Disclaimer: I don't own House of Anubis I only own my stories, ideas and plot lines. :) enjoy it or else! jk! or am I? *evil smile

Nina's POV

I awoke suddenly and realized I was in the attic. My first thought was how did I get up here? That thought was suddenly interrupted by me realizing that my forehead was burning. I then felt something cold and wet. I was freezing it was really cold up here. I looked over to the window and saw that it was dark so it must be night time. I went to reach up to touch where I felt the wet it hurt to lift my arm but after a moment I continued trying to lift my hand to the side of my head. When I pulled my hand back down to where I could look at it my hand it was covered in semi-dried, deep red blood. It stung even worse when I touched my head and I knew that something terrible had happened, but I couldn't remember what. I then heard someone coming up the stairs but I didn't have the energy to move. I was far too weak, If it was my attacker I would be completely powerless. I had to just sit there and wait for what would come. Suddenly the door flung open and I saw a tall figure and a bright light shinning on me. I then realized that they had a torch in their hand (that explained where the bright light was coming from). I couldn't tell who it was until they were right beside me and knelt down beside me. I then realized much to my relief that it was Fabian. When he saw me he looked horrified. I then saw that Amber was with him. He then started to shout directions at Amber.

"Amber go get Trudy! Hurry! I will stay here with Nina." He told her.

Then he turned and began to speak with me.

"Nina what happened?" He asked.

I was so weak I could barely make a sound.

"I don't, I-I don't know. I-I-I ca-can't re-remember." I said shivering.

He touched my face and must have realized that I was cold because he took off his robe and put it on top of me.

Then Amber rushed into the room Trudy not far behind.

"Oh my goodness! Nina what happened darling?" She said as she began to examine the large gash on the side of my face.

Before I could answer Fabian cut me off, which I am glad he did because right now it was exhausting for me to even speak.

"She says she can't remember anything. She's freezing we need to get her out of here and dress her wounds." He said. Wounds? I thought. I thought I only had one on my head. I then became aware of the sting in my arm too, that must have been why it hurt to lift my arm when I had tried to touch my head earlier.I then felt Fabian picking me up one arm behind my back the other under my knees. I was glad e realized that I didn't have the energy to walk right now. Trudy and Amber followed as he carried me down the stairs towards the bathroom. I knew that they were going there so that they could dress my wounds but I also knew that this wasn't going to be fun at all.

I hope you like it! I will be posting more chapters soon so don't worry! I am looking forwards to what is to come in this story and I am happy because I have finally finished this story! I have been avoiding working on it but today I am kind of on a role! So I am taking advantage of my no writers block and pretty much writing all day today! lolz I hope you like it and please review! My inspiration is coming from all of those who read my stories and review I may even post the second chapter today also! lolz! but we'll see I might save it for tomorrow! lolz! thanks everyone!