My first fanfiction piece , don't mind my English.
Disclaimer : I own nothing
Ah the next expansion after cataclysm brought many many new things to the world of Azeroth Thrall has fixed cataclysm and now fights whit Garosh for the title Warchief and therefor brought civil war on the Horde . It appears Varian has secretly sending flowers to Sylvanas both nobody knows where that relationship is going or where is going to end . But that's not way we are here and important thing you shod know that Alliance got High elves and Horde got Ogres and that level cap has bin raised to 90.
This is the story about two LBUs and before you ask
LBU-Left by user
who found eachother and well read the story.
Stranglethorn vale
Anador Bloodmonger is a level 90 high elf paladin how was just bored and was going thru Strangelthorn Vale whit his companion a small Onyxia drake he adopted when he was just a hatchling 10 years ago but like elves dragons age slow and he was just a whelp but still a powerful ally.
Today is one of those days when he was normal . From the day scourge destroyed silvermoon and quell dalas to the creation of the blood elves to the day he heard all that on Theramore he developed two personalities one cold as ice and one as hot as Deathwings magma sometimes those two joint and help him prevail against impossible enemy's and sometimes like today he was normal.
He was tall good looking well equipped paladin his ears wore normal sized (for an elf) his eyes ware blue his skin pale and smooth his was very muscular built (typical for a paladin) he had high strength and stamina his user left him that , he hat modern intellect ,spirit and mana but what made him stick out in the crowd was his agility he had uncommonly high agility for a paladin in fact his agility was high as his stamina and strength.
As fore his face and gear he had mixture of second , looted and bought gear . He had S15 gear and looted back a silver convert tabar looted rings and trinkets and some arena equipment he had a large shield and a one hand sword he spent all his talent points In protection and was a protection paladin , so his damage reduction was 75% and armor covered all his body but his face . But most remarkably his helmet was a mixture of blue and red cose his family coat of arms was red and as he was part of the Alliance he didn't want to be thinned of or confused as a blood elf. He had what you can say a cute face his skin was smooth and his nose fit perfectly in the center of his face , his eyes blue as see without black or whit center and his eyebrows had the same angle as his ears.
Meanwhile on the other end of Sthranglethorn vale a blood elf rough Rakena Nightknife was just entering the zone whit her female Hawkstrider . She was level 90 and had spent her talent points evenly in all three talent tress she had usual rough stats and wore specific cloth and leather armor . She had thigh armor pisses that background was metallic grey or black but each armor piss had its own symbol her chest piss was thigh (typical for a rough) and clearly staked out her breasts and the rest of her armor cowered all of her body except her head.
If anyone didn't look closely he wood have thought she was a warrior and not a rough but the ting that let her out as a rough was her knifes she had bunch of throwing knifes that wore scatter around her armor and body she had a small one handed sword that barley fit the word sword coos his size ware more of a long dagger then a short sword and on her left hand she had a fist weapon that had three small daggers and the top of the fist and one small dagger that fit in the had of the person that hold it and it cod be hold like a dagger or it cod be retracted.
She had typical blood elf green eyes , she was blond and had elf like long eyebrows and ears she dad soft and smooth skin and had a beautifully evolved chic bone and her hose and chicks made her even more seductive but the thing that made her specific was her hair she had long hair on the back stretching to her elbows nearly but on her sides her hair reached the bottom of her chicks and appeared to be wider and bigger as it went down and on front her hair cowered only the top of her forehead reveling the beautiful face she had and whit her make up she was irresistible (if you roled Horde of course).
"Hej Anador remind me what are we doing in such a low-leveled area such as this" sad the whelp.
"Well a was thinking we shod go to the arena south of here and you now that there are a lot of monsters here" answered Anador.
"Sure if you are level 40" murmured the whelp
"Did you say something?" sad Anador turning towards the whelp
"Nothing , just thinking out loud" sad the whelp
Poor poor Anador he doesn't even realize that this is even a game. Thoth the whelp
The whelp still remembered the day Anador was deleted , and the elf didn't have any idea that he was even being played whit
Its good at lest that he is a high elf a don't want to be stucked whit some pompus human or brut orc . Again thought the whelp
Thank havens Blizzard disaidet to give Alliance high elves coos I codnt stand if we got those fury Furblogs and those dam Horde fanatics sad that blood elves are high elves HA say that to Anador here .(if you ware able to survive you must be one strong s! of a b!$#)
Good thing Alleria returned whit Tulon and her army coos now there are enough high elves to be playable HA take that Horde scum….
Whelp WHELP WHELP. Yelled Anador
"Ha oh yes did you need something".
"You fell into a trans you ok"?
"Yeah its one of those days when you are normal and im not and usually it's the other way around". Said the whelp
"Oh ok now just wait for me" Anador sad using conceclat earth and instantly earth beneath him begun to glow and dialing holy damage to 50 lev 40 monsters that have gradually begun to follow them and wore dead in a few seconds.
They wore advancing towards the center of the Vale and wore to turned south there.
Meanwhile on the other end
Dam those Alliance scum what was Blizzard thinking when they gived Allinace High elves you shod just role a blood elf Death knight and there you have it , blood elves are high elves and besides there wore not enough high elves in Azeroth and if that blasted Alleria didn't return everyone wood be happy Alliance shod just get furblogs.
"Hawkstrider HAWKSTRIDER HAWKSTRIDER !" Rakena yelled
"Oh yes what do you want"
"You are not looting body's iv let behind" Rakena sad whit a commanding tone
"What's the point I mean you have 200.000 gold" Hawkstrider responded
"HA HA yes and some paladins coos of their piousness never have more than 20.000 gold" Rakena sad in a laugh
Hawkstrider looked behind her and sow a trail of corpses and then turn to front to see Rakena using the method : stealth , backstab ,stealth , backstab and when encountering a large group of enemy's a killing spree all enemy's fall in one blow and failed even to scratch Rakena .
I like that woman thought hawkstrider
Rakena was always known fore her ability to switch her mood from a innocent cute Blood elven girl to a very VERY energetic swift killing machine.
"Well we are approaching the crossway" said the whelp
"Good now if only I understood orchish" Anador replied looking at the sings
"Lets ask that elf warrior and her Hawkstrider" Whelp suggested
"Good idea now is it a dual welding warrior or a rough" said Anador looking at the elf
"now that you menschen it id say it's a rough coos the short sword and a fist weapon are suited for a rough annnnn….." Gulp
"what is it whelp?" said Anador looking at a female shape
I can't believe that I have to pretend to be worried I mean I like Anador and I don't want him to be hurt especially as a combat companion but if he dies he will just go to a spirit healer even if he was deleted and revive forgetting the hole day and the death thing but I can't tell him that this is just a game and that we are programs. And besides that wood mean that he has no reason to hate blood elves such as this charming level 90 rough or the Horde , he gone mad (completely). Good thing that Blizzard has a good retirement plan fore NPCs and fore character cooooooooooosssssssssss… thought the whelp when a hot ( by animal standards) female Hawkstrider entered his view
"WHELP WHAT IS IT" yelled annoyed Anador looking at the orcish sings
"Oh its my new girl friend and a tough female blood elf rough JUST the type for you if you know what I mean" the last part whelp said whit a lower provocative tone
HORDE , BLOOD ELF , ROUGH said a loud fiery voice AND IL THRY TO IGNORE THAT LAST PART said a chil cold voice also coming from Anadors mouth
Rakens POV
Glory to the sin'dorei. GLORY TO THE SIN'DOREI.GLORY TO THE SIN'DOREI. Thank you Kalethus fore establishing Blood elves THANK YOU….. oh and yea glory to the Horde more or less-inside-Rakens head o_O
"Pleas Pleas oh PLEAS tell me that you are not thinking some propaganda s$#!" Hawkstrider brock Rakena out of her trans as they fore entering the cross road area
"Mmmmm more or less" Rakena confessed
"AHHH you see that's why you newer have a boyfriend" Hawkstrider said rising her wings high in the air and rolling her eyes
"WHAT that's not threw , I had lots of boy friends" Rakena said angrily
"OH is it know you got me wen you wore 4 human years old right ?" asked the Hawkstrider
"Right and?" Rakena raised a eyebrow
"Zamfiran , Jake ,Barian , Luth'erfar…." Said Hawkstrider pulling a paper out of nowhere before being stopped by Rakena.
" Wooo WOOO WOOOO WOOOOOOO " explain each name she said angrily
"Zamfiran-you certainly remember him he confessed his love fore you on his first day in kinder garden and you teased him all the way to the end of the High school you made him do your : chores , home work , to admit prank you did to be his doing and if he was good you wood let him do YOUR laundry and it was actually your sisters and lets not even talk about that lake incident. Oh and you said he was not your boy friend"
"Wait first he didn't deserve me and he fell on his own"
"Barian went whit you to college he literary worshiped you even SPANKED him publicly you wore his succubus and he was your slave he wrote your work and even your tests and luckily he was only couth once , if he was couth twice he wood got expelled from Silvemoon war college and lets not talk how this relationship ended. Oh and yea you said he's not your boyfriend" Hawkstrider continued
"Pww hej I didn't spank him" Rakena said angrily
"Oh yea how about that time when he done your home work and you got an –A and coos you wanted and +A you broke his nose 4 ribs and then you spanked him" Hawkstrider said continuing
"Luth'erfar the BLOODY MISTER OF SILVERMOON soon after conversion to blood elves he became MISTER OF SILVERMOON and when first he sow you he fell on his knees and begged you to marry him I mean come on that's what every normal princes DREMS of oh and of course you said he's not your boyfriend" Hawkstrider continued
"I can't remember now but I'm sure he was missing something" confessed Rakena
"You said he was not Blood elf enough fore you . And coos of that he cut his arteries and hanged himself coos of you , better yet coos you didn't want him" continued Hawkstrider
" Yup that's it but ho's Jake that's not a elven name but human?" Asked Rakena
"WHAT I don't want be a domina I like normal sex…"said Rakena before being interrupted
"Sorry to brake this to ya but you are a virgin" Hawkstrider interrupted
"Okay I admit I was a bit overactive some times and I will be nicer to gays and let them be my 'boy friends' if you like" Rakena give in to the truth
"Good but if I know the truth behind that promise" Hawkstrider said
"Okay Im a rough and that dosent have to mean Backstabing Assasin Honorless laying klepto maniac" Rakena said whit atone of sadness in her voice
Mental note Always get a companion of opposite gender-Rakenas head
"Okay Il hold you to your word…. Hey hers your chants to prove yourself look at that paladin" Hawkstrider offered
He's an elf you blind or something I mean I see his ears and Eyebrows from here and looking at that armor id say he's and protection paladin and a good tank…. AND whoooossss THAT whit him" said the Hawkstrider looking at the gorgeous black scales of the whelp on the cross road
"Blue" suddenly said the Hawkstrider
"What" said Rakena
"His his eyes are blue at first I thought he was a blood elf whit a blue coat of arms as hi helmet suggested but a blue tabar made me suspicious and now HIS EYES ARE BLUE HE'S ONE OF THOSE REMANING HIGH ELVES.
I can't believe that I have to pretend to be worried I mean I like Rakena and I don't want her to be hurt especially as a combat companion but if she dies he will just go to a spirit healer even if he was deleted and revive forgetting the hole day and the death thing but I can't tell her that this is just a game and that we are programs. And besides that wood mean that she has no reason to hate High elves such as this charming level 90 paladin or the Alliance , she gone mad (completely). Good thing that Blizzard has a good retirement plan fore NPCs and fore character cooooooooooosssssssssss… thought the Hawkstrider when she returned her gaze to the Whelp nevermide
Anadors POV
HA HA Iv got you Backstabbing bitch , iv seen you so you cant stealth now Anador thought as he used a crusader strike
Uf this protection paladin is giving me a headache Thought Rakena as she dogged Anadors strike and living a large and noticeable rift in her chest armor but not getting to her skin
Rakena used dance in the shadows and begin using her stealth abilities : Garothe , backstab , sap , ambush…
Anador moved quickly to either doge parry or block incoming strikes
Why me Thought Rakena the only paladin in the world that has high agility and has some of toughest armor and I had to meat him and PLUS he's a "High elf"
"How cod you betray your own kind you demon consorting magic draining scum . And Plus you joined that savage horde" Anador yelled and using judgment
"ME its you. You betrayed Our Lord and stick to that tretures Alliance that betrayed our kind" Yelled Rakena back using sinister strike
"First of all its not OURE kind it was our kind but now we are separate races. Secondly its you ho betrayed the Alliance by allaying whit naga and sucking magic OUT OF EWERYTHING AND EWERYONE and you know that one of most Important rules of ALL elf's is never use FLE magic" Anador argued debated and fought at the same time
"We are addicted to magic you moron we had to use it and whit sunwell gone what wore we supposed to do DIE" Rakena argued back using a killing spree
"You cod at least try to find an alternate source of arcane magic or meditate fore an hour and not consorting whit demons , using fle magic and sucking magic out of innocent creatures . AND did you just happened to forget that orcs killed and slaughter us in first and second wars and that they killed more people then Arthas and Scourge did." Anador said literally absorbing all the damage done to him by Rakenas killing spree
"That's merely and alliance of convenience and where wore we supposed to go I mean humans and dwarves first didn't help as when Arthas came and later kicked US out of the Alliance" Said Rakena angrily
"HOW cod they help their lands ware first to be overrun and they suffered more then us but the only human that betrayed us is Garithos coos he was a racist and didn't respect Sylvanas at all and even humans said he deserved to die and as far as you go Sylvanas is the only one I respect as she tried to enter the alliance and their only mistake is turning her down and even Varian said that was a mistake but its to late now and I can understand her coos she needed aid so she turned to horde and coos she needed her people she turned to you wretched Blood elf's coos she cod not communicate whit us thru High elf's " said Anador in ONE BREATH
"So you do admit WE are the same race" Returned Raken and as soon as she said that she wanted to slap herself
"NO we wore but you used Fle magic and devolved and whit the restoration of the Sunwell most of you still use it and the ones who use the Sunwell have even more chained the High elves and blood elves you shod know that" Anador said angrily
Rakena stayed silent coos she know this to be thru and coos of the mutation High and Blood elves cod now be easily diffident and recognized
I wonder where that Whelp/Hawkstrider is They thought
"So who is in Silvermoon now" asked the whelp blushing
"Ah much is changed literally half the city is abandoned and the gates and the middle and the gate is destroyed but the rest is reconstructed" respondent Hawkstrider
The tow ware siting in a tree next to the battle and ware watching the surroundings Trees everywhere whit luxurious Flora sticking out of ground and animals ware occasionally seen passing by except fore the rode nothing was worth looking and the rode itself was abandoned coos everyone was coming to arena by ship and NPC mobs ware avoiding high level players and LBUs.
At the same time in Olympus
Aris : "hej Eros son come here"
Eros : "yes father what is it"
Aris : "trey this" said aris giving the boy a large bottle whit at least a liter of ale in it
Eros : "but dad mother and grandfather said I shouldn't"
Aris : "nonsense boy try it I insist"
That will teach that pompous idiot of my father not to boss ME around thought Aris
Eros rised the bottle and drinked it all in one go
Aris :" that a boy"
Eros half drunk :" More more"
Aris : "ok ok mwhahhahahahaha"
After 14 bottles Zuse stormed in
Zuse : "ARIS have you bin giving children alcohol again"
Aris : "gota wash" ducking a thunder bolt
After being unable to hit Aris what was about 2000 thunder bolts Zuse turned to Eros only to see him gone
While the fighting was going on Eros begun to fly whit his golden wings and after hitting 14 poles he got out of olymp temple and fired two heart arrows before being cough and dragged in by Zuse
I hope those two arrows fined the right persons maybe a young couple perhaps thought Zuse as he dragged Eros in
Back to Stranglethorn Vale
"All I can see now is a dust ball" said the whelp
"HA HA I completely agree whit you" Said the Hawkstrider
As Rakna jumped to hit Anador used consecrate earth so when she fell back down shed had to endure some damage
At that poin they both thought Il finish this in one strike
But suddenly they both felt an arrow in their hearts and tuck 5-6 steps backwards
"Did you see that" whelp started
"We need to do something" responded Hawkstrider "we need to make sure they don't see each other or they will become soul mates"
But it was to late both of them fell from the tree and Anador and Rakena sow each other and continued fighting as Rakena thrown a knife and it stocked in Anadors shield
"What now its only a mater of time before they realize that they are soul mates" asked Hawkstrider as she was getting up on her feet "How will they react when they find out as I know Rakena is a pro Blood elf pro Horde person"
"And as I know Anador he's a pro High elf pro Alliance person" responded whelp "Oh well at lest we will be together for a while" continued the whelp as Hawkstrider giggled
Authors note : sorry its my first try I have the whole story in my head so if you wish fore me to continue Review and send feedback XD
One more thing
Playable high elf's please