Chapter Eleven

It was cold and dark in his cell. He sat in a corner of the room, arms wrapped around himself because the shirt and trousers he was forced to wear did not protect against the Azkaban elements. He had been in prison for almost a week—although he was not one hundred percent sure when the day started and the night ended. Time seemed to pass so slowly here. He bowed his head and rested his temple against his arms. He slept a lot at the moment, because he always seemed to weary. Food was scarce and the presence of the Dementors continually drained his soul of any energy. He just wanted to die. Here the memories were too much for him.

He looked up when footsteps echoed in the corridor, coming toward him. They stopped outside his cell door, and he was suddenly confronted with the figure of Albus Dumbledore.

"Hello, Severus."

Severus jerked to his feet and crossed to the bars that meant he would never be able to leave this place again. "Dumbledore."

"I see, no pleasantries any more?" Albus replied.

"You put me in here." Severus hissed. "You lied and changed that confession. I wasn't making it up!"

"How is it, in here?" Albus asked, "I can imagine it's...soul destroying."

Snape did not answer that.

"It's a shame that the witness saw you." Dumbledore murmured pleasantly, as if he was commenting on a passing bird.

"There was no witness. It was you." Severus answered. "You had this planned from the start."

"I am pleased to see that you remain as intelligent as your schooling suggested you would be, my dear boy." Albus' tone remained light.

"Why did you do this? Why did you choose me?" Severus whispered, "Tell me. What did I ever do to you?"

Dumbledore sighed, as if he was talking to an impertinent child. "You didn't. But I'm at war, Severus. There have to be casualties."

"I never told him anything about the Order. All those times he asked. All those times I lied to him. At least he never threw me in Azkaban."

Severus looked away, "I only killed him because he knew about me. You risked losing your spy."

Albus shrugged noncommittally, "I found someone to replace you. Someone whose loyalty I can depend upon. Someone whom Lord Voldemort does not have an...intimate...interest in."

Severus flinched at the use of the words and drew back. "You know nothing about what happened."

"Anyway. I thought that I would tell you that your wand has been destroyed. I thought you might need to know." Dumbledore shook his head, "Voldemort was right. You did have so much potential, Severus Snape."

"You said that you would protect me." Severus murmured after a moment. "You gave me your word."

"I said that I would protect you from Lord Voldemort." Dumbledore looked at him, straight in the eyes. "And he cannot touch you here. I have kept my word. My conscience is clear, Severus."

And he turned from Snape and walked away.