Norway lay in bed. There wasn't really anything else for him to do. Denmark was out to shop, though he didn't know for what. Probably just groceries.

"Norge?" Denmark spoke silently, still looking hurt, but there was something else, something dark lurking in the depths of his eyes.

Norway looked up, nodding, a sign that he was ideed awake. And he didn't like one bit what he found looking into those beautiful skyblue eyes.

"I have to go out for a bit, to shop." He spoke slowely putting pressure on the words, like he was talking to a little child or an elderly.H

Norway just nodded again. Then Denmark disappered out of the door, locking it begind him.

Norway, back alone only had one thing to wait for. For Iceland to complete his part of the task at hand.

Norway heard a knock on the door, trying to get up, he'd totally forgotten about his current state, and fell back against the pillows one more, yelling out, "Ice, the bedroom window!"

It only took Iceland a split second to find out what Norway meant. And he soon appered outside the half-open window.

"You called~?" He teased. Norway just rolled his eyes, a small smile playing around his lips, it soon gone again. Iceland opened the window all the way and crawled in, trying not to catch too much unwated attencion from the street.

When all the way in he practically ran to Norways side, holding onto one of his hands. He felt so weak for once. It was so unreal all this, Norway used to be the strong one! He had to be! Sighing he pulled the blanket draped over Norway out of the way, exposing the cuts and bruises on his pale skin. If even possible Iceland paled dramatically, and was on the edge of actually passing out. Had Denmark that idiot done all this to his beloved brother?

"I'm gonna kill him!" He spoke through gritted teeth clenching his fists. Norway lay a weak hand on his arm. Shaking his head. Leaving no room for arguement. He continued straight on.

"Go open the door first, that way it'll be easier." Norway said in a slightly strained voice.

Iceland just nodded and went to open the door. He was soon back by Norways side trying to lift him up by placing to arms under his back and knees. As he was about to lift him up from the bed, a voice was heard from the door.

"What do you think you're doing?"