A collaboration done between me (beelzebub) and Yokoskitsune the blackbutler net forums, work in progress.

INFORMATION: This story takes place some time after episode 18, and before episode 23, when William enlists Undertaker's help for the mass soul collection of the London fire.

"Mr. Spears, sir; you have an order from Nathaniel; It's very urgent!" a messenger suddenly burst into William's office exclaiming, very out of breath handing him an envelope with a seal on it verifying his claim.

William took the envelope when the messenger spoke again after he caught his breath, "Also, this is extremely trivial compared to this, but the library also sent you a notice of several missing books that have been checked out and never returned apparently" he gave the slip of paper to William as well.

William sighed, taking both documents and asked "Why would the librarians send me of all people, a list of missing books? Such things should be taken to the proper department, which is NOT the dispatch department!"

The messenger looked very flustered, perhaps he shouldn't have snapped at him, he was only doing his job after all, William thought to himself. "W-Well, it's because of the person who checked them out that they decided it best to send it to you..." he replied finally.

This, of course, perked William's interest slightly, but since the books were already overdue, he'd look at it after he'd have dealt with whatever assignment that was so graciously given to him by those higher ups. "Alright, thank you. I'll look into it then; you may be dismissed" he told Nathaniel's messenger, watching him bow politely and leave his office.

Looking through the envelope's contents,... he started reading:

"To The London area Dispatch Management Division Director, William T. Spears:

On the date of September 3, approximately 34% of souls residing in the London area are scheduled for collection. However an angel is attempting to harvest these souls to connect Earth and heaven together by making a bridge, and will as a result, cause a mass cleansing of souls that will be unable to be stored in the reaper library.

To prevent this, I request that you send your London District dispatch team in to collect as many souls as possible before the angel completes the bridge connecting the two worlds.



"Honestly, why can't they just call it a 'massacre as it SHOULD be properly named?" he thought to himself out loud as he considered the circumstances; thank goodness that they had enough courtesy to at LEAST warn him one day before the actual event or he may have requested a transfer...or perhaps just a vacation.

"The fact that we are so short-staffed causes problems with this kind of situation..." he thought to himself when he suddenly thought of Undertaker. His participation would definitely be of much help, but William didn't like the idea of forcing him out of retirement for this, but there wasn't much much of a choice; those souls have to be collected somehow.

"I suppose it can' t be helped." William said out loud, then remembering the librarian's note and his curiosity getting the best of him, checked to see who in the world could possibly have such high overdue fees. The name written down didn't quite surprise him, but the fact that the coincidence was too uncanny for comfort and was slightly laughing to himself. "It seems I'd have to pay you a visit anyway...Undertaker."