Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HETALIA... unfortunately.

Note: Okay. So I think this is probably better than the other story I wrote although probably not as humorous... But I spent more time on this. Again this is just me, and there will be lots of errors. Although I'm working on that. So Enjoy the best you can. I probably placed too many commas... or not enough. Oh and again if how the story is set up bugs you. I'm sorry! o

Pairings: Children!USUK

Rating: K for Kiddio's!

Genre: Fluff?

Warning: Um... Nothing if you're okay with homosexuality which you probably are if you're reading this. OH WAIT! Smiley Face Band Aids.

Smiley Faced Band Aids

By: Me

Stupid eyebrow, a small bushy browed six year old thought to himself bitterly. This is Arthur Kirkland. "Why are they so big?" He muttered sniffling openly. Why did the other kids always tease him? So he believed in faeries, had humungous eyebrows, and liked to embroider things so what? Today at recess, he had decided, he had enough and punched that stupid head frog in the gut, and then he had made a run for it.

Now he sat under an ancient Oak tree located at the edge of the playground whimpering to himself pathetically with a few tears running down his chubby six year old cheeks.

He was sick of being picked on. His brothers taunted him at home, and the kids at school made fun of him here. Honestly, where was he safe from the frustrating jeers? He tugged at his short blonde locks in anger. "I just have to get rid of them," He spoke quietly to himself. He dug around his pockets for a few moments and pulled out the smiley face band aids his mother had packed him just in case his brothers 'accidentally' hurt him again. He could tear them off, just like those women on TV did with their leg hair.

The TV said it would be painless even! He thought excitedly. A small smile emerged on his face as he smartly placed the band aids over his enormous eyebrows.

He rubbed at the band aids for a few minutes. When was he supposed to take them off? He pondered as he slid down so that he could lean against the trunk of the Oak. He wondered if recess was almost over and if the teachers would look for him. He hoped the frog was crying a storm up. He was positive that after he got rid of his 'monstrous caterpillar brows' as most of his year called them that they would love him.

Arthur would be the most popular kid ever. They'd all look up in admiration, and he wouldn't have to play alone with flying mint bunny. The other children would invite him to play tag and rescue the princess and hide and seek. Arthur couldn't wait, and he smiled quietly to himself and rested his eyes as a pleasant flush began to settle on his cheeks.

"Hey what are ya doin'?" A loud, irritating American voice broke the calming silence that had been surrounding Arthur. "Hey you, with the band aids on his face! I'm talking to you!" The voice persisted and Arthur jolted in shock his eyes fluttering open immediately. He was greeted by a pair of Ocean blue eyes and a wide cat-like grin. He screamed.

"Why are you so bloody close?" He squealed as he tried to back away, only succeeding in hitting his head on the tree.

"Hey calm down, buddy," the American said in a surprised tone. Arthur glared up at the offending American and his stupid sunshine colored hair and his stupid, cute cowlick. I mean not cute, not cute! Arthur screamed at himself mentally.

"Hey band aid face, you're the kid who punched Frenchie," He spoke excitedly an eager look in his eyes. "I'm Alfred F. Jones by the way, but you can call me Alfie," Alfred winked at him as he plopped down next to the freaking out Brit. Arthur glowered for a moment longer not knowing if he should introduce himself, as manners suggested, or if he should find another tree to hide around.

In the end, manners won out. "I'm Arthur Kirkland," He replied begrudgingly and nervously.

"Cool Artie, you're British! Oh and hey what's with the band aids?" Alfred chattered like a chipmunk on steroids as he began poking the smiley band aids on Arthur's forehead. "You know I got some really cool Superman band aids. If you wanted to start a band aid trend you should've used these!" He continued babbling as he pulled out his own box of Superman band aids.

"My mom says I'm accident causing or prone or something with an awesome name," Alfred grinned as he pulled out a band aid of his own. Arthur finally spluttered back to life going an indignant shade of red.

"T-They're not a fashion statement; I'm using them to rid myself of-" Arthur trailed off. This boy, Alfred, was talking to him freely and happily even. If he told him about his eyebrows would he run off or tease him? Arthur wouldn't risk that.

"Get rid of what?" Alfred questioned him seriously as he took up Arthur's personal space. Arthur noticed that he was most definitely taller than him by a good inch, this annoyed him.

"Which class are you from a-anyway?" Arthur asked angrily as he pushed against Alfred to try and force him back a few steps.

He, of course, failed miserably. "Oh I'm new! I start tomorrow," Alfred explained as he proceeded to inch his fingers towards the smiley face band aids covering the blushing, upset Brit's eyebrows.

"Knock it off, git!" Arthur hissed as he did his best to keep his face away from Alfred.

"What's a git?" Alfred asked cheerfully as he finally tore off one of the smiley face band aids.

Arthur screeched in pain. "Ow, you-you jerk face!" Arthur cried angrily as he rubbed at the place where the band aid had been. He was sad to learn that the band aid had done nothing but leave a large red mark around his eyebrow. Tears welled up in his eyes; it had hurt a lot.

Alfred frowned. "Come on now, we have to get the other band aid off," He said much like a mother would. Arthur shook his head furiously, dead set on never feeling that pain again. Alfred sighed as he ignored the furiously shaking Brit's protests and yanked off the other band aid anyway.

Arthur yelped and clung to Alfred. "W-Why would you do that? That hurts!" Arthur yelled at him. Alfred inspected him carefully and Arthur frowned. "Are you going to laugh?" Arthur asked warily turning his head the other way as he braced himself for the inevitable.

"Why would I laugh? I'm just glad I know what you look like now," Alfred smiled cheerily at him as he rubbed at Arthur's eyebrows.

Arthur gaped openly in return. "Aren't you going to laugh at my stupid eyebrows? What's wrong with you?" He pestered moodily. Alfred laughed loudly, which caused Arthur to frown knowing he would.

"You're silly. Your eyebrows make you look much better than those band aids. They suit you nicely," Alfred nodded in agreement to his own statement.

Arthur's green eyes widened in shock, and he looked hopefully at Alfred. "You're not fibbing are you?"

"I don't know what fibbing is, but I'm not lying to you if that helps," He replied as he once again pulled out his Superman band aids. Arthur watched him as he placed the band aid on Arthur's own cheek.

"What's that for?" He asked.

"Well I hurt you, so I'm sorry because I'm the hero," He retorted loudly as he proudly jerked his thumb to point at himself.

"Hero?" Arthur dared to ask.

"Mmhm, and I saved you so you need to give your hero something," He let out a loud barking laugh, his hero laugh apparently. Arthur stared at the self-proclaimed hero, unsure of himself. In all of the story books he had read the hero got a kiss for saving someone. But Arthur was a boy, and Alfred was a boy. Arthur, making a hasty decision, pecked him sweetly on the cheek and muttered a quick thank you.

Alfred turned a nice shade of crimson and held his cheek where Arthur had kissed him.

Alfred broke into a fond smile and declared, "We'll be best friends, and I'll be your personal hero from this day forward, okay?"

Arthur shyly returned the smile. It didn't seem so bad now that he had his own personal hero and friend.


Read Review~ Love it? Hate it? Give me advice, too. I'm pretty much an extremely noobish writer. With lots of grammar mistakes... Reviews make me bubbly inside! XD And embarrassed... I hope you enjoyed.