Thanks for all the great comments. Here is what I hope is a fun and funny sequel!

iSlumber Party part 1

P.O.V. Carly

I tiptoe into my room at about 7:30 in the morning and see Sam and Freddie fast asleep in my bed. I know my smile must be a mile wide but the are so cute together! Sam is lying on Freddie's chest (when did he get hair on his chest?) and his arms were wrapped around her. I don't think I have ever seen Sam look so at peace or so happy in my life. "Good morning lovebirds," I whisper close to Sam's ear. She blinks open her eyes and looks up at Freddie as she smiles and speaks, "Mmmm… morning Carls, what time is it?"

"7:30, did "rehearsal" go well last night?" I asked with more than just a little smile on my face.

"MMMMM… wonderful," she purrs and stretches.

"I'm going to go fix breakfast; you two get dressed and get Freddie out of here while Spencer is in the shower," I tell her as I turn to leave.

Sam P.O.V.

After I get Freddie up (pun indented) and down the elevator, I start down stairs. I am in the best state of mind I have ever been in. How come I never thought of doing that with Freddie before? Dear god, I'm humming what is now our song and SKIPPING! What has he done to me, I'm a girly girl, and I think I like it! I am coming down the stairs as I hear Spencer scream, "Carly, where are the towels!"

"Same place as always," Carly yells back.

"Ok, thanks"

"I smell bacon, mammas hungry," I say as I slide into the kitchen in my shorts, "sexy" rainbow socks, and Freddie's "Hard To Die 2: Runway Of Death" tee-shirt It hangs down to my knees almost and smells like my man.

"Where's Freddie?" Carly asks in a low tone.

"He took the elevator down and will be over after he cleans up," I say.

"Well judging by the goofy grin on your face last night must have been wonderful," Carly states as she sets the eggs and bacon on the table.

"I don't kiss and tell," is all I say as I grab the O.J. from the fridge and seat myself at the table.

"Kiss and what Sam?" Spencer asked as he walks into the room, hair wrapped in a towel and a orange bathrobe on.

"Nothing Spence, I like the robe."

"Thanks, Socko's mom made it for me out of old underwear."


"No it's cool she washed them," Spencer said as he sat down and racked eggs onto his plate and eyed the bacon trying to decide if he could beat my fork and grab a few pieces. "So Sam, how did you sleep last night?"

I choked on the piece of bacon and egg in my mouth as Carly sprayed us both with O.J.!

"Chez Carly what was that?" Spencer asked as he jumped up. "Are you ok Sam?"

I can say nothing as no air is reaching my lungs. Spencer hits me in the back and the whole mess comes flying out across the table and lands in his plate. .

"Oh my, I'm so sorry ," Carly finally gets out after several choughs.

"Don't take such big gulps sis," Spencer scolds her as he tilts his head to the left and asks me, "Isn't that Freddie's "Hard To Die" shirt?"

Now it's my turn to spit O.J. on the table as I choke."Huh?"

"Isn't that Freddie's tee-shirt?" he asks again.

"I guess, he must have left it in Carly's room after one of our skits, " I lie.

"Don't let him see you with it on he"ll want it back."

As if on cue Freddie walks through the front door, "Morning Spence, Carly, Sam," he greets us as he walks through the door.

Morning Freddie"

"Morning fredman"

"Morning ba… uh… nub."

Crap I almost blew it.

"Don't forget about the "Hard To Die" marathon here tonight my man," Spencer says as he goes into his room. "Don't drink the O.J. Sam and Carly both spit in out and on me! Got to change cloths"

"You got it Spence and Gibby is bringing the dip and some drinks"


"Spencer you know Sam and I are having the girls over for a slumber party tonight," Carly says.

"I know, but if you girls are hear all night I need some male power with me, he speaks as he goes into his room.

"Hum." Freddie says as he walks into the kitchen and plants a very passionate kiss on me. "Maybe I should come upstairs and visit later."

"You did, last night," I say and laugh. He blushes and reaches for bacon. I thump his hand with my fork and tell him, "I may be in love with you, but momma doesn't share! NEVER!"

"Ouch," he says as he rubs his hand. "Not one piece"

"You also got that last night", I tell him. "I might let you have some for a kiss"

Before I finish he's lifting me up and kissing me. Our tongues dance in each others mouths. The fire works start in my head and I can feel me getting aroused. I would love nothing better than to go back upstairs again.

"Just came to say morning, I have to go with my mom to look for a new car. I'll see you later babe ,"and then to Carly ,"later Carly."

Freddie is going to be here tonight? This should be interesting night

Hope you like the story so far. Part 2 coming soon.