Sorry it's been a while, but again... writer's block.

This is the last chapter to this fic, and I can honestly say that I've had so much fun writing this story. The reviews I've had have been absolutely wonderful and I can't thank you all enough for reading it. I think this has been the funniest story I've written, and I'm glad you guys found it funny too :)

So here's the final chapter. Don't forget to leave me a final review afterwards ;D

"Everybody make their way to the front table to collect a bottle," shouted Professor Flitwick.

"You will need to feed your babies while we announce the winners, so your babies stay quiet," said Professor McGonagall. "Come along now!"

"Take it!" shouted Frank, throwing Neville into Sirius' hands. Sirius made a rude hand gesture at Frank and grabbed a bottle from the table, stuffing it into Neville's mouth.

"Thank god this will be over soon," he said to Remus as they walked past each other.

"I hope we win," said James. "I could really do with the tickets to the Quidditch World Cup."

"Well we haven't done anything drastically wrong like Sirius and Frank," said Remus. "I think we have a good chance at winning."

They took a bottle, putting it into Harry's mouth, and took their seats with Sirius and Frank.

"Are you sad to be getting rid of Neville today?" James asked Sirius, who laughed.

"No!" he yelled. "I can't wait."

"Neither can I," said Frank. "I thought that being paired with Sirius would be OK. I thought it would be great because we get along, but I never knew how annoying he was."

"Don't act like you're not annoying," replied Sirius, glaring at Frank.

"I'm not!"

"Yeah right! What about yesterday when you-"

"QUIET!" yelled Professor Dumbledore over the chattering students. "Good. Now, as you may have noticed, I have the prizes here at the front table. Very soon, two of you will be winning these prizes. For the past two weeks, you have been paired with another student to raise a baby. You've been inspected on your parenting skills and us teachers have been choosing who we think should win. However, we have seen some odd things in these past two weeks, and we wanted to give out certificates for special partners, who didn't quite win."

Murmurs filled the Great Hall, and Professor McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Firstly, we would like to give an award to the worst parents. These two don't have a baby left to show for the last two weeks, as their baby had been cut into pieces and thrown off the astronomy tower before the first inspection. We would like to award this certificate for 'worst parents' to Bellatrix Black and Fabian Prewitt."

Everybody was laughing, including the two who had won the certificate. As they went up to the front, James sniggered.

"Hey Sirius, at least you weren't the worst," he said, nudging Sirius.

"Yeah," replied Sirius. "I thought that was going to be us when they mentioned the worst parents."

"I guess we weren't that bad," said Frank with a smile.

"The next certificate we would like to give out is for the dirtiest baby. This baby wasn't cleaned or bathed for the entire two weeks. We award this certificate to the parents of the baby, Severus Snape and Alice Prewitt."

"I just knew Snivellus' name was going to come up!" shouted Sirius.

"The next certificate goes to the parents who have got along the best, considering them being in different houses. Before this assignment, the two of them never spoke to each other unless they were throwing insults at each other. We are glad to say that the assignment has brought on new friendships. We award the certificate to Lily Evans and Narcissa Black."

"They're friends?" asked Sirius in horror. "Why would Evans want to be friend with her?"

"You just hate her because she's your cousin," said Remus.

"And she's horrible!"

"You never know... maybe they have a lot in common," said James.

"And finally," said Professor McGonagall. "The last certificate we give out is for the most neglected baby. This baby has been thrown around, dropped down the toilet, left with strangers, thrown down six flights of stairs, and it has lost it's head-"

"- I wonder who could have won this?" Sirius grinned.

"Who knows?" Remus replied sarcastically.

"This certificate goes to Sirius Black and Frank Longbottom."

Sirius and Frank stood up with big grins and made their way to the front with baby Neville in Sirius' hands. Professor McGonagall shook both of their hands and handed them a certificate, while everybody clapped. Before going back to sit down, Sirius grinned out at the rest of the school and promptly wrenched Neville's head off of his body. Many girls in the room gasped, but the boys laughed.

"That's lovely, Black," said Professor McGonagall sourly, taking the baby off him and putting it under the table. Sirius sauntered back to his seat, winking at various girls on the way back.

"So, now we move on to announcing the winner. But before that, we would like to give out prizes to third and second place. In third place, we have a partnership that has brought out the best in each other. The two parents have found love in each other, and for their baby. Their child has been very well looked after, and we would like to present the prize for third place to Mary McDonald, Peter Pettigrew and their baby, George. If they would just come forward and collect their prize – a 20 galleon gift voucher for Zonko's Joke Store in Hogameade."

"I came third!" beamed Peter. Sirius clapped him on the back.

"Well done, mate! Go get your prize!"

"Well done to our third place students!" shouted Professor McGonagall. "In second place, we have a baby who was very loved, never failing to impress me at an inspection. The baby was never left alone, and always being looked after or played with. The parents have been exceptionally good, and this is why we believe second place goes to James Potter, Remus Lupin and baby Harry."

"Second place, Rem," shouted James over the claps.

"That's great," Remus grinned back.

"If you would like to come forward to collect your prize – a 40 galleon gift voucher that can be used in any shop in Hogsmeade."

"Yes!" James said, grabbing Remus' arm and pulling him towards the front table. Professor McGonagall handed him the gift voucher, and handed Remus a certificate. They made their way back down to their seats and Sirius examined the gift voucher.

"Of course you'll let me use this too," he whispered. James and Remus looked at each other.

"Nah, sorry," said James. "Maybe you can have a chocolate from Honeydukes."

"I hate you," gasped Sirius. "Pete said he would share his with me."

"That's because Pete's a pushover," whispered James. "And if he's sharing it with you, then why do you need us to share ours with you?"

"Whatever," groaned Sirius. "I wonder who came first?"

"And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. We shall now announce the parents who have come in first place. These two have won ten books and potions (of their choice) along with two tickets to the Quidditch World Cup in August. Now, although these two don't usually see eye to eye, they have managed to put their differences aside in raising their baby. Our clear winners even created a playground for their baby, and have been teaching him to walk and talk. This is something that we thought was very creative, and unique – nobody else thought of this. With this idea, their baby has grown to a toddler, which is something that nobody else achieved. All of this taken into account, we have awarded first place to Gilderoy Lockhart, Regulus Black and their toddler, Aaron."

"WHAT?" exclaimed Sirius. "My brother makes a better parent than I do?"

"I guess," said Remus, laughing. "Look, their kid's walking."

They peered over to see that the toddler was walking, while holding hands with Regulus and Gilderoy. Professor McGonagall gave them a choice of books and potions, which they took a while to choose seeing as neither of them were very interested in any books or potions. As they walked back to their seats with the tickets to the Quidditch World Cup, many envious eyes followed them.

"I don't mind coming second," said James after the ceremony. "But I really wanted those tickets," he scowled.

"How about I steal them for you," suggested Sirius. "I can easily get them off Reg."

"Hey! Don't even think about it," said Remus disapprovingly. "They deserved to win those tickets."

"SO DID WE!" James shouted. "We made perfect parents."

"Did we teach Harry to walk and talk?" said Remus.

"Well no but-"

"- Then they deserve it. It doesn't matter anyway, we won these gift vouchers."

"True. Why don't I take you out on a date?" James said, grabbing Remus' hand.

"A date?" questioned Remus with a grin.

"To Hogsmeade. We can do whatever you want," James said.

"Whatever I want?" asked Remus thoughtfully.

"Yeah," replied James.

"Why don't we stay at Hogwarts?" Remus said.


"Room of Requirement," whispered Remus, looking up at James excitedly.

"That's a great idea," said James with a wink.

"You think that's great? Just wait till you hear what ideas I have in mind for when we get there," Remus teased, leaning up and kissing James' neck.

"Oh my god," James said lustfully. "Wow."

"That's only the beginning," Remus continued, planting more kisses up James' neck.

"S-s-stop!" James said. "Room of Requirement. Now."

"C'mon," said Remus, as they made their way out of the room.

Sirius sat for a moment after they left, in still silence. When he was sure nobody was coming in, his face cracked into a grin and he made his way to the table where his friend had left their prizes. Even after winning the prize for neglecting his baby the most, he had still somehow managed to steal the prizes for second and third place, and he was well on his way to planning his theft of first place prize, too. He was still a winner.
