, pushing her glasses up. Jealousy over came her eyes and she sat close to the disinterested Uchiha.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. We were once in the same orphanage together..."

She laughed and sat down. Once everyone had been served their food, I was given the third degree.

"So Sakura-chan, what have you been up to-ttebayo?" Naruto said through a mouthful of noddles.

"Nothing really..." I shrugged, trying to shake Gaara's gaze from my consciousness.

"Nothing at all since the orphanage?" Sasuke muttered, not really caring for my answer. Ugh. I can't believe I used to crush on him when we were younger...

"Well," I frowned, "'Since the orphanage' has only been a few day or weeks or whatever. I was forced into a house with a few other guys to live..."

"Guys?" Naruto frowned, "You don't mean the ones you were at the UV with, right?" a dark look over came him.

I nodded, "Yeah..."

He growled lightly. Ino looked at me, "You've been to the UV? Seriously? I go every once and awhile with a few friends of mine, but I've never seen you there!"

Ino going to the UV was a definite shock, but I shrugged it off, "Yeah... I've only been once... in fact... I'm thinking about becoming a medic for the UV... helping G-gaara... it.. it made me realize I can really become a doctor one day..."

The room became silent. Gaara was the first to speak, "You want to become a medic... for the UV?"

I looked at him, "Uh... um...y-yeah... yeah... I want to help people... and what better place to start than there, right? I just wish my stupid housemates agreed with me... they seem to think it'll be more trouble for me than it's worth."

He turned his teal eyes away from mine to look out the window. The red-head fell deep into thought, then he turned back to me, "Become our personal medic. I can supply you with anything you need, a payment and all. All you have to do is become the medic for the Demonic Nine alone."

My jaw dropped and I looked around at all the eager faces. "A-as wonderful as that would be... I can't do that... I want to help people... while I won't turn you away... I'm not going to turn anyone else away, either..." he looked at me with intense eyes, but said nothing more.

It was only awkward for a few minutes because Ino and Fuu began talking about the music selection for the party.

I zoned out and looked at Naruto, who was in need of a cheering up, "Hey, Naruto... what's wrong...?"

"Sakura... you need to move out of there... those guys are dangerous." he gripped his napkin tightly, "They aren't out for fun... they want us dead."

I shook my head, "They say the same about you guys..." a sigh escaped my lips and I smiled wearily, "I think I'm going to go home now... It was nice seeing you Naruto... I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the UV?"

He didn't look at me, but only nodded. I said my goodbyes to everyone, paid my tab, and left. The sun had just set not long ago, leaving me with only the light of the street lamps and the rising moon to guide me. During the day, it wasn't so bad... but those eyes... the ones that felt like they were always watching... were much creepier at night.

I rushed home and slammed the door closed behind me. My heart was hammering against my chest and I closed my eyes.

"You okay, un?" I jumped and looked over at the blonde artist next to me.

"Y-yeah... just..." should I tell him? I sighed. If I did, Itachi would find out... "Yeah, just went for a run after dinner... gah, I'm so out of shape!" I chuckled nervously, grabbing my abandoned bag and rushing to my room, where Chiyo was already fast asleep.

I laid down on the bed and let out a sigh. Today had been quite long, but not long enough... I'd gotten so wrapped up in talking, I'd forgotten entirely about the damn books I was supposed to be reading...

The first one I grabbed was the simple injuries book. A note was taped to the front.

'Take the weekend off. I have business. Be back same time Monday. -Tsunade'

I sighed, smiling. Good. I didn't have to worry about reading too much... I had all weekend. I set the book down and decided on trying to get a decent amount of sleep before the next day. It was probably going to be a very long night...

I wrote this in one night -_- i'm so tired... it's six in the morning lmfao XD

(:D i haven't edited yet... yet! don't think i want to...)

The Awesome Me, Lady Pyrien!

Frohe Weihnachten! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Buon Natale! :D i love saying this in other languages!