Sam Cooper looked at the files in front of him and immediately knew why his team was being called in on this case. It was going to be tough for his team, but then again, they were the Red Cell. The tough cases always landed in their laps.

"It started 6 months ago." Beth Griffith said as she stood in their gym style office that was the exact opposite of their counterparts in the BAU in Quantico. "Two women each month would disappear for three days. On the fourth day, they were allowed to make phone calls to the local police letting them know that they were ok, but needed help and a location where they could be found. When the police arrived, the women were in the location, but frozen."

John "Prophet" Simms looked at Beth and then at the rest of his teammates.

"Frozen?" he asked.

"According to the police," Sam said, "They were frozen using liquid nitrogen from the inside out. It was immediate."

"Any signs of torture or sexual battery?" Gina LaSalle asked.

"There were no autopsies performed on the first three." Beth said. "When the police found them, any attempt to move them caused their appendages to crumble away."

Mick Rawson shook his head.

"The last ten victims were unthawed and then autopsied." Sam said.

"There were definite signs of severe trauma. The police think that each victim was kept for the three days. Not harmed too much until the fourth day. The day that they make the call to the police, they are beaten nearly to a pulp, frozen, and planted in the place that they have told the police that they would be."

"When we got the call, a new victim had been reported missing for 10 hours." Beth said.

"Wheels up in 20." Sam said as he began picking up the files.

Norfolk, VA was a military town. Lt. Brandon Sheets greeted Sam and his team.

"Sam Cooper." Sam said as he introduced himself and shook hands with Lt. Sheets. "These are SSAs Griffith, Simms, LaSalle and Rawson."

"Brandon Sheets." Lt. Sheets said as he shook the agent's hands. "My guys are at your disposal. Anything you need they'll get it. We've got the command post set up for you and we've already patched your analyst in to the conference room."

"Thank Lt." Sam said. "I wanna get a look at the autopsy and police reports. Proph and Gina, you talk to family members and friends. Mick coordinate with Garcia and get any links between the victims."

As the team departed Sam and Beth walked with Lt. Sheets.

"Lt. what can you tell us about the victims?" Beth asked.

"All of them are women." Lt. Sheets said. "Taken in broad day light. Usually in the parking lot of their jobs, or grocery stores or something like that. Here we go."

Lt. Sheets opened the door to a large conference room with a large screen television, and an oversized white board. Sam began opening up the autopsy files. One commonality was the fact that there were traces of chloroform in their systems.

"So the unsub…"

"Unsub?" Lt. Sheets asked.

"Unknown subject." Beth replied.

"So the unsub uses chloroform to subdue the victim at some point." Sam finished. "We just don't know when. Is it when he initially takes them, when he beats them, or is it right before he kills them?"

Beth picked up one of the reports and looked at it just as Mick joined them.

"Coop you're gonna wanna hear this." Mick said.

Penelope Garcia's face appeared on the huge screen. She was still typing like a mad woman when she looked up into the camera.

"Hey P." Sam said. "What do you have for us?"

"The first two victims were sisters." Penelope said. "Michelle and Trisha McDonald. Caucasian. Age 30 and 33. The next two victims Anna and Tasha also Caucasian, and also age 30 and 33. They were cousins. The following two victims Monica and Paula age 29 African American and cousins. Paige and Emily African American, age 29 and 31 sisters. Here's the pattern, all of the victims are related."

"Thanks P." Sam said.

The screen went black and Sam continued to look at the files.

"It looks like they were all taken on the same day but from different locations." Beth said.

"So he's targeting female family members." Mick said.

"Which means…" Beth started

"Which means that he's been watching them long enough to know who the family members are." Sam said.

"What's the name of the woman who was reported missing today?" Beth asked.

"Her name is Erica Williams." Lt. Sheets said as he handed Beth the newly created file.

Sam looked up quickly.

"Coop what's the matter?" Mick asked.

Sam went to Beth and read over her shoulder. His shoulders sank.

"I know her." Sam said.