So I've never written for the mentalist before, but I hope that people like this. It's just a very short one shot from Rigsby's POV. Also I don't own the mentalist but I do love reviews.
Wayne Rigsby stumbled wearily through his front door. It was late, he wasn't sure how late since he'd lost track of the hours a long time ago. He'd been working over time trying to finish up some paperwork when he'd realised that he should've been home in bed hours ago. He'd never understood how Van Pelt could work over time, he used to go out with his friends and drink or catch up. She used to work trying to prove herself to Lisbon. He'd always admired how dedicated to her work she was. Things had changed, now she was the one at home enjoying herself with her fiancé and it was Wayne who was stuck in the office on his own.
He didn't bother to turn the lights on as he drifted through his front hall; instead he walked straight to the kitchen, where he got himself a beer and some comfort food. Lazily he crashed onto the couch. He knew he should be in bed, with his luck he would probably be called to investigate a murder at 5.30 in the morning. People never stopped killing each other. It wouldn't make a difference anyway, he'd never get to sleep. Every night was the same: he'd crawl into his cold empty bed, close his eyes and lie worrying for hours about Grace. She'd always kept him awake. He used to toss and turn wondering how she couldn't notice him or what he could say to her tomorrow. Then there were the times she was in his bed next to him, that gorgeous red hair hiding her face, those dainty little hands holding his. It never stopped. Now he was thinking about her with O'Laughlin-Curled up in his bed, in his arms.
He didn't deserve her. She was way too good for him; he'd frozen up when she was in trouble. She could've died because of him. He hadn't taken Rigsby seriously when he'd told him not to hurt her. He shouldn't have needed telling. He was a bastard, but she loved him and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Rigsby loved Grace, he'd do anything for her, but if she couldn't see that then there wasn't any thing he could do. He didn't want to hurt her- he wanted her to be happy. If O'Laughlin made her happy then all Wayne could do was wait for him to hurt her, he could be there to pick up the pieces. He just hoped that, that would be enough; that Grace would see she was better without him, but even if she did, would that be enough to make her see that she belonged with Wayne Rigsby? Would anything be enough?