Yo Dudes! okay...I'm gonna appologize for this story up front. It sucks. plain and simple. I mainly wrote it because I felt like I cheeted all of the TechxRev fans out there with the last Loonatics story I wrote...but then Duck started becoming a main character and everything got out of hand (as usual -_-') and I had this really long, semi epic, story on my hands. After I gave it a few look overs and really doctored it up, I have to say that it's a hell of a lot better then it was at first. But still...sucks. Also, this story does go a little slow so plz, just bare with it, and I know some of you are going to end up hating me at one point or another but again, plz just keep reading until the end...I hope I fixed it so everything turns out okay.

Also, with the story's title...yeah, I'm not happy with it...but sadly it was the best I could do...

Also, plz excuse Ace's speaking parts...I tried to get his accent down but something tells me I failed BIG time...

Oh well, I'll shut the fuck up now so that you can read and tell me what you honestly think of it. So yeah, enjoy!

Oh, and as hinted above, this story does contain TechxRev love ^w^ but not in this chapter...no it comes later. Also, I don't own any of these characters or anything...I just manipulate them into doing and saying what I want XD

My Name is Fear

Ch. 1: The Break In

Darkness fell over Acmetropollis. Thick storm clouds rolled in but the blue skinned girl was careful not to let the rain fall, they couldn't afford any mistakes and rain wouldn't just potentially damage the goods they were after, but make it harder for an easy escape as well. She sat on a roof top, her purple hair flying in the winds she had allowed to blow.

"So, Weather Vein, I figured once we're done taking care of this business, you and I could go take care of business of our own. If you know what I mean." A tall man with flaming hair said slyly. He was sitting next to her, leaning back on his hands, looking ahead of him at the target building as he spoke. Weather Vein narrowed her eyes as she lowered her binoculars, but didn't take them off the target either.

"Massive would slam you to the ground so hard you'd drive a tunnel straight to the center of the earth for such a comment." She replied coldly.

"So, that's a yes?" he asked her confused. Her eyes glowed pink as a flash of lightning stretched across the sky. "Okay, okay. Chill out girl, it was just a question." He said hastily.

"Don't you have a distraction you're supposed to be pulling off with Dare?" she asked him in an annoyed tone. Even though it was in the middle of the night, they couldn't risk the Loonatics to show up, not yet anyways.

"That stiff was supposed to come and meet me up here with you." Syfer replied irritably.

"No, you were supposed to go and meet him at the zoo as planned." She growled at him.

"Oh…" he said in realization.

"Just get going." She snapped at him.

Dr. Dare glared, leaning up against a small stone wall outside the city's zoo. "About time you showed up." He muttered as Syfer walked up to him with a small smirk.

"Yeah, well I just wanted to make sure we got their attention." He said smugly.

"Don't worry, we'll have those animals running to us in no time." He raised his staff and tapped the nearest animal statue with it. Then he turned to Syfer. "You do have that belt Mastermind invented for you, don't you?" he asked him in an almost sarcastic drawl.

"Sure I do, it's…uh…" he looked down then started patting all over his uniform, checking the pockets.

Dare rolled his eyes. "Luckily for you dolt, I pocketed it right before we headed out." He tossed him the thin metal belt and Syfer, glaring, put it on. He pressed a few buttons and vanished.

Popping in and out of the various cages, Syfer once again swiped all of the animals' natural abilities. He grimaced as he entered the bear's cave, remembering the last time he had done this. It hadn't gone quite as planned. But this time it was different. For one thing, he was more serious about it, and for another, he wasn't alone.

"You're up stone head." He said, popping back outside the zoo where Dare was waiting. The lion statue reared up onto its hind courters and used its front paws to slam the zoo gate down. No sooner had the lazier that acted as the gate's bars vanished, a loud alarm went off. Dare ran in and began tapping every stone statue in the park with his staff. The moment the green gem touched the hard stone, the animals sprang to life and began running all over the place.

"This ought to catch their attentions." Cackled Dare as he ran back to the entrance after bringing an enormous stone elephant to life.

"Yeah, now we wait for them to show up then we high tail it back to the others." Syfer said gleefully.

Using his new flying abilities, Syfer grabbed Dare and the two of them soared up to a nearby roof top.

They didn't have to wait long. Within ten minutes six jet packed animals landed in front of the zoo's broken gate. They were too far away to be heard by the crooks watching them, but that didn't matter.

"Get us down from here, I have to send the signal." Commanded Dare rejoicing as he saw his stone ape fling Slam into the side of the reptile house, where most of the snakes were released. A huge boa started coiling around him before he had a chance to get back up. Ace and Lexi were fighting the stone bears, Tech was trying to confine a stone rhino, and Rev was busy rounding up all of the stone animals as he could and smashing them against walls, cages, and each other.

Syfer obliged, however grudgingly, and landed in an alley about two blocks away from the target building on the other side of the city. Once on the ground, Dare slammed his staff down on the concrete which immediately shot several cracks from the contact point to a three block radius.

"That should do it." He smirked. He and Syfer soared once more up to where Weather Vein was waiting.

"Well?" she asked as the three of them watched the target building intensely.

"All is going according to plan." Sneered Dare.

Three other figures had run in as soon as they saw the cracks appear on the ground. Mastermind and Sykes hurried in after Massive.

"Oh please, don't get up on our accounts." Massive sneered, forcing the guards to drop their weapons and hit the floor on all fours.

"Yeah, no need to show us around, I think we can find what we came for." Sykes gloated.

Mastermind didn't say a word to the trapped guards as she walked briskly by and snatched up a small panel. "Here we go boys." She said with an evil smile.

"What's taking them so long?" Weather Vein asked nervously checking her watch. "They should have been out by now. How hard is it to overcome a couple of guards and steal a container of bio electro nanites?"

"Well, apparently not that hard, look." Syfer said pointing.

"What on earth did you guys get?" Weather Vein asked, staring at a bunch of equipment in Massive's arms.

"Mastermind," He said expressionlessly, "saw more toys she had to get her hands on."

Weather Vein rolled her eyes but said nothing. She conjured up a cloud that lifted all six of them and the stolen goods. She was about to carry them off when a voice called after them.

"Yo, where'd ya t'ink ya go'n docs?"

"Get us outa of here." Sykes yelled.

"This oughta slow them down." Mastermind said cheerfully. She threw some white powder at the procures.

All of them laughed wickedly as they heard the Loonatics scream in panic, trying to regain control of their jet packs which had been taken over by the nano nites. Rev, who didn't need a jet pack, tried to follow them but eventually had to retreat to save his team mates.

"What-do-you-think-they-got?" he asked when he had successfully brought all of the others back down to earth.

"I don't know." Ace muttered. He looked at Tech who was examining his jet pack closely. "Whatcha t'ink Tech?"

"I'm not sure." He said thoughtfully. "But knowing Mallory, it can't be anything good."

Okay, so I think it's okay so far...right? eh...whatever. Oh heads up, begining of next chapter is...well...you'll see. It's not graphic or anything but if you prefer to read action more than love then just skip the first two paragraphs ^^; anyhow, hope you enjoyed this chapter...and as always don't forget to review! always appriciated ^^ thanks guys!