A/N: Here I am, once again
Feelin bad but now and then
I update the story
and get it written
and you don't know
where you are now
or if your readers hate you
if only you weren't so lazy
you figure out how
update the story
or dissappeaaarrrr
That waste of space right there was my version of Make It Shine. It's called Apologize Like Fuck. Sorry for being so slow to update!
*~*~Ok now I'll actually update this lol~*~*
Jade looked nervous. Really nervous. She was sitting in the middle of the orange couch, along with James, Logan, Carlos, Tori, Cat, Trina, Andre, Robbie, Beck, and Kendall.
"Well?" Tori asked. She was a firm believer in one guy at a time.
There was a silence as Jade looked around the room, at her feet, at the ceiling, anywhere but at the two guys waiting on her answer. She barely knew what to say, or how to say it.
"Kendall," Jade finally said, breaking the silence that had seemed to go on forever.
"Yes!" Kendall jumped up and did a little happy dance.
"Look Beck," she said, "I know we dated for a long time, but all good things... end. And you were getting too dad-like-"
"I'm more fun!" Kendall sneered, cutting her off.
Jade threw a pillow at him and continued, smirking, "also, I know you'd be way happier making out with James than me."
"Well NOW everybody knows," James said, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. Of course, it's not like he really cared what people thought, especially people who did not belong to the group of Girls He Could Have Sex With or Powerful People Who Could Make Him Famous.
Jade rolled her eyes at him and Beck just nodded. He kind of figured that he'd get dumped. He had made out with James and given him several blow jobs.
"Fair enough," Beck said. Andre and Robbie looked pretty shocked to hear about this, but they kept their mouths shut.
"You know I do mainly just like girls, right?" James said to Beck, clarifying.
"I also know you think I'm hot," Beck replied, running a hand through his hair.
"Touche," James replied.
~*~*Last scene since I said this would be Carlos/Cat*~*~
"It actually all turned out ok," Carlos saidin amazement. He was sitting on the orange couch with Cat, their legs intertwined. There was a horror movie playing. Well, there would be. Once they pressed play. Which they would do. Eventually. No, soon. Very soon.
They were both pretty nervous about watching it.
Cat gulped and grabbed Carlos's hand. Carlos held his breath and reluctantly pressed play.
The movie was not very scary at all by horror movie standards. By Carlos and Cat standards, however, it was fucking terrifying.
"Carlos, where is he?" Cat whispered from her spot in Carlos's lap, where she had jumped last time she got scared. Carlos grinned. James was so right that horror movies were the best kind of movie to watch with girls.
Before he could reply, or get a full minute to enjoy their current position, the killer jumped out from behind a truck and attacked a random lady. Both Carlos and Cat shrieked loudly, wrapping their arms around eachother.
"Is it gone?" Carlos asked quietly, not daring to look up.
"I don't know," Cat replied, "I don't wanna look."
After a moment of waiting, they decided the coast was clear to look back at the TV and shut it off.
"What do you want to do now?" Cat asked quietly.
"I don't know," Carlos replied, "Let's go to my room."
The couple lay on the bed for awhile, staring at the ceiling.
"We should do something more fun," Cat decided with a wink.
"And what woud be more fun?" Carlos asked, turning his head to face her and raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh I don't know," Cat replied, tracing a finger down his arm. She moved closer to him and pressed her mouth up against his ear.
"I'm sure you can figure something out," she whispered.
Carlos grinned, climbing on top of her. He gave her a deep kiss and let his mouth make its way down her neck, leaving several hickeys on her collarbone.
"Is this more fun?" Carlos asked when he pulled away.
"Definitely," Cat replied, reaching her arms up and around Carlos's neck. She pulled him down closer to her and kissed him, letting his hands wander up and under her shirt.
Carlos slowly peeled the shirt off of her, tossing it to the ground. He kissed down her chest while Cat went to pull off Carlos's jeans. He kicked them off and took off his shirt. Cat took off her shorts and let Carlos's hands roam down to her thong. He pulled it back and snapped it, making Cat giggle.
"Carlos," she said, "you can go under it, you know," she pecked him on the lips and Carlos smiled. He reached back around her and unhooked her pink lacy bra, throwing that to the side too. Carlos grabbed at her boobs and trailed his hands down her sides another time. They traced the top of her thong and his quick little fingers poked under it occasionally.
Cat felt Carlos's abs and pulled her hands down to his boxers. She put her hands in them and felt around underneath, pumping his dick lightly.
"Uuggh, Cat, you tease," Carlos moaned.
"What's that?" Cat asked, pulling her hands out of his boxers.
"More," Carlos groaned. He angled his hips down, rocking them against Cat's. Cat picked up the pace, begging to grind against him harshly. Carlos leaned into it more and more, grinding harder as he did.
"Let's lose this," Carlos breathed, pulling Cat's thong off to the best of his ability.
"And these," Cat agreed, taking off Carlos's boxers.
They continued rocking together as they had before, until Carlos decided it was high time.
"Now?" Carlos asked eagerly.
"Now," Cat replied, nodding. She reached into the top nightstand drawer and handed Carlos a condom. He slid it on and went back to work, pushing part way into her, then pulling out. Carlos continued this way for awhile, going a little deeper with each thrust.
"Carlos, harder!" Cat screamed.
Carlos picked up the pace, pleasing Cat as he did so. The deeper he went, the louder she screamed.
"Cat, I- Im gonna!" Carlos screamed as he released, not able to finish his thought. Cat moaned at their climax and Carlos kept going for a few more slowed thrusts. He went deep, but gently and much slower than before, until he finally pulled out.
"That was the best," Carlos breathed as he fell back onto the bed next to Cat.
"Definitely," Cat replied.
Just then, the door burst open.
"Hey Carlos, I found this-" James's voice came from the door. He stopped short and took in their current situation, deciding whatever it was could wait.
"I'll tell you later," James said decisively, closing the door behind him.
Carlos and Cat gaped, unable to do or say anything else.
"Well," Carlos said, eyes still locked on the now closed doorway.
"He didn't exactly hurry out," Cat said, blushing as soon as she said it.
"I don't blame him," Carlos growled and gave her a peck on the lips.
*~*~That's that!~*~*
A/N: Hey! So, um, ell me what you thought. I know I got really off-topic and jump-around-y throughout the story, but I guess that comes with spontaneous writing. I figured I might as well finish with the pair I started with.