SORRY FOR THE SUPER LONG HIATUS! HERE IS A NEW CHAPTER FOR ALL MY AWESOME READERS (and newcomers of course :D) don't forget to shower me with lovely reviews afterwards too please~

"All passengers for flight 510, please proceed to gate number 48. I repeat, all passengers on flight 510, please proceed to gate number 48."

The monotonous voice rang through the PA system, and a miniature exodus began to file through the entrance to Narita Airport's customs and security check-in lines. The stuffy atmosphere of the airport followed the people, like a cloud of bees tracking a trail of pollen.

A certain blue-eyed young man tugged at his companion's luggage and arm. "Come on, we're leaving."

Two things answered him, and neither were verbal responses.

The first was silence.

The second? A perfect view of the back of Moriyama Kimiko's head.

Kimiko stared across the airport, absentmindedly noting the dreary white color and emptiness all around her, as the occasional passerby rushed by to get to his flight or an impatient cab. The only dab of color came from the setting sun, its rays filtering through the small glass windows to illuminate the -again- white ground.
It was clearly too late to regret it. And she wasn't. Of course she wasn't going to regret following her parents' will.
But something inside her still tugged at her heart, nudging her, You can't do this. Don't. Don't. You won't be happy...

And so she fought. Her instinct fought against her conscience, and her mind fought against her heart.

A loud throat-clearing from behind her got her attention, but she didn't bother turning around. It was obvious who it was anyways, and she didn't feel like showing that she even noticed his presence.
"We have to go, Kimiko." Impatience colored Dameon's statement.

Kimiko gave a noncommittal grunt. Despite her current mood, she couldn't prevent a bittersweet smile from flashing across her face. It sounded quite like Sanada's, if she should say so herself.

Ah, Genichirou...where are you right now? I wonder what you're doing? Has Ryou given you my last gift?

"You know..." the voice behind her now had a slightly gleeful lilt to it that made her cringe and want to throw an uppercut to his chin at the same time. "He's not going to come. Or he won't make it in time." She could hear him shrug. "Either way works for me."

Genichirou, where are you? Save me!

"I don't need him to." She added, "And I'm not looking for him."

Kimiko shot Dameon a glare when he snorted, but unfazed, he said nonchalantly, "Well then, that's for the best. You might as well just submit to this and obediently become my wife. 'Cause once that happens, don't even think about running away. With no name, no money, or on the streets, who's going to take care of you if I don't?"

"I WILL." Another voice from behind them rang loud and clear.

No. Kimiko's clenched jaw loosened and fell open; her eyes grew wide and her body froze up. No, it can't be...She turned around, her heart hammering in her chest, her pulse racing...

But it was.

Standing there- or rather, bent over, was Sanada Genichirou -vice captain of Rikkaidai's tennis team, renowned Emperor of the tennis courts, supposed "grandfather" of the Rikkai kouhais... and the love of her life. He had his hands on his knees, his chest heaving, with sweat pouring down his face. But bright and filled with unwavering emotion, his eyes remained fixed on her as he breathed heavily- she almost felt like crying again just from seeing him.

After he took in a few more deep gulps of air, Sanada straightened and made his way over to her, (completely ignoring the slackjawed Dameon in the back) and proceeded to engulf her in a huge, almost crushing embrace. A few moments passed before Kimiko realized what was going on, but she soon returned the hug just as fiercely.
I missed you. I missed you. I missed you. Before she could consciously rein them back, the tears welled up and started running down her cheeks again.

Sanada let his arms go slack and instead brought Kimiko to arm's length away. His hands moved slowly- from her shoulders, to caress the slight hollow at the nape of her neck, and upwards to run along her jawline, his eyes always still staring into hers. As a fresh set of tears began to course down her face, he chuckled and lightly rubbed them away using a gentle thumb. I missed you too. "Crybaby as always, huh?" Though the words sounded harsh to an onlooker, there was still a fondness and subtle message mixed into them that she would not ever miss.

She nodded through the tears, somehow smiling brightly despite the situation.
You're here. You're here!

He ran a large, warm hand through her hair, bringing it to caress her face again tenderly. I always will be.

Now, as if to shield her, he brought Kimiko behind his broad back. Now glaring at Dameon, he repeated his loud declaration from before. "I will take care of Kimiko."

"You?" Dameon snorted loudly. "What a joke! What do you have, commoner, that I don't? Connections? Wealth? A complete family?"

Sanada stayed silent.

"Well, let me remind you, Sanada Genichirou. I have her parents' will!" Dameon yelled gleefully.

Sanada smirked, but the expression in his eyes remained hard. "Is it my turn to talk?"

"What?" Dameon was slightly taken aback by Sanada's unfazed attitude.

"Well, even if you didn't let me, I'm going to say it anyways. There's one thing I have with me, Dameon, that you will never be able to get or take away from me." At Kimiko's fisting his shirt, he patted her arm. I'm here.

"Dameon, I have Kimiko's heart. And no matter where we are, how much time passes, or whether Kimiko or I am dead, it will never become yours. Kimiko's parents may have written that will, word for word-but that was without the knowledge of who she would meet, and for the purpose of securing her a comfortable life, even if it meant sacrificing a wholesome relationship."

"But now she has me. So again, I ask you, Dameon-what don't you have that I do possess? Connections? We're one of the most famous dojo families, equal to the Moriyama clan. Wealth? Ditto. A complete family? Mother, Father, Grandfather, my nephew. Probably even more complete, and much more functional than yours, I have no doubt. And I have her heart, too. I have everything and anything that Kimiko will need for the road ahead. So, that will has served its purpose and should be completely void at this point. If you have any conscience in you right now, you'll rip it up and throw it in the fireplace-I'm sure you have one in that traditional European mansion of yours in Germany. Thank you very much, but I'll be taking Kimiko back to our home now."

Sanada grabbed Kimiko's hand and pulled her out of the airport, almost dragging her as she tried to comprehend what had just unfolded before her. Once it hit her, Kimiko yelped and began telling an unyielding Sanada to slow down. The two of them bickered even as they made their way outside.

Dameon watched silently, his face seemingly unsure of what to show. He settled for a complicated mix between a grimace and a smile. "Dameon-bocchama, is this okay?" his butler spoke quietly beside the blue-eyed man. "You came all this way from Germany for her, to make up for the misunderstanding-"

"Don't say anything else, Sibelius. Just...don't."

Dameon gazed somewhat wistfully out at the still bickering couple about to disappear into the distance. "As long as she's happy, it doesn't matter what happened. Everything's in the past now. 'Everything and anything'..." My feelings for her, too, I have to put behind me now.

The blue-eyed boy turned his back to the scene of the (seemingly?) happy couple. He let out a sigh. "Become happy, my love."