
A/N: I am totally one of the people who thinks Doctor Who is frickin' awesome this year! So far at least. The story has me totally hooked and the Silence are terrifying. Oh and also I'm a hardcore Rory lover and Rory/Amy shipper so... yeah. Their moments this episode were so adorable, and will doubtless cause much speculation ^^
I thought Rory would be sort of annoyed that the Doctor didn't tell him about Amy - considering what danger they get into. So this is my take on their conversation after the events of the opening 2-parter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.

"So..." Rory says as he sidles next to the Doctor. Amy is taking a short nap at the moment, so perfect opportunity, Rory thinks.

"So...?" The Doctor echoes as he fiddles with the assortment of shiny buttons on the Tardis's central control. Rory winces; for as capable as he knows the Doctor is, it's times like this that he misses River Song the most.

Rory releases that short nervous laugh of his and almost trips against the grated flooring. "She-uh... she meant me. She meant me..." Rory laughs again and can't help but beam at his tweed attired companion.
The Doctor halts and draws back to observe Rory's quiet elation... a smile quirks at the corner of his mouth. "Did she now? Well, Rory my boy, that was some kiss!" He winks, and Rory draws a hand through his hair but the smile stays, incandescent in its brilliance. "The Last Centurion, ladies and gentleman! ...Really something."

Silence ensues between the pair for a while. It isn't anything awkward, instead something comfortable. It happens when the words run out. It happens a lot around Rory. Usually the Doctor never stops talking; he is always finding opportunities to be silent. But around Rory it's like he doesn't need to dazzle the man with his brilliant wit and otherworldly experiences; because honestly, Rory probably wouldn't care – Amy is his world. Things are always unspoken between them, and that is what a friend is to the Doctor. It's nice to be relaxed for once, he thinks and wonders how in the world a timid, insignificant nurse from Leadworth could possibly have become his equal...

Well... not his equal, of course...
It's just he can't think of that little man as his inferior. He has a silent intelligence about him – the Doctor boasts his incessantly. Everyone likes Rory – everyone LOVES the Doctor, but of course with such a strong personality, it's really one way or the other. Rory is lovable naturally, like a puppy, yes like a loyal puppy. The Doctor doesn't have an animal equivalent.
The Doctor flits in and out of time, and Rory lived it for 2,000 years. Rory has seen more of humanity than even the Doctor now, the ultimate authority.

Rory shuffles beside him and the Doctor looks up to see that the smile is still plastered across his face. It falters slightly as a lambent darkness falls across his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, and everything is serious now. "I needed to know that my wife was pregnant, especially if we were travelling."
"Maybe that's why she didn't tell you?"

"Still!" He insists. "You should have told me, Doctor! That child could have been in danger." Hardly anyone stands up to the Doctor knowing who and what he is... It takes a very special person. Rory is hardly timid when it comes to defending his beloved wife. The Doctor sighs and takes a glance at the brightness of the screen, the screen which just a few hours before had flickered obsessively in confusion. "Look Rory... Rory, Rory... I'm sorry. You are perfectly right, I should have told you." Of course he would have done exactly the same thing given another chance, but would-be fathers are a wrath he would rather avoid, so he tells Rory what he thinks he wants to hear.

Rory only frowns and taps his fingers against a control. "No... No, I know you shouldn't... Not when we were in the middle of that. I-I would have screwed everything up, wouldn't I?" He leans back and tries to keep himself sober from emotion. "I get too wrapped up... over the littlest things... I'm sorry." Rory is beginning to doubt himself again, the Doctor can see it. There is nothing the Doctor can do to finally convince him that it is Rory who Amy loves and not the Doctor. Rory will never totally believe it, he will never believe he has 100 per cent of her heart; he'll think 50, maybe 60 per cent if he's lucky. The Doctor will forever be a shadow, an ever-present third wheel in their relationship, whether he is physically there or not.

Amy is the only one who has a chance of convincing Rory, so the Doctor doesn't even try. What he does is reaffirm his love for her; because in the end, it's the most important thing.
He pats his friend on the shoulder and says, "I couldn't have done it without you, Rory... and neither could she." It's all Rory really needs to hear, for now...

Rory laughs nervously again and straightens. "Well at least she wasn't actually pregnant... So, I-uh I guess everything's okay." The smile returns to his face with a new confidence. "She meant me. Yes, yes she did."
He wanders across the Tardis and finds Amy dozing on a seat – she looks much more delicate when she is sleeping. He leans over her and nuzzles his narrow chin into her neck, smiling into her hair.

The Doctor smiles but it is the least he has ever meant it.
He glances back to the glaring screen and pulls a switch. It vanishes to black.

"Everything's okay," he reassures himself. "Everything is okay."

The Doctor has never had to reassure himself before.

A/N: I would have written a longer conversation, I think. A more casual one at first, about what happened, then drawing into the more personal factors. I love Rory and the Doctor as friends. But I'm tired and I wanted to get this out tonight. If anyone enjoys this I might add another chapter, to expand upon their friendship. One idea - I really want the Doctor telling Rory River Song kissed him. Ahh locker-room kinda chat. (; Anyway, R&R if you will please!