Disclaimer: In no way do I own anything GI Joe related.

Author's Note: Thanks to "Just A Crazy Man" for the idea and the support!

"I hope this is not wasting my valuable time," the Baroness said scornfully, finding her nails more interesting than Mindbender's latest " break through." She only tolerated him because he was the Commander's "pet" and what Adam DeCobray wanted, it was her job to make sure he got.

"Let's get on with it then," she said impatiently, looking up at him as he muttered over his computer.

"I promise you, this is NOT a waste of time!" Dr. Brian Bender, known as Mindbender, exclaimed, so into his latest experiment that he didn't notice the Baroness' boredom. "Just a switch here, and an equation there….voila!" he said, turning his laptop so that she could see the computer simulation.

She bent forward, glad that he was finally getting on with it. She watched as yet another one of his bio vipers went through a series of battle moves.

She snorted. "Is that all? Just another bio viper? And why should we be interested in this? So far, they have not proved that successful," she said, starting to turn away.

"Wait!" Mindbender cried, tripping over one of the cords in his lab. The whole place was a disorganized mess and it made the Baroness, a very orderly woman, uncomfortable.

"I promise you, this is different – new, exciting, AND successful! You haven't heard of my secret element!"

"Which would be…"

Mindbender grinned. "What has been missing from my babies, er, bio vipers – a brain. Not any brain, but that of a trained soldier!"

"And where do you plan on getting this brain?"

Mindbender smiled. "Oh, I have some ideas," he said vaguely.

The Baroness sighed, wishing she was anywhere else but here. "I will let Mr. DeCobray know of your newest idea. He will let you know if the funding will be available."

"I am intrigued by the idea," a raspy voice echoed around the room. Mindbender grinned, rubbing his hands together. He hadn't let the Baroness know that he had patched through to the Commander quite a while ago. Stuck up bitch, she deserved to be tricked, he thought. "Baroness, see that Dr. Bender gets what he needs. While the bio vipers of the past have been somewhat successful, I think having a meld between a trained soldier and a synthetic one might be just what we need."

The Baroness inwardly sighed. Where was she to get a highly trained soldier who would be willing to consider going through this? Obviously, it would have to be one who had his mind changed for him.

"Oh, Baroness," mocked Mindbender, rubbing his hands together, grinning widely, "I need a specialized soldier. One who is a sharpshooter, a survivalist, and perhaps, one who specializes in difficult situations."

"Do you have any idea where you can find someone who would meet all these requirements?" she asked, rolling her eyes behind his back as he turned once again to his laptop and pulled up a file.

"I want….him," he said, brandishing the screen at her.

She leaned forward again. "Staff Sergeant Cooper G. MacBride," she read. "Code name: Low-Light. Interesting. What are we suggesting…kidnapping?"

"Read further," Mindbender snapped, impatient with her snotty attitude. "Remember, the Commander said I could have anything I need!"

What a brat, she thought, but continued to read aloud. "Missing in Action, Columbia, during a drug raid. So he's MIA," she shrugged. "What, you're going to tell me that you have him in your closet?" she asked sarcastically.

"Not exactly," boasted Mindbender. He pressed a button on his watch. "Major Blood, have you found the package?"

"We're very close, it won't be too long now. We are definitely on his trail!" the Australian mercenary gleefully replied.

"I wanted him yesterday!" whined Mindbender. "See that you deliver him to me by tonight and I will double your fee!" He looked over at the Baroness.

"I don't always need your help, as you can see" he said bitterly. "However, as long as Cobra Industries continues to fund my research, then that will do nicely."

"Call me when you have your test subject," she said. "I don't need to stay around and wait." She looked around the room once more in disgust, turned on her heel and marched out of the room.