To ask him? Or not to ask him? – that was the thing that ran in his mind.
So why was Kira Izuru, Fukutaichou of the Third Squad, standing outside his Taichou's door? Even he himself is not sure of the reason or maybe reasons. Hmmm… But carefully thinking about it now, he thinks he knows the reason. No! He doesn't think he knows; he knows the reason!By the way this kind of thinking all started a week ago.
It was one of the rare moments where everyone gets to bum around drinking sake and discussing hollow-unrelated stuff. Kira even though a bit gloomy, or so how most people see him, enjoys such occasion. It's because, there's no papers, no serious talks and no Ichimaru Gin. It's not like he particularly hates his Taichou. It's just that… how to say this with appropriate words… he's a grinning slave-driver fox who never gets things done himself! But even with that, Kira admires him. He might be smiling all day as if making fun of everyone but there are times that he would actually worry about his subordinates' well-being. Wait. Is worry the right term? It's more of annoying or pissing off; and it's not subordinates, it's mostly just him – Izuru – whom he annoys in Third Squad. Well enough of that, didn't he come here to have some fun?
"Fukutaichou, here have some more." A friend by name offered. Kira bowed lightly as a sign of acceptance and Kira's empty cup got full again.
He was sure of it; the taste of sake keeps getting better and better by each cup. By now, the partying group is talking about first love. Kira isn't really the type to go around talking about himself if not asked, that's why he just goes and listens to the flow of the conversation. Plus he can't really share anything about this topic. But as if fate was playing with him or he has just bad luck, the question who's Fukutaichou's first love was struck at him.
"Well that's…" he grew conscious of the eyes on him. "I didn't really have anyone serious, it's more of crushes and admiration."
"Here ya go, Fukutaichou." A bottle of sake was nearing his half empty cup, "This is for not telling the truth." A drunk subordinate added.
"Eh? But I wasn't lying!" he defended but to no avail, he's cup is full again.
"Drink up~!" another one said. And Kira being himself can't push away the idea thinking that not doing so would kill the gathering's atmosphere so he drinks the cup whole.
"Then, next question for our Fukutaichou."
"Huh?" Kira was taken aback. Why is he everyone's target all of a sudden?
"Who was Fukutaichou's first kiss!" and as the question ended, guys' howls filled the room.
"I don't really…" Kira started.
"That's not permitted Fukutaichou~" and already he's cup was getting full again.
"But seriously, I don't have – "
Thus, words like drink it all up was what Kira heard and it seems like no one will listen to his words so he drank another cup.
"Kira fukutaichou is really secretive, isn't he?"
"That's not really the case…" Kira spoke which seems like a murmur. But seriously, there's really none.
"Won't even tell us his first love nor his first kiss…"
"Then," the guy next to Kira started, "lemme kiss fukutaichou to know if he never really has kissed anyone."
Ack! "I don't think t-that's necessary." there was already a hand tilting Kira's face. How the hell did things end up like this? Kira was pushing the said man away from him, smelling the stench of alcohol on the other's lips and simply because there's just no way he'll get kissed unguarded and without knowing.
"Oi, oi. Stop that." Luckily, another butted in, "Ichimaru-taichou might get angry y'know~" the black-haired pulled the man attacking their fukutaichou.
Eh? Ichimaru-taichou will get angry?
"Tsk, I know, I know." the man retorted.
Kira was puzzled. What the hell was that about? "Why would Ichimaru-taichou… get angry?" there was hesitation as he asked.
The two men looked at him. "Don't tell me, fukutaichou never noticed?"
"Noticed what exactly?"
"Hmmm… and I thought Taichou had already laid his hands on fukutaichou." One of them whispered, but loud enough to reach Kira's ears.
"What were you talking about?" He asked, wanting to make sure he heard it right.
"No, it's nothing." They both covered up.
"Awww~ c'mon now, I also wanna kno'~" And when Kira turned to his back, his silver-haired Taichou was there
There was a short silence upon hearing their Taichou's voice until Kira broke it, "Ichimaru Taichou!" Kira exclaimed, abruptly standing up.
The said silver haired grabbed Kira's hand since he was about to fall on his back by his sudden movement.
"Careful now Izuru~" He let Izuru get back on his feet, "Maybe ya had too much to drink~?"
"T-Thank you Taichou." He stuttered, was he really that shocked by his Taichou's unexpected presence. "But I'm not drunk or anything." He sat back down. Now that one is half a lie. True he's not really drunk but it's also true that he became a little bit tipsy.
"This small party is still ongoin' right?" Ichimaru asked everyone who had gotten quiet.
"YEAH!" obviously, a drunken shinigami answered and because the others were drunk as well, the party went on not minding their scary Taichou.
As if automatically, there's already a cup and a seat for their Taichou at Kira's side. Kira was the first one to offer to pour sake to his taichou's cup and Ichimaru nodded in agreement.
"Does Izuru wanna get me drunk that badly so he could bring me home?"
What the heck is his Taichou saying now? "Of course not, Taichou. It's just my first time drinking with you."
"Hmm… too bad then. Cheers?" He lifted up his cup thinking that Izuru would do the same. "Izuru, won't ya drink with me?"
"Well, I'm thinking I'll be on hold since I'm getting a bit tipsy." He admitted and politely declined his taichou's offer.
"You said it's yer first time drinkin' with me, but I won't call it drinkin' since yer jus' watchin' me drink." He then poured Kira's cup full.
"I don't really think I can handle it anymore."
"S'all right. If that happens I'll jus' bring Izuru back with me."
"It's alright Taichou. I will just be a bother."
"Nah, I'll be much more comfortable than usual with ya around."
"If Ichimaru Taichou gets too comfortable he won't be able to finish all the paperwork.
Ichimaru chuckled. "Izuru's really uptight an' really hard to get. Jus' makes me want to have him now." Did Kira hear that right? Or was the liquor already getting through his hearing? "Drink wit' me, Izuru."
Kira looked at the small cup and held it formally with two hands. "There's no point of declining now, is there Taichou?" and with that they both drink their cup.
Drinking another cup… it's good that he doesn't feel like throwing up, he just feels like he wanna lay down. And so he did.
"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!" one of them shouted.
"What's the matter?" another talked to the man.
"I just don't know when and how to kiss her!" he spouted. People really tend to say their problems when they're drown in alcohol. "I just don't get it!"
"Want me ta give ya some tips?" everyone looked at Ichimaru with a face mixed with surprise and doubt.
"Yes! Please! Ichimaru Taichou!" the said man acted as if he found hope.
Ichimaru's usual grin got wider and accepted the man's request for help.
"First an' foremost, ya have ta get yer partner in a comfortable position, like this…" Ichimaru shifted a bit. "Hey, Izuru." He called tapping the blonde's shoulder.
This is my first GinIzu fic. I just started watching bleach a week ago and I feel in love with these two~! Also I don't really like the idea of GinIzu going their separate ways~ damn you Aizen! Hueco Mundo/Arrancar/Fake Karakura Town arc never happened! Obviously, there's gonna be a second chap. and well I'm sorry, if it ended up hurried. Is it alright? I'll be happy if someone somehow liked this so please tell me what you think about it. Also, we all know what our sly silver fox gonna do anyway. Just wait and find out how the fox teases the shy cat, I'm also excited to write that~! Thank you for reading/scanning till the end.
Yashirin 2011.04.27