Okay, I came up with this plot while I was watching Dance Your Ass Off. I really like that show and How I met Your Mother. Best shows ever, but that's not the point!

Any who don't read this if you don't like crude humor and other things... That's why it's placed under mature content. HAHA!

I also noticed that I don't put disclaimers. Is that bad? I don't really care because we all know that only one person owns Naruto. Oh, what ever!

Summary: He pisses me off. I annoyed him. He makes me giddy. I leave him wanting me. But it's all useless. Because were both taking the exam and being a Dragon slayer forbids the "Sex Factor". Obviously, we don't give a damn.

Here's the first chapter everybody!


The burning light



I walked into the pub and slid onto the chair, ordering a mug of whiskey from the bartender. The dark hunting shirt I wore hid the fact that I was defined in the chest area and my dark brown pants were tucked into the brown leather boots I wore. A light glint came from the silver ring around my upper right arm. All in all, I looked like a normal traveler.

The dim light of the tavern flickered as the bulky men sitting on chairs chugged mountains of mugs. Roars and yells echoed in the expanse.

Noticing that I was the only woman in the inn, I propped my arm on the table and tapped my fingers on the surface.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…

My nails clicked on the surface but was drowned out by the countless of men drinking and hollering. Alcohol wreaked the air and men swaggered back and forth trying to walk around the area.

A man came by my table and placed the mug of whiskey down on the table with a smack and walked away but not before eyeing me suspiciously. I grabbed the container and drank a few gulps before placing the mug back down, the warm liquid burning the inside of my mouth.

Suddenly, an uproar was caused in the pub and the men faced me with smirks and smiles upon their faces.

"Why, if it isn't a woman! I ain't ever seen one in here before!" One of the men hollered at the top of his lungs. He watched me keenly and followed my movements as I continued to drink from the mug.

Another spoke after the first. "She must be brave to come in here and just order a whiskey, acting all mature! HA! She's only a child and underage to drink!"

I felt myself twitch. "Eh? Are you questioning my age?" I looked up at them with glinting green eyes, menacing and furious, and then they turned into mocking ones. "If you are, let me knock the knowledge into your thick skulls." I smirked and finished the cup in several gulps.

Some of the men growled and whispered things about how courageous I was, but I sat there with my arms crossed and my head held high. My smirk grew when none of the men wanted to take me outside.

"Are none of you brave enough to take me on?" I quirked a slim pink brow and they roared in anger. Laughing, I ordered another whiskey and the bartender brought another over and as quickly as he came, he left.

The yelling quieted down and I drank until the liquid burned my tongue.

A large bulky man stepped forward and glared over in my direction, his eyes a dull brown and his hair ratty hazel on his head. He opened his mouth and yellow teeth, crooked and chipped, showed through as he smirked.

"I'll take you on, little missy. But don't say I didn't warn you. I don't go easy on children or women." He cracked his knuckles and then his neck. The popping sharp and loud in the room

Smirking, I stood up, and drained the mug. Then turning to the large man, I smiled and cracked my knuckles until the sound went across the room. "Why don't we make this fun? Why, after all, you're going to be dirt on the bottom of my boots."

I noticed how the man twitched, several times actually, but he nodded his head and glared. "How do you want to make this fun, Missy?"

I glided my fingers across the surface of the table and walked closer to the man before me. "A bet. Let's make a bet."

The man chuckled and the entire pub filled with men followed in his laugh.

"Fine then," He stopped laughing and smirked at me. "If I were to win, you must never come into town again."

"Ain't gonna happen, but okay." I shrugged and smirked. "Then if I were to win, you give me all the money on you."

He flinched and hesitantly pulled out a sack of gold from his back pocket. I stared at the bag like a hawk finding prey, and my prey was the money. He stepped back from the table where his money was and he glared once again.

"Bring it on, Missy." The man hissed and I crossed my arms, standing defiantly before him. With my lack of spirit, the man charged.

The light in my eyes blazed and just as he was inches away from me, I stepped sided him and the velocity of his sprint kept him going until he smashed into the table behind me.

I chuckled and fixed my shirt. As the man stood up, his face lightly bruised from his fall, he charged at me again and this time, I agilely jumped over him and stood on his shoulders.

"Get the hell off of me!" He hollered and shook his body about to try and pry my weight off.

I smiled and yelled in joy. "Haha! Go faster!"

She's enjoying this? All the men in the inn thought as I hung on tight to the other man.

The man, preoccupied with my weight on his shoulders, ended up running head first into the wall and the bartender screamed. Probably in fear of losing his job.

Seeing that the man was unconscious, I swung my body off the man and to the table to grab the sack of gold. Pushing the cotton sack into my back pocket as best as I could; I walked out the pub and laughed.

Turning around slightly, I looked over my shoulder and smiled. "I should come here more often!"



I headed for the only other inn in town and up the stairs. The woman who kept things clean smiled as I walked by. I walked down the hall with the sound of my boots lightly tapping against the floor. Walking up to the room twenty-four, I unlocked it and strode through.

A figure in the dark of the room caught my eye and I flicked on the light. It disappeared into another part of the room and I quirked a brow.

A hesitantly, almost faint, voice came from the corner of the bedroom. "S-Sakura? Is that you?"

A girl sat wedged in the corner with an outfit like mines except for the brown metal around her upper left bicep was brown she and held her hunting bow over her chest. Her long violet hair tied up in a ponytail with small tendrils of purple escaping the knot. Her pearly white eyes seemed less frightened then before and she stopped shaking in fear.

"Yeah Hinata, it's only me." I said and looked around the room before leaning down on my knees before the small girl. "Damn, why the hell did Ino have to leave you here in the room all alone… That damn bitch…"

"Please Sakura… Don't say things about Ino, she just had to go somewhere and left without me knowing." Hinata mumbled and I held out my hand to pull the sitting girl up.

Staring at her dully, I tried to act casually. "You know, Hinata, she ditched you right?" I gazed around the room and questioned. "And where's Ryu?"

"She took Ryu and left to go get something to eat…" Hinata muttered and the embarrassed blush on her face only grew.

Shrugging, I plopped myself down on the single bed and laid down, my hair flaring around my head. I blinked at the ceiling and swung my legs in the air.

"We might as well wait for the damn bitch to come back… I'm too hungry to-"

"Who's the bitch, forehead?" Both their heads snapped in the direction of the door and a blonde woman with long hair in a ponytail stood at the door with a sack of food. She also wore the hunting uniform that we wore yet the band on her arm was brown, like Hinata's.

The woman's blue eyes glared at me. "We waited so fucking long for you to come back, so I left to get us some food."

I sat up, pulling the sack of gold out of my back pocket; I waved it in front of her and smirked. "I got results, didn't I? Now we have enough money for about a month."

A wolf with brown fur and a white underside walked out from behind the woman and inside the room. He wagged his tail and sat down next to me, his head lying calmly on my lap.

I patted his head and smiled. "Did you have to take Ryu? He's mine, Ino."

The blonde scoffed and dropped the bag on the bed and dumped out the food. "I know that. And why exactly are we traveling on foot to Beaumont?"

Hinata clasped her hands in front of her and closed her eyes. "Shiro-san said that it strengthens the body and the mind. We have to power up our head and body to get any closer to our dream."

Ino sat down on the bed and grabbed the apple. "I don't see why we can't just fly on a griffin and reach Beaumont in a week. But no─he has to make us cross the entire country just to get there! The nerve of him!"

"But this makes us stronger, Ino. To kill a dragon, it takes skill and wisdom, and I'm pretty sure you don't have that." I said, chuckling at my own words.

Ino took several large bites into her apple and the juice from the fruit trickled down the corner of her mouth. "I'm just sayin'. And doesn't it suck that you can't have sex after the-"

"Ino!" I yelled and pointed to the almost faint girl with a blush all over her face.

"I'm just saying! That stupid rule is so gay! I mean come on! I want to have sex before I die." Ino said and pointed to her chest. "I can get so many guys with these right here."

"More like none…" I uttered softly enough for only Hinata to hear, making the violet haired girl giggle.

Ino finished the apple and threw it across the room, landing it directly in the can near the door. "I wonder when I can have sex… God, I want to know what it feels like."


The blonde's head snapped in my direction once again.

"Say that again, bitch!" She hollered.

I stood up and faced the blonde. "I want to know what it feels like too, but I don't go saying, 'OH MY GOSH! CAN I LIKE PAY YOU TO FUCK ME?' No, a woman with dignity would never say such crap."

Ino smirked and picked up her sword from the corner of the room. A long broad sword about three feet long and the hilt silver with red gems around the middle.

"I remember you wanting to run into the arms of that one guy just two days ago, just to release the sexual frustration that you've been having…"

Hinata stood up and got in between the bickering pair. "Stop! The other guests will hear your language and the fighting! We went on this journey to gain wisdom and strength, not to argue about who's a slut and who's a bitch, alright?" Her eyes were furious.

Me, being the smart one, nodded and said nothing other than a few mumbled words. We dimmed the lights and sat down on the bed, food in the middle of their little circle.

Ino smiled and flicked her wrist. "Ne, ne. I actually think that they make you go through this journey just so you can grasp all the cons and pros in being a slayer. Then they make you go through this journey to see if you really want to be a slayer or not. How smart!"

I tore off a part of the large bakery bread and bit into it delicately. "I already know that I want to be a slayer. There's no other likely choice of being anything else."

Hinata smiled and spun the pear in her hands. "I remember when you were adopted by Shiro-san. He was so frustrated with you because you never called him 'Otou-san' and he practically went crazy over the matter." She giggled and continued. "Then, remember on your first ever birthday, you were so happy with everyone that you called Shiro-san Otou-san. He cried tears of joy!"

Ino laughed and bit into her piece of bread. "I always knew he had a soft spot for you, Sakura."

"I don't get he has to treat me like a daughter. I know that sounds weird, but he should treat me like the rest of the trainees." I mumbled and lay down on the bed after eating my meal.

Hinata put the sack away and turned the lights off. "We should go to sleep; after all, we have a long way left to go."



When I was seven, my parents had abandoned me.

Maybe it was because I was a bad child, or that I couldn't live up to their expectations. All in all, I could never feel their warmth or their love. I should've just died that day, leaving behind all that made me sad.

I remember like it was yesterday…


I was seated on the ground of our front yard. The grass lightly swaying beside me and the sky hovering above. The sound of hoofs thundering on the dirt road caught my eyes and I ran over to greet the man inside.

I don't remember what he looks like now but before, I was always waiting, waiting, and waiting for him to come home. He wasn't my father and he was the only one that could comfort me.

Running like the wind, I dashed down the grassy hill and toward the approaching rider. The green dress I wore swished in the wind and the lace shoes around my feet stung my toes, but I didn't mind. I was getting to see him again.

As soon as I stepped onto the road, he dismounted from his chestnut mustang and glided over gracefully. The rider tipped his hat and bowed down at me. I giggled at his respectful actions.

"Hello Sakura, how are you this fine evening?" He asked and straightened from his bowed position.

I smiled and watched as the trees swayed in harmony behind him. "I'm fine, thank you very much. How are you?"

His dark black hair hid his eyes. "I'm in mourning right now."

I took notice to the black clothes he wore, the ebony top hat atop his onyx tresses. "Who was the one important to you that died? Was it you're brother, sir?"

He chuckled and patted my head with his large palm. It was warm and firm against my head. "Just because we don't get along, you think he's the first one to die?" Then his expression became serious and his eyes darkened. "It was actually my wife that died. She passed away due to a plague going around the Takeuchi village."

Something… Something in the middle of my chest felt heavy. As if weighing me down. It hurt to breath and with each heart beat, it only became worse and worse.

"S-Sir, I'm so sorry…"

He smiled and his teeth gleamed brightly in spite of the earlier conversation. "She's passed on, so we must forget the past and walk forward into the future." He blinked and swiftly rushed toward the pack on the horse.

I watched in curiosity as he pulled out an item and shoved it behind his back out of my view.

"My daughter made something for you not too long ago. She thought you might like it." From behind his back, be pulled a stuffed white rabbit before my eyes.

The ears flopped down and the eyes were little black beads sewn on with great skill. The rabbit wore a bow around its neck and a small white dress over its body. He handed it to me with a smile of delight.

"She put a lot of work into making this for you; I do hope you take care of her." He smiled and was about ready to swing back up on his horse, but I could find no words to say to make up for me feeling so warm.

He waved and kept that same warm smile upon his handsome face. "Until next time, Sakura."

He was always coming and going, so close to me yet so distant, so far away. I could never reach him but he always saw right though me. Why, why…? Why was it that I was so weak and not able to see the disaster in that man's eyes…

After he quit coming to see me, a dragon came to the village and killed thousands of people, innocent people.

I could never forget that night… all of those dead bodies pilled up on one another…


The fire was everywhere in the village. On houses, stores, trees, and even burning the other villagers. The smoke from the burning inferno clogged up my lungs and I was frequently coughing from pain.

I dashed through the village looking for my mother, the smoke burning my eyes and hazing my vision. The stuffed rabbit in my arms felt heavier than ever before.

"Oka-san!" I hollered with my hands cupping my mouth. Houses burned and wood crackled. I heard roars and screams of victory from the dragon. It was mocking us, the entire village.

I dashed through the small gap between the flames and rushed out the burning expanse. Coughing up a storm, I sat down and clutched my stomach in pain. My breathing was ragged and my eyes stung. I closed my eyes and lay on the floor.

Was I going to die here? At the age of six? I still haven't done anything in life and…

The scream of villagers and the thundering roars of the beast echoed passed the hills. But soon the roars became more frequent and more aggravated.

Then, all of a sudden, the noise all stopped.

I shut my eyes and squeezed the stuffed animal to my chest. What was happening in the small burning town?

My vision blurred and the darkness of the night surrounded me.


When I next woke up, I was laying on the ground with my bunny in my arms. My clothes were horribly burnt and my hair a mess, but none of that mattered. After I had remembered last night's incident, I rushed back to the burnt town. I tripped many times and my legs were heavy, but I had to know, what happened last night to stop all the noise?

As the village came into view, I halted and stared in shock. I remember dropping my precious bunny on the ground next to my feet as the scene wrapped around my mind.

There were bodies, corpses, human beings burnt on the ground… Everywhere…

I gasped and covered my mouth in horror. The tears of pain and guilt streamed down my cheeks and I shut my eyes tight. My entire life was gone…

After several days, I had stayed in the town filled with countless of dead bodies. There wasn't anywhere for me to go, so I stayed there and spent my time building graves for the people. Day after day, the pain subsided and I felt nothing. I always held a switchblade with me now, to carve the names of the people onto the graves.

During the daytime, when I was still digging graves, several men had come upon the place and snooped around. They wore loose fitted hunting outfits and clothes made of leather. I hid and spied on them as they walked around the entire expanse, mumbling to one another.

When the sun had retired, I was too tired from running around without anything to eat that I had to stop stalking and sit down to rest.

I walked out to the well in the middle of the town and took a sip of the cool liquid. At least the water wasn't dried up.

"Ah! There's a little girl here!"

I spun around and pulled out my knife. My rabbit in one hand and my blade in the other, I watched as they slowly approached me in caution.

One of the men raised his hands and dropped all of his weapons. "We aren't here to hurt you, so please put down your blade."

After he had dropped all of his weapons, his companions did the same, with hesitation but nonetheless followed the head.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I opened my mouth to speak words that I haven't uttered since the day my village was burnt down to the last piece of wood.

"W-Who are you? Why are you here in my village?"

The man in the front walked over and I held the knife up in defense. He dropped down on his knees in front of me and wrapped his arms around my shaking form.

"You must've endured a lot here, but you are the last living thing in the town." He murmured and I held back the tears threatening to fall.

Why was he telling me things I already knew?

"Shut up! I know that already!" I yelled and pushed the man away with no avail, his arms were tight around me. "Let me go!"

"You must be suffering."

I stopped struggling and dropped my arms to my side.

"You must be full of agony."

I closed my eyes and let out a silent scream. These people were driving me crazy.

"You must hate yourself for living while all your friends and family are dead."

His last sentence made the dam overflow. I broke down and cried like I haven't in days. The pain I felt, the frustration, I let it all out and in front of a total stranger. How weak…

I grabbed his shirt and silently sobbed. I felt his grip tighten on me and I felt relief. Why was I relieved?

He released me after I had calmed down and smiled bright and warmly. I took notice to his features. His hair was unusually silver and his eyes a bright blue. He was young and yet, his hair was silver? But I couldn't complain…

"You can stay here and keep crying or," He stopped and waved to his friends. "you can come with us and become a dragon slayer so things like this never happen again."

It was obvious what my choice was.


After several years in training, I had met many people and was adopted by the man who understood me, Shiro-san. We lived in the city Takahashi, where all of slayers lived, and he trained me as well as many other people.

In those training years, I had met two girls who I could truly call 'friends'. The first was Yamanaka Ino, an heiress to her clan and she was learning the skills to be able to protect her clan. She was such a bright and smart person and she always brushed off what other people thought of her.

The next was another heiress named Hyuga Hinata. I never understood why she wanted to be a slayer, but I heard it was to impress another boy in the class. She was so shy and timid around everyone and she rarely talked to anyone. But after we got to know one another better, she opened up and talks without a stutter.

I'm glad I decided to come with Shiro-san and become a dragon slayer.



The next morning, I woke up with Ino sleeping on my right and Hinata sleeping on my left. The morning rays shined through the curtains and the soothing sound of birds chirping caught my ears.

Careful not to wake up the two sleeping girls, I cautiously got out of bed and changed into my training uniform. I walked over to the side table and grabbed my silver band and slid it onto my arm.

Massaging my temples, I sighed and moaned. "I have too many things on my mind…"



So, what did you think about it? I dunno... but I think it's okay. So far anyway.

Anyway, tell me what you think by reviewing please!

EnigmaLight Signing Off!