Hello and welcome to the third chapter of Use Somebody! This one took a little longer to get out but I wasn't pleased with how it was after I was done, so I spent a while editing it. I'm still not very happy with it but it's as good as it's gonna get. Thanks for all the reviews, favourites and alerts guys! I'm really glad you seem to like it :3

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia do not belong to me. I'm simply borrowing them for awhile.


Jamie stared, amazed, as Fawkes trilled brightly, spreading his great wings and flying over to her. She watched with a huge grin as the Phoenix circled overhead once before landing lightly on her shoulder. Despite the fact that Fawkes was rather large, he wasn't heavy at all. The Phoenix nuzzled into Jamie's cheek tenderly and she giggled in response.

"Fawkes!" she said again, though this time it was an exclamation of happiness. "Where have you been?"

After Dumbledore's death, Fawkes had disappeared in a flash of flame. Jamie had always wanted to find him again but never had the time. First, she had been busy looking for Horcruxes and then she had been too consumed with grief after defeating Voldemort.

An image of snowy mountains flashed in her head briefly and Jamie cocked her head to the side, completely ignoring her company.

"The Alps?" she asked, clearly puzzled. Fawkes bobbed his head once and Jamie furrowed her brows. "Why?"

A feeling of warmth filled her suddenly, tinted with longing and memories of happiness. Her forehead smoothed out and Jamie nodded in understanding.

"Home," she whispered and Fawkes again nodded. Jamie searched his black eyes for a long moment before a cough tore her from her thoughts. She swung her green eyes around to see Neville raising an eyebrow before jerking his head at the Pevensies.

All four of them looked to be in varying states of disbelief, eyes darting from Jamie to Fawkes and back again. Jamie's eyebrow climbed to her hairline for the second time that day. She was about to enquire as to why they seemed to be amazed at the sight of Fawkes before Susan explained with no prompt.

"Phoenixes… are very rare," she muttered slowly, gathering her composure.

"I know," Jamie told them with a nod.

"Very rare," Susan stressed, eyes glued to the preening bird on Jamie's shoulder.

"I know," she repeated, her other eyebrow joining the other in her hairline.

"I've never seen one interact with another being in any vaguely affectionate way," Susan clarified.

"Ohhhh," Jamie breathed, finally understanding. She gave a one shouldered shrug, not wanting to dislodge Fawkes from his perch. "I've known Fawkes for a long time," she offered. "He's always been rather 'affectionate' with me." Her voice turned softer as she glanced back to the Phoenix. "He's my friend."

Fawkes trilled again, filling Jamie up with the feeling of home once more. She grinned goofily, relaxing suddenly for the first time since she had arrived at Narnia. She let her cool mask slip away and her eyes sparkled happily. She reached up and started stroking Fawkes who chirped once in approval, eyes drifting shut. Jamie giggled but continued stroking him, even after she turned to look at the Pevensies once more.

"Where's Aslan?" Neville asked abruptly and Jamie's eyes darted over to where the Lion had been only moments before.

"He's gone?" Jamie said incredulously.

"He's not a tame Lion," Lucy informed them before smiling brilliantly. "Well, I suppose I had better make proper introductions, hadn't I?" Before anyone could reply, she carried on. "I'm Queen Lucy the Valiant and these are my brothers and sister; Queen Susan the Gentle, King Edmund the Just and High King Peter the Magnificent."

"Magnificent?" Jamie queried with a wrinkle of her nose. Peter nodded proudly and her nose wrinkled further. "That's a little egotistical, don't you think?"

Neville sniggered at her comment as Edmund smirked. Peter's face fell and his eyes narrowed as he surveyed Jamie again.

"Aslan gifted me with the title," he explained eventually.

"Doesn't mean you had to accept it," Jamie retorted dryly.

"You can't really say no to Aslan," Lucy reasoned.

"You can always say no," Luna chimed in. "Unless the Nargles get to you, but I'm rather confident that there aren't any in Narnia. So yes, you can always say no."

Jamie grinned at the Pevensies' stunned expressions. People often looked like that after talking to Luna. Some of the things she came out with were outrageous, but Jamie always enjoyed agreeing with the younger witch. It was always amusing.

"That's right," Jamie added, eyes glinting wickedly. "Unless there's an infestation of Nargles around, 'no' is always an option."

"Nargles?" Susan asked faintly. Jamie got the feeling that she was a bit of a know-it-all and had never heard about these Nargles. Or, on the other hand, she knew they weren't real and was rejecting the idea completely.

Nodding sagely, Neville joined in. "Indeed," he intoned. "Nargles are a dastardly species, very dangerous. Not to be messed with, Nargles."

Jamie fought back a giggle as the Pevensies looked further shocked.

"Nargles?" Susan repeated, voice breathy.

Oh, messing with this lot is going to be so fun! she crowed in her head.

About an hour later, Jamie, Neville and Luna were being escorted to Peter's study to talk to the Pevensies. They had been allowed to retreat to what would be their rooms after explaining that Nargles weren't actual creatures (though Luna kept claiming they were). Fawkes had left Jamie to fly about outside, but she felt that he was nearby so she didn't complain. After using magic to speed up unpacking they had regrouped in Luna's room. There, they had discussed what they were going to share with the Pevensies.

After much debating, it was decided that they wouldn't share the knowledge of the magical world. They would admit they were from Earth, yes, since there seemed to reason not to, but they weren't going to be telling them of Witches and Wizards. As soon as their story was decided upon, they simply spent the rest of their time chatting, discussing their opinions on Narnia and the people there so far.

Time had slipped away and before they knew it, a faun was knocking on the door to Luna's room to take the trio to Peter's study. Luna was walking along sedately, cloudy eyes dreamy and curious as she looked around her. Neville walked with a casual stance, though his eyes were alert as they darted around. Jamie looked completely at ease as she stared steadfastly ahead. Her wand – though unneeded most of the time – was safely in its holster on her arm and it provided a large amount of comfort.

The group paused in front of a set of double doors and the faun told them it was Peter's study before scurrying off. Jamie stared after him curiously as Neville knocked confidently. The doors swung open and Jamie turned, getting ushered in along with Luna and Neville.

Her green eyes roved over the room, talking in her surroundings. There was a great amount of light streaming in through the numerous wall-to-floor windows. There was a group of cushy armchairs and a lone settee grouped together in front of a large, oak desk. Parchments and quills were scattered around the desk and a high-backed chair stood proudly behind it. There were a few large bookcases up against a back wall and there was a small bed nestled in the corner. Jamie assumed it was for someone to sleep in if they spent a long night there and were too tired to retreat to their room.

Sprawled across the armchairs were the four Pevensies. Susan was perched gracefully on the edge of hers, ramrod straight. Lucy was curled comfortably in her chair, feet tucked behind her. Edmund was slumped against the back of his, one leg dangling over the arm. Peter was in a similar position to Edmund, though his leg wasn't flung over the arm.

Peter stood when they walked in, smiling warily at them. He gestured to the settee silently and Luna floated over to it, siting down neatly. Neville followed her, flopping into his space. Jamie sauntered over after him, throwing herself down in her seat. Both she and Luna turned so their feet were placed parallel to each other's in Neville's lap. Neville's arms stretched across the back of the settee as Luna and Jamie rested their heads on the arms of it.

"Hullo," Neville greeted after they were settled.

"Hello," Peter responded promptly, sitting back down. "Neville, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Neville said in agreement. "And this is Jamie and Luna."

"Nice to meet you all," Jamie chimed in politely before getting straight to the point. "So, I suppose you wanna know about us and stuff, right?"

"Yes, that would be nice," Susan replied primly.

Luna and Jamie's eyes swung over to Neville and he sighed, though he smiled fondly. "Guess I'll explain then. If either of these two do it, you'll end up more confused." Jamie smiled brilliantly at Neville at this as Luna nodded absently in agreement. Shaking his head, the young wizard continued. "Well, we're from Great Britain on Earth. We all live in England, though we met when we went to a school for gifted kids in Scotland. We've known each other since we were all around 15, and we're all now 18, though Jamie and I are older than Luna. Actually, Jamie and I knew each other since we were 11 but we met Luna when we were 15. She was in the year below us in school." Neville paused, smiling at his friends before starting once more. "Um, there was a war going on and it hasn't long finished. Jamie played a rather… intricate part in the end of the war and part of her reason for coming here is to get away from the um… fame that came with that. And that's really all you need to know."

Jamie rolled her eyes and kicked his leg gently, ignoring the amazed looks on the Pevensies' faces. "Nev, you're forgetting something pretty something important there." At Neville's expectant and confused look, she explained. "The year we came from, dummy."

"Oh, right!" Neville exclaimed. "We just left the year 1998."

The four Royals all exclaimed in disbelief as they shot from their seats and Jamie watched them, non-pulsed. They calmed down quickly, settling back into their previous positions. Arching an eyebrow, she regarded them curiously.

"What year are you lot from, then?" she asked bluntly.

"1940," Lucy told them faintly, eyes wide in amazement.

"…In World War Two?" Neville questioned incredulously.

"Um, possibly?" Susan said in reply.

"Well, you'll probably be happy to know that that war is over. Has been since 1945. The Allies won," Jamie informed them.

The Pevensies looked momentarily stunned before they all stood up, hugging each other as they shouted in euphoria. Their happy exclamations and delighted laughter lasted for a while and Jamie couldn't blame them. She remembered how the Wizarding World at large had reacted to the news of the war's end, so she understood their happiness.

After a while, the Pevensies sat back down in their seats, silly grins on all of their faces. Jamie felt a surge of affection of them and didn't bother hiding it, instead allowing her fond smile to spread across her face.

"Wait," Peter said suddenly, narrowing his eyes at Jamie. "If our war is over, then what war were you fighting in?"

Jamie shrunk back slightly, squeezing her eyes shut against the memories that were threatening to come to the front of her mind. A small shiver ran down Luna's spine and Neville blanched. None of them had really wanted to talk about the war. It was still too fresh and painful and they had all lost people. Jamie had lost all of her family; Neville had lost his grandmother and Luna her father.

"A bad one," Jamie murmured eventually, voice soft and wounded. "A very bad one."

"Yes, but what war?" Peter persisted.

"You wouldn't know anyway," Neville snapped, staring at Jamie in concern. "You weren't around for it, so let it go."

"No, I won't 'let it go'," Peter said stubbornly. "If you are going to be staying with us, we deserve to know."

"You don't deserve anything!" Neville yelled. "It was just a bad one, okay? The kind of one where hearing about people loosing loved ones was a regular occurrence, where people were hunted and killed mercilessly and people lost their families in one go. The kind of war where is was kill or be killed and it didn't matter that we were just kids cause if we didn't fight we were going to die. That kind of effing war!"

Stunned silence consumed the room as the Pevensies stared at the trio in surprise. Luna had lost her dreamy look and instead looked to be in great pain. Neville was breathing heavily, a mixture of pain and anger glinting in his eyes. Jamie had gone completely still, her face blank.

She opened her eyes and they were cold and emotionless, glazed over. She wasn't really seeing the room and people in front of her. The memories she had buried away were still struggling to escape and flood her mind, and she was too busy trying to keep them at bay to focus. Pain flooded through her and she felt a sudden need to get out of the room.

"Excuse me," she said distantly, standing slowly. "I have to go… for a walk." Without waiting for a reply, she spun on her heal and stalked from the room, eyes darting around as she struggled to keep her emotions at bay this time. Though she had now fought the memories back, the emotions that came with them were swirling around, clouding her thoughts as she started sprinting down a corridor.

She was desperate to get outside, and she unthinkingly turned and Disapparated, reappearing with a barely there pop out in the field where she and her friends had stomped through only hours ago. She spun on the spot slowly, tears welling in her eyes. She screamed in frustration and grief, collapsing to the floor.

Jamie had never, ever dealt with her emotions very well. She felt everything far too much and for far too long, and the pain of the war was still very new in her mind. The pain was unbearable still, and it usually ended up coming out in bursts. She started sobbing loudly and her magic responded violently to the sudden explosion of emotions.

Rain started pounding down around her as the sky darkened suddenly, thunder rumbling ominously in the distance. The rain mingled with the tears running down Jamie's face until she couldn't tell the difference. She rocked onto her heels, howling at the sky before succumbing to her sobs once more. Her magic unfurled around her, causing a harsh wind to start up. She wrapped her arms around herself and just let go completely, allowing all the memories to flash across her mind.

Hermione sprawled on the ground, body completely lifeless.

Ron's blue eyes gazed over and unseeing as they stared at her.

Fred and George, laughter still on their faces as the Killing Curse smashed into them.

Ginny's bruised and bloody body, clothes torn to shreds.

Molly and Arthur's charred skin and the cloying smell of burnt flesh.

Bill's mauled and disfigured skin, eyes wide in forgotten pain.

Charlie's prone figure, a large chunk taken out of his side.

Percy's headless body, a gaping wound in his chest with his heart laying in a bloody puddle beside him.

Dumbledore, broken at the foot of the Astronomy Tower.

Sirius falling through the Veil, face surprised.

A whisper of 'Kill the spare' and Cedirc's body crumpling to the ground.

A flash of green light and her mother's scream.

And then… nothing.

Ack, another lame ending T.T

Anyway, please review!
