I would Like to take this moment to thank all of my viewers who have followed this story through all its ups and down. You have all been so helpful and kind and I speak the truth when I say this story would never have gotten past chapter 3. I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter.


Tororo blinked, a bright light above him and nearly blinding him with brightness. He could not bring himself to speak and reached idly for the bright light. The only thing going through his mind at the moment was; 'Is this the end? The fucking light at the end of the tunnel?'

Yet as he reached up, his hand smacked against the bright shining lamp that was directly above him, causing it to swing slowly back and forth. As he stared at his hand that was now in his view, he decided that maybe he want dead quite just yet.

A startled yelp and some quick, light footsteps alerted him to the fact that someone, most likely Pururu, had entered the room. Tororo quickly put his arm back down as the bright was removed from above him and Pururu's bright and smiling face quickly came in to view.

"Good morning Sleepy-head!" Pururu chirped happily, obviously slightly shocked at the fact that Tororo was awake It took Tororo a minute to get what she was saying though. His head was spinning and it sounded like Pururu was talking to him with a mouthful of thick pudding. Once his mind had registered what Pururu had said and he preyed his lips that where chapped and stuck together slightly from disuse apart and groaned out what he naturally groaned out when he woke up in the morning.


Pururu let out a shaky laugh and reached over, grabbing a cup of water that had siting next to the bed and pushed it to Tororo's lips. "Drink a little, your throat sounds dry."

Tororo took a few small drinks from the cup and realized that his throat had been incredibly sore and dry. He had never thought that something as simple as water could make him feel so much better.

As Pururu pulled the cup away and placed it back on the table before pulling out some syringes and other medical tools, she began to babble excitedly on about there victory over the Keron force. Tororo could understand most of what she was saying, a few words being seeming quieter then others. This was probably due to a head injury of some sort. He could get Pururu to tell him the extent of his injury's later. Although he was almost certain that he had enough injury's around his body to hide the marks that Kururu had left on him.


"P-Pururu? Where is Kururu?" Tororo questioned, suddenly wanting nothing more then to see the yellow menace healthy and alright.

"Ah Kururu? He should be down here soon. He has been watching this room 24/7 since we found you. If he is awake he will likely be here shortly." Pururu said as she drew blood from a few places and caused Tororo to wince and grumble in annoyance at having needles stuck in him. Whatever, he could live with the needles, it was in a sense a necessary evil anyway.

"Pururu, why am i alive? How did i survive the dam explosion!"

Pururu's face brightened, excited to explain. "Ah! You where stuck inside a box, presumably the box that had the self destruct activation. It had a weird type of metal and withstood the explosion, probably to keep it from going off in case say a fire where to start or some other incident . Had you been anywhere ells in the entire base, you probably would have been blown to smithereens!" Pururu beamed at Tororo, who's face blanched.

"Oh great. So my fatness saved me? How will I ever be able to brag about something like that?

"Your not fat Tororo! Your just adorably chubby!" Pururu giggled, poking Tororo in the belly gently before going back to sticking syringes in to Tororo and drawing blood from him.

After a short while of poking and prodding, Pururu smiled at him and informed him that she would alert Kururu to the fact that he was awake if he wasn't already on his way. Tororo nodded and relaxed, pleased to have the needles out of him. As Pururu left, silence engulfed the room and Tororo felt a calming sensation he hadn't felt in a while. A soft, calm silence, only broken by the quiet ticking of a clock on the wall. It seemed slightly surreal to him and him, being as exhausted as he felt, was quickly lulled to sleep.


Tororo grumbled as a finger prodded at the side of his head rudely as he slept lightly, His eyes opened slowly and the world looked fuzzy to him a moment after they opened completely. When the fuzziness did not disappear he realized that it was because his glasses where not on his face. Instead they where on the table beside him. Tororo reached over and grabbed them, breathing on them slightly to clear them a bit and putting them on to his face. Before him sat Kururu, a big smirk spread across his face as he leaned back in the chair he had pulled up to the bed Tororo was in.

They stared at each other a moment, just relishing in the face that the other was alive, moderately healthy and with them.

"Ku, ku ku ku kuu~ Miss me squirt?" Kururu asked , a lax expression on his face as he stared adoringly at Tororo.

"Pfft, Fat chance old man." Tororo mumbled past a pillow he buried his face in to. He had managed to roll himself over using his good hand and flop on to his belly he had always been more comfortable this way.

Tororo watched as Kururu shifted a bit in his chair, scooting it closer to The bed that his lover lay injured in. He could see a hint in Kururu's expression that told him that Kururu wanted to do something that he was hesitant to do. He pondered what that may be, but his curiosity was quickly ended when Kururu leaned over and wrapped his arms around Tororo as best as he could in an awkward hug.

"Tororo...I was...no we where ALL so afraid you where going to die. Even after we found you. Pururu said that the damage that you had received internal damage that might have been fatal."

Tororo blinked. "Oh yeah...Pururu mentioned that you had like been stalking me via camera since you found me..." Tororo snickered quietly. "Your really DO love me don't you?"

. . .

"I admit nothing! God Tororo you know just how to ruin moods!" Kururu mumbled and sat back In his chair and watched Tororo carefully for a moment, almost studying him and trying to figure him out. A slow smirk spread across his face.

"So Tororo do you feel great and mighty? Signal handedly sending off the Keron army? You successfully destroyed the base, the leader and quiet a few solders along with it."

Tororo groaned loudly. "My body hurts...No I don't feel fucking "great and mighty" I feel like I get ran over by a god dam steam roller!"

"A small cost to pay." Kururu snickered

"Shut up."

The look on Kururu's face almost made Tororo shudder. He was watching him with an expression that told the young tadpole that he either wanted to kiss Tororo silly, or do horribly naughty things to him. Though he figured Kururu probably did want to do naughty things to him, he probably wouldn't given Tororo's current state and the fact that they where in Pururu's office.

"Tororo," Kururu began, leaning forward slightly. "What do you think of the color red?"

This again? Tororo's mind instantly flashed up as many different things that he could think of that where red.






Kururu's eyes.

Was that was this was about? Tororo smirked.

"Uhmmmmm...lets see...red, red...Lets see... it tends to mean rage, destruction, anger...mean things like that...on the flip-side it tends to symbolize love, compassion, lust, all that fun stuff...Scientificly and in nature and crap, it tends to symbolize Danger and warnings..." Tororo muddled on, picking his words carefully as he went..

"Ku, ku ku kuu~ your opinion of red hasn't changed since I last asked you." Kururu snickered.

"Wrong Kururu, it has changed in more ways then you could ever imagine." Tororo mumbled.

They stared at each other. Tororo hesitating on doing something he hadn't tried to do in many many years.

He reached up, and removed Kururu's glasses.

Tororo hadn't done this since they where in school together, and back then he hadn't been successful. When Kururu nearly broke Tororo's hand for trying, Tororo never tried again. Until now.

The glasses came off without a fight, or even a struggle. Before Tororo even knew it, he had Kururu's spiral glasses in his hand. Tororo looked up. Red eyes, staring through an extremely fuzzy world at glasses covered green ones.





"So witch is it squirt? Rage, Love or Danger?" Kururu questions, leaning his head on an arms of the chair he was sitting in, quirking an eye ridge at Tororo

Tororo scoffed, handing Kururu his glasses against, who promptly put them back on his eyes. "Well its certainly not love and compassion."

"Oh now come on Tororo, you of all people know I can be loving and compassionate. ESPECIALY in bed right?"

"You think way to highly of yourself you know? You see yourself as some sort of god." Tororo waved Kururu, dismissing him offhandedly.

"Yes and you worship me." Kururu snickered, leaning down and brushed his lips against Tororo's.

"Only cause i love you..." Tororo mumbled, trying to pull Kururu closer to him. "And you know you would have been NOTHING if i had died."

Kururu looked thoughtful for a moment, staring at Tororo's face before scoffing and pulling away from Tororo.

"I would have gotten over you. You drive me crazy anyway."

"God I hate you Kururu." Tororo grumbles in annoyance, smacking at Kururu's arm halfheartedly. He even let the slightest of pouts to grace his lips as Kururu snickered and grinned big down at his young tadpole lover. He ignored the smack and leaned back down, pressing there lips together gently, savoring Tororo and trying to memorize everything about this moment.

"I hate you to Squirt."

This time Tororo knew that Kururu didn't mean it. Things had changed, hopefully for the better. They certainly would never be the same again. That was for sure. No matter what happened, it was too late to turn back now.

He was too far in to him.

Too far in to the Danger Zone...




This has been lost of fun (at times) and I have gotten such lovely and supportive reviews from all of you. Thank you once again and I hoped you enjoyed my story!

I will most likely (once I stop being a lazy bitch) go back and edit a few of the chapters that are bugging the crap out of me, but it will not change any plot or anything like that. Just adding some details here and there, making things a bit longer and maybe doing some grammar and spelling. Shit like that.

Thank you all Once more, I love you all.

I MAY take requests if you REALLY like my writing that much (for some reason) But normally its pretty rare I write a fanfiction Actually. So if you have a request, I will likely only fill it if it REALLY interests me (plot or character wise), or if your willing to do a trade.