I probably should have done this ages ago, but had thought I might regain some interest in it. I didn't. And I see no point of trying to act like something miraculous might happen, so:

I am formally discontinuing this story.

For any of you that liked my story and wanted more: I apologize, but if I have no interest in it, I can not write the content that you desire or deserve. And all of you deserve stories with far better and creative plot and engaging characters then I gave here.

But I won't remove these stories, as partially ashamed as I feel about them - for not giving my best or thinking in short term or just probably thinking of stuffing random characters into other plots make a good story, which I know these days that it doesn't - these are my first stories proper. So I will keep them up. Just not touch them ever again.

I apologize once more.

Maybe one day, I will finally make a story good enough to show you all.

But until then,

