A/N zomg it finally uploaded! (i tried a few times before but all it would give me was a blank screen...) Sorry for the extra long wait D:

This is great! (and I'm not being sarcastic this time) Okay then, now to plan how to find Chell… hmm hadn't really though that one though very well… There's no telling where I'll land on that massive planet and even if I do land anywhere near her at all how am I supposed to get to her? I mean it's not like I can go up to a human and start talking to them, they'll want to destroy me! That's great… yes there was implied sarcasm that time. This is starting to look impossible again… and Earth is getting closer and closer. I'll hit the atmosphere in under an hour at this rate…! Aw bollocks I completely forgot about the atmosphere! I don't think they ever tested me for atmospheric re-entry! I'm going to die! Well at least most likely… I turn around and calculate my trajectory. Oh, that's interesting. Good news, I'm not going to burn in Earth's atmosphere… I'M GOING TO CRASH INTO THE FLIPIN MOON AND BREAK INTO A MILLION PIECES! I thought I got through that crashing problem already! I knew it was too good to be true…ugh. Not to mention the moon is closer so I'll be dead in like 20 minutes.

Back in Aperture, humans used to talk about your entire life flashing before your eyes right before you die. I don't know if that's a just human thing but it seems a bit ridiculous to me. It's not like I have anything worth looking back on. Yup, farthest I can remember I woke up and they told be me to tend to all the humans. Talked to a few other personality cores once in a while, strange thing is they remember everything from when they were activated and fixed with the final touches, but me? I only remember being woken up one day and immediately being put to work. They said they never heard of bots having memory loss or anything of the like. Anyway I should stop babbling and prepare for certain death.

I turn around again to see how far I was from the moon, which was not too far and was about to close my eye when something caught my attention on the lunar horizon, it looked orange and bright. Why was it so familiar? As I got closer, the spec of bright orange got larger and larger until I finally recognized the figure. It was a portal! Of all the luck anyone ever had in the world I must have the greatest.

Closer… closer… closer, wait doesn't this lead to Aperture Laboratories…? Oh well to late to think about that. Through! Oo it's my old lair, darker than usual. She must have closed this area off. I wonder how long I'll keep goin-

"Ow! That was wood" "Ow! More boards" "Bloody he-! Ceiling…" "How-Ow, long- ow is this- ow going to- ow last!" "AHH! Bright!" Ten years of floating in space does not do you any good… Let's see given my momentum and my calculations I should still be going for another hour. See I'm not a moro- "BIRD BIRD! Oh… now I feel bad for the little demon…" Okay thanks to that now flightless bird, I am moving forwards not up. Where to, where to… let's see there's wheat and wheat and trees and *CRASH* … a window…

not good…


I thought they said I had the day off today… what could be so important that my boss actually called me in person and told me to "drag my ass out of bed and head to work"… his words not mine. Then again it's not like I was going to do anything other than rest today. I'm not too close to anyone at work mainly for my being mute. All they see me as is the head of the technology sector and nothing more. I'm surprised they even hired me; I guess people are desperate for workers in post apocalyptic world but miraculously, we were able to rebuild this town beautifully in the past ten years. When I got here with my companion cube all this town was, was a battered up building and piles of rubble that used to be houses. Long story short, I helped the other survivors rebuild the town and got a job from the guy who owned the building.

I got to the building and smiled at the security guard as I signed in. He yawned.

"Good morning Chell, I see the boss called you in early today." I sigh and nod my head. "Did he tell you anything? About what's going on?" I shook my head. "All I heard was something crashed into a window on one of the upper levels." Okay so an animal of something broke a window, not much of a big deal if you ask me, well nothing's really a big deal after Aperture but whatever. I waved bye to the guard and headed to testing room three where I'll hopefully get some answers.

As soon as I get out of the elevator I hear faint talking, the voices of my boss and his assistant. As I walk down the hall I here bits and pieces of their sentences.

"What… we ….with it?"

"It… weird…freaks… out" I can hear more and more as I get closer I feel anxious to know what their talking about.

"Maybe… should ….it apart and see… what makes…tick... case, talk."

"It kind of scares me… we burn it?"

"Woah woah woah, let's not be hasty!" Who's that? The voice sounds so familiar. "I'm just a- uh a toy! Yeah that's it I'm a toy so there's no need for prodding, smashing or burning, especially burning that sounds really painful." It couldn't be…! I start to run down the hall.

"Hey it just talked again! Honestly I don't know what we should do with it… I'd rather just dump it now but let's ask- ah just the person I was looking for" I burst into the room a little short of breath from running and anxiety. Behind the glass of the testing chamber I see him and he sees me. He stares at me with his optic wide open.

This will be an interesting work day.

A/N just saying but it'll take a while to get the next chapter up... i didn't really plot it out yet truthfully BUT i have excuses XD like...

PLAYWRIGHTS FESTIVAL! it was today and the first scene of my play was chosen to be read aloud by actors (as well as others :3) i had to help my teacher with a bunch of stuff for it + getting the plays ready to be copied for the competition

second SS project :/ not much but takes time

third it's concert season :) getting ready for my chorus concert :D

I know you don't care about my life but i just didn't want you guys to think i'm lazy (which i am...) anyways please review :3