Chapter 1


"Mom! Where are we going?" I said as I packed my stuff. I wish it wasn't a boarding school. Mom and dad said it was a camp for children like me. I've been training since seven how to fight monsters and stuff; surely I don't need this camp. BTW, I'm Alexandra McLean Grace, fourteen years old and the granddaughter of Zeus. We moved to Los Angeles when my granddad, Tristan McLean got sick.

"HAHAHA! I get to go to your room and you won't be there for the WHOLE summer!" my seven-year old brother, Jasper, said.

"I locked my room and I have the key!" I said while showing him the key to my room.

"Lecsi, you ready?" my dad asked.

"Dad, why do I have to go to camp, and he stays behind?" I asked.

"Because he needs to wait seven more years"

"Fine, I'm ready but I'm not staying in Aphrodite cabin right?"

"Yes, Lecsi now let's go, there's a surprise waiting for you in your cabin."

I went downstairs and said good-bye to grandpa, mom and my annoying brother.

When I went outside, there was a chariot in our front yard, it was huge. In the chariot was a tall guy, with jet black hair and stormy gray eyes. He was familiar, VERY familiar. Before I went in my dad gave something. His gladius and mom's dagger, Katoptris. I hugged him good-bye before going in the chariot.

The boy next to me seems to be looking at me every ten seconds. It was really annoying me. Finally the boy had courage to talk to me.

"Hey, how's it going?" he said with a smile on his face

"Do I know you?" I asked, which is pretty stupid because I think I know him

"You don't remember me?" he asked


"It's me, Logan Chase-Jackson, your neighbour seven years ago…"

My eyes widened and my mouth hanged shocked. It was him. My best friend and I can't even remember him, the guy who I used to have a crush on.

"Logan? I can't believe you're my…" I said shakily


"Umm… protector?"

"I'm just here to pick you up; I'm not a satyr to be your protector."

"Oh...Okay." Well that was embarrassing. I studied Greek and Roman mythology for seven years and I can't believe I said that.

We didn't talk for the rest of the trip. When we saw the camp, we both looked at each other. I took a deep breath before he landed. When I went out of the chariot, many campers surrounded me, probably because I'm new and all. Logan showed me my cabin which was very near his, so were like neighbours again. My cabin was very different; I know what surprise awaited me there. There were musical instruments that I can play there. Yes, I can play the violin, guitar, drums, and the piano. I studied (or Aphrodite forced me) for seven years while training for this camp. Yes, I never had any mortal friends. I've been so lonely, but now, I think I'll fit in here. I continued to explore my cabin. My cabin was just like my room, but, thinking about it, seven years later, there will be a new bed there, Jasper's. Enjoy your room while you can Lecsi. I jumped on my bed and lied down for ten minutes.

I went outside to the sword arena and saw Logan winning a sword fight with some guy and winking on a group of girls. Wow, Logan changed a lot! I grabbed my dagger and went near him. I pointed Katoptris under his chin and he looked stunned.

"What the-"he said

"Challenging you, I want to fight you now at this very arena,"

The group of girls were snickering; one even said "You can't beat him he's the best sword fighter in this camp."

He took out a pen and he uncapped it and it turned into a sword

"If I win," he said "you owe me an apology,"

I took out gladius and flipped it, it turned into a sword

"And if I win," I said "You'll be my servant for a day"

"Deal!" he said.

He charged me but I dodged. I hit him in the arm and he winced in pain. I thought I won but he charged me again, before he could hit me, I hit him in the leg. I smiled at him and pointed my sword at his stomach. He smiled at me and quickly pointed his sword at me, but I have a back-up plan, I took Katoptris and hit his other arm. He kneeled in front of me, wincing in pain. I winked at him and explored the whole camp. I can't believe he's my servant. I strolled down the beach when someone grabbed my arm.


I can't believe she beaten me, after doing something right. At least, I defeated that guy who was dumping that group of girls.


"Can you do it for us?" Kaitlin said

"Sure, I'll beat him up for you, when I wink it means we succeeded, then you can beat him up" I said

"Thanks couz!"

~End of Flashback~

I winced in pain but I managed to follow that little she-devil. She changed a lot, from being that cute little girl to being this vicious violent monster. She went to the beach, the source of my power. I grabbed her arm and she looked at me, those pretty blue eyes, and I just stared at her I froze. She punched me in my stomach and ran away. Oh come on, am I really that weak. Come on Logan just follow her. I followed her to her cabin which was huge. I mean it was huge. I saw her…playing the piano. She was startled by me and grabbed her dagger. I quickly said "No! I'm your servant right?"

She smiled at me and hid her dagger. We looked at each other and I said "Why did you challenge me?"

"Because," she said "You were being flirty winking at girls"

"I was helping them beat that guy who was the real flirty jerk"

She looked at me and said a quick sorry.

We heard the horn blow, it was dinner time.

She grabbed my arm and said "Let's go Fish Face"

"Fish Face?"

"My new name for you,"

"What kinda like Seaweed Brain?"

"You are the grandson of Poseidon right? So you have many fish relatives,"

"But that doesn't mean I look like a fish" I said as she was dragging me to the dining pavilion

"Let's just go"

"Alright she-devil"

She gave me a glare

She kicked me in front of the other campers

"What did you just call me?"

"She-devil, because you called me a Fish Face"

She kicked me harder.