
When the fight with Nazam ended and I landed back in Alamut, I felt blessed;

I was overjoyed that my family was alive and I saw no hurt or betrayal in their eyes. My family loved me and that was all the power I needed.

Don't get me wrong; it still angered me that Nazam had been so corruptible that he would throw everything in the gutters for power, but I felt it was finally over. I was exhausted, battered and bruised and I just wanted the whole ordeal to end.

But in the eyes of the gods they had more in mind for me. Time smiled; my journey was starting, it knew of the power I'd have, the planet I'd call home and the bonding to a mate that would create a legend throughout the universe. I took my first step; life would never be the same for me again.

Tonight I got up after another bad night soaked in sweat and walked over to get a drink my hands shaking. I looked at my bed wishing I could have at least one night's sleep without walking the floor.

"Little brother, your really worrying us, why don't you tell your big brother what's going on."

I looked at Tus still dressed in his night clothes his eyes trying to read me as he stood by my door. How could I tell him, who would believe me, I wouldn't have.


It had taken Garsiv a bit longer to reach me as he moved to stand by Tus. My two pillars I thought they'd always been there for me giving me the family and the love I'd craved for.

I smiled sadly, setting down and putting my head in my hands, no I thought, they hadn't always been there. I looked away remembering the dark time when they'd wanted me to die. I shook my head.

"I'm fine, bad dream," I said taking a shuddering breath, before looking up. I watched as Garsiv glanced at Tus before going back to his room.

"Dastan when you're ready to talk-" Tus said looking at me before shaking his head.

"When you're ready to tell us what's going on with you, your big brothers are ready to listen."

I watched him as he ran his hand along the door frame waiting for a second before he sighed and went back to bed.

I was worn out, I'd been pushed past my endurance and now I wasn't getting a good night's sleep. Finally the nightmares that plagued my dreams reared their ugly head and embraced me until I screamed in pain. I got up feeling confused my heart beat hammering in my chest. It was time, I couldn't deal with this by myself any longer, I needed my family.

It was past midnight when I walked through the quiet halls, I glanced at the guards who studied me with interest. The orphan prince I thought to myself, the street rat. I'd never felt like I belonged here and certain people had taken that weakness and used it against me my whole life.

"I need to talk," I said in a shaky voice.

Tus sent someone to get Garsiv and Father. In the early hours of the morning, I broke down and told my father and brothers about the dagger, its powers and the events only I knew. I watched as guilt played across my brother's face.

"So you believe me?"

"We'd be blind not to know something hadn't happened to you," Garsiv said standing up and looking out the window.

"I tried to kill you?"

He asked his back to me, I watched as he put his hand where his sword would have been and quickly took it off.

"Were here now brother, it was a dream," he said looking at me "a bad dream." I watched as he looked at me hoping I'd believe him.

"Dastan say it's a bad dream even if it really happened."

He wasn't as strong as he always appeared. In fact he wasn't strong at all, between the yelling he showed everything on his face. He hadn't been happy for along time.

"It was a dream Garsive."

"Why don't I believe you." He said looking at me.

"Because what I said was true," I said quietly.

I watched as he sat down in a chair and looked at me. He rubbed his neck before glancing up at Tus, will make this right little brother.