A/N: Oh. My. God. What is this? Is this an update from me? On this story? Really? But how is that possible?...Seriously though guys, here is the (very) long anticipated chapter 14 of Tables Turned!. I'm so sorry it took so long and I feel like it may not be that great but I tried my best. I hope you like it and please review and let me know what you think.
Claire POV
After our reunion, John actually makes an effort and we hand in our assignment to Mrs Montgomery. Her face is one of pure shock but she ticks her clipboard and moves along. I smirk in satisfaction as she moves away. I knew that she had not expected us to even hand in anything but we had done pretty well considering we started last minute. It's also a miracle that we got any work done with all the kissing we've been doing. Our meetings at his house had initially been to study but it quickly escalated into heated make out sessions. It was a little strange as we could still hear his parents fighting in the background. After a while it had been a week and we still had not written anything so I had declared that we should study at Allison's house instead. Allison's presence unsurprisingly helped us to focus and keep our attentions on the paper instead of each other.
When we received our results, I grinned in delight as I saw the red B plus in the corner of the page. I turned to John and he looked surprised but grudgingly satisfied. As soon as we got outside the classroom I let out a shriek of happiness and threw my arms around John. He held me tightly and when I pulled back there was amusement on his face. I blushed in embarrassment and looked around to see a few people looking at me like I was nuts. John followed my gaze and sent a glare at the kids standing around. They quickly rushed off in fear. I couldn't help the laugh that escapes me at the sight. I turn back to John.
"I can't believe we got a B plus!" I gush and John rolls his eyes but I can still see the humour in his eyes.
"Yeah well don't go spreading it around. I don't want people to think I'm some nerd." I would have been annoyed at his comment if I hadn't heard the joke in his tone. I roll my eyes and lean and kiss him swiftly. It starts out gentle but as usual it gets heated quickly and soon I find myself pressed up against a locker. I break away, breathing heavy. The way John is looking at me makes my heart flutter. I blush and smile softly.
"Stop. We could get caught!" John shrugs and braces a hand against the locker.
"So? Since when have you cared about getting in trouble lately?" Well, touché. Still I had been attempting to be as good as possible so as not to set my parent's off again.
"Since I started dating you and lying to my parents. I don't want them to go nuts again. They've been pretty good lately and everything has been pretty normal." John looks frustrated but he nods. I know how patient he is being with me and sometimes it surprises me that he puts up with me at all. I'm definitely more virtuous than his prior girlfriends. So far we haven't done anything other than kissing heatedly but I know he wants more. I'm nervous though. I know that I'm not as uptight as I used to be but I'm still unsure about these kinds of things. John leans down and kisses me again and when he pulls away I have to fight to catch my breath. He smirks and pushes off the wall. He offers his hand to me and I take it as I follow him down the hall toward the cafeteria. God he's going to be the death of me.
Walking hand and hand into the cafeteria, we get the usual stares and glares but as usual we keep walking, ignoring them. As we approach one of the tables we are greeted with the smiling faces of the Breakfast Club. Allison especially looks happy to see us. I smile at her. She really has become my best friend. I had gone to her house directly after my conversation and told her everything. I sit down and John sits next to me. He interchanges sitting with us and sitting with his other friends but most of the occupants of the table are still unsure of him and still look at him with fear; including Brian. Even though the two see each other differently and understand that there was more than meets the eye now, they still are not exactly friends. I had tried to talk John into being a little friendlier to Brian but he said that they just didn't have enough in common to hang out.
"What's got you so positive Claire?" Allison asks curiously. I pause but I quickly allow the grin to cross my face.
"John and I got a B plus in English!" I reveal and everyone momentarily is silent and then they start to applaud. John groans aloud and glares at me. I look back at him innocently. Allison huffs but smirks.
"Well I think I should get some of that credit. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have even started. Too busy being all over each other..." she trails off and I blush. I shoot her a glare but thank her anyway. I notice that Brian is staring dreamily off into the distance and I frown.
"Brian?" He doesn't hear me so I say it louder, almost shouting. He looks at me finally.
"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow at his shaky voice. Everyone else has tuned in to our conversation now.
"I was just wondering if you were okay? You looked kind of distracted there..." He blushes and shakes his head.
"I'm fine Claire." He looks down at his lunch and acts like I never mentioned anything. I frown again. What is up with him? I turn around and follow with my eyes where his gaze had been directed. When I see what he must have been seeing, a huge grin breaks across my face. Directly in my line of sight is a girl. A girl with long dark hair. A girl with a pretty face. A girl wearing a leather jacket and motorcycle gloves. Unsurprisingly she is sitting with John's friends. I nudge John in the side. He looks at me with a glare at my nudge. I roll my eyes and direct his attention to the girl in question.
"Who is she?" John looks taken aback by the question and he frowns at me with a little bit of suspicion in his gaze. I keep looking at him innocently. He huffs but speaks.
"That's Janet. She's a cool chick." And apparently that is her entire description as far as John is concerned as he turns away again. I scowl in annoyance and punch him in the arm to get his attention again. He glares at me again.
"Do you have to keep hitting me?" I dramatically rub the spot I punched.
"I didn't even hit you that hard. Anyway I wasn't finished. I was wondering if she is single?" The look on his face is hilarious. He looks like I just grew another head. A small smirk starts playing around his lips quickly though.
"Something you want to tell me Cherry? Feeling a little bi-curious are we? Well I'm sure I can be cool with that." I blush and push him away. I hear him start to chuckle immediately.
"Okay, One: Ew that is so not what I meant! And two: Urgh! Do you have to be so...So...Depraved?" He straightens again and give me an innocent smile.
"Sorry honey, I'm just made that way." I try to keep glaring at him but the smile soon breaks through my scowl and he grins triumphantly. I compose myself again.
"Seriously John, is she single?" He sighs. He still looks utterly confused.
"Yeah, last time I checked." He shakes his head and mutters something about fucking, cryptic women. I raise my eyebrow at him.
"What was that?" He looks at me innocently.
"Nothing. I didn't say anything." I decide to let it go and direct my attention back to the pretty, tough girl sitting across the cafeteria. I eye Brian, who is still eating his lunch quietly and distractedly, before lowering my voice and leaning in closer to John.
"Do you think she would date someone...Different than her? Like someone she might not usually consider?" He still looks entirely lost in this conversation but he considers my question.
"Yeah I guess so. She's a pretty open minded chick. What's with all these questions about her?" He pauses momentarily and a look of suspicion crosses his face. He narrows his eyes as he looks at me.
"This isn't some weird psychotic boyfriend interrogation is it? Some test to make sure I'm not two timing you?" I sigh dramatically. Boys.
"No, what the hell are you talking about? I'm not worried about you being with her!" Then I pause and narrow my eyes too. "Unless I should be..." I trail off. This causes him to roll his eyes.
"Janet is just a friend. I swear." I search his face carefully but there is nothing there for me to suspect otherwise. John has always been good at hiding his emotions but I believe that he is telling the truth.
"I know." I say and I see him visibly relax.
"Good. Now can we get to the point of this whole conversation?" There is agitation in his voice now and I know he is annoyed by my cryptic behaviour. I decide to tell him what I just discovered.
"I think Brian likes her." John blinks. He does it once, twice before he doubles over laughing. The occupants of the table all look at him and then at me in confusion. John continues to laugh and I glare at him angrily. It's not funny! Brian can like who he wants to like. I mean, I'm sure John and I are pretty hilarious to most people but this is different. Brian is a nice guy. I shove John roughly.
"Its not funny!" I yell at him and he sits up once and I can see tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. Everyone at the table looks between us like it's a boxing match. If he keeps this up, it will be, I think angrily.
"Oh trust me, it's fucking hilarious!" That is the last straw. I stand up from the table, grabbing my purse and storm off, fuming. I hear John calling me to come back but I can still hear the humour in his voice so I don't stop. I keep walking until I reach the girl's bathroom. What is so funny about Brian liking a tough girl? Yeah, okay he's a little skinny and dorky but those are what makes him him! He's a great person and he deserves to have someone. I'm so pissed at John right now. How can he be so mean to Brian? I know they're not friends but still, we had all felt a connection that Saturday in detention. Shouldn't that count for something? I hear the door swing open and I stiffen in apprehension. I know that presence. Somehow I can always tell when he's around.
"You know this is a girl's bathroom?" I say without turning around. I hear his footsteps and soon he steps enough into the room that I can see him in the mirror. His face is unreadable. He shrugs noncommittally.
"Not right now it's not. Right now this is the 'my schitzo girlfriend needs to tell me what the fuck is wrong' room." I roll my eyes at his words but I can see that he seriously wants me to tell him. I debate on whether or not to argue more with him and also whether to call him out on his 'schitzo' comment but I can see the worry in his face.
"How could you laugh at Brian like that? You of all people shouldn't have done that. You're the one who kept telling us how spineless we were that Saturday." He looks shocked for a moment before understanding lights in his eyes.
"You thought I was laughing at Big Bri?" I'm confused by his question so I just nod in confirmation. He sighs and shakes his head.
"I wasn't laughing at him Claire. I was laughing because I know how tough Janet is and she would walk all over him." I'm surprised by this admission and then I feel guilty. I had assumed the worst of him immediately. I turn around now and move closer to him. He watches me intensely, trying to judge me reaction probably.
"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions." I say honestly and reach up and kiss him. I try and pour all my guilt and remorse into the kiss and hope he can forgive my faux pas. I pull away and watch him, waiting to hear what he has to say. He reaches out and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Listen, I'll talk to her and tell her about him. If she's not interested then there's nothing I can do." I grin at his words and practically jump on him and kiss him enthusiastically. He sighs into the kiss as if he is exasperated but I can feel his smile against mine. Best. Boyfriend. Ever.
A/N: Well there you go! Hope you enjoyed it and make sure to give me any criticism you have. Positive and/or otherwise. I know it's not the best but I'm still trying to find my feet with this story again.