Thanks for all the encouraging reviews; this chapter was a little hard to write because I have had a lot of things going on lately, I'm reeeaaally sorry for leaving it this long but I've had to deal with some stuff.
I rushed this chapter sooo much, I actually wrote it in a few hours instead of doing it bit by bit.
Oh I'm not done thanking yet. Thanks to everybody who read this and waited patiently, my hits went over 3000 for the first 3 chapters which I'm pretty happy about.
Demon/inner personality speech
Demon/inner personality thoughts
Naruto was roused from his light sleep by his battered alarm clock; it just didn't seem to break. Groaning, he slowly sat and looked at his surroundings, he was in his room that was littered with scrolls and various ninja tools. It wouldn't be a very safe place if children were around, but considering Naruto barley ever had visitors he never cleaned up. Naruto new it made him seem lazy but he didn't particularly care about how people thought of him.
Naruto began to shuffle towards the bathroom but was stopped when he heard a knock on his door. He changed direction without a second thought, preparing to scream at whoever dared come between him and his morning shower, but when he opened the door all ill thoughts were washed away by the shock of seeing who had visited him.
Standing before him was Ino Yamanaka, which threw Naruto slightly off guard; Ino only ever visited him if she needed a favour. Naruto realised this and instantly became suspicious.
"Hey Ino, what's up?" he asked while wondering why she was staring at him like that.
Wait, is she checking me out? He thought, not sure what to do
It was at this moment that Naruto realised he had answered the door in only his orange boxers, and instantly felt uncomfortable while under the scrutiny of Ino's eyes. He looked at her face and noticed a slight blush appear on her face
"Hey do you need something?" He asked still waiting for Ino to respond, this snapped her out of whatever thoughts she was having.
"Actually I need some help at my families store and I was wondering if you could fill in today? I'll pay you of course" she asked
I new it, she needs a favour, Naruto thought to himself.
"Fine, I've got nothing else planned today, when do you need me to start" he said while sighing.
"Umm, actually I need you right away" Ino said expecting him to slam the door in her face.
"Ok just let me have a quick shower, come inside while you wait" Naruto said while sighing again, this would be a long day.
Naruto lead Ino into the living room of his home and told her to help herself to anything in the kitchen which was just down the hall, which in Naruto's house is a good 2 or 3 minute walk.
He smirked when he heard a small gasp escape his blonde friend when she looked down the hall that seemed to go on forever. "Your house is so big!" she exclaimed
"Hah, that's only the east wing, there's still the west wing and training grounds out back" he replied proudly, he didn't get to show off about his house very often
Naruto spent the next 10 minutes in the shower, but eventually got out and greeted Ino who was still waiting in the living room. He was wearing a plain white long sleeve shirt with orange shorts.
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you without some form of orange on, even your boxers are orange" Ino said while blushing at the memory of a half naked Naruto.
"Heh what can I say, it's my favourite colour" the toad sage replied
They had left for the Yamanaka flower shop almost 15 minutes ago but were walking at a steady pace, not in any real hurry. Ino didn't really need help at the shop, she just wanted to spend some more time with Naruto and this was the only way she could do it since she didn't have the courage to ask him out properly. She would find some work for him somehow though.
Finally they reached the shop and Ino gave Naruto a quick lesson on working the till and customer service. "Remember to act cheery while you serve somebody or they might not come back" she explained
"Yeah, yeah I got it, it can't be that hard" Naruto replied arrogantly and smirking at the face Ino pulled
"Fine if you think it's so easy, you can serve the first customer of the day" Ino said wickedly, she was sure he hadn't been listening when she taught him which flower was which
When the first customer arrived, Naruto quickly stood up from his seat and manned the till while Ino stayed seated beside him.
"Hey… umm… Welcome to the store" he said unsure of the greeting he was meant to use, Naruto had zoned out at that part of the lesson
"Oh hello Naruto, I see you're helping out the pretty miss. Yamanaka his morning" a random villager said
"Uhh yeah" he replied, most of the village had started speaking to him as if they went way back and Naruto was never sure of how to act because he had no idea who they were.
After scrambling around and spending a few minutes fighting with the till because he forgot how to open it, Naruto eventually made his first sale but not after glaring at Ino every time he heard her giggling at his incompetence.
The villager had left with a smile and at one point had assumed the two ninja were an item because of the way they interacted. After denying it profusely the villager finally left while winking at Ino and whispering that Naruto was 'a keeper', which caused another light blush to appear on her face. How many times had she blushed already?
At the end of the day Ino went to the till to get some money to pay Naruto with, "Don't worry about it, today was fun" Naruto said with a smile.
"I was going to get some ramen, you wanna come, my treat?" he continued
Ino was a little surprised but happy at the same time, "That'd be great" she replied while mirroring his smile
Sakura walked hand in hand with Sasuke, who had his usual 'I hate everything' look on his face. She sighed and wished that he would smile every once in a while. Ever since she had started going out with Sasuke, Naruto had cut all communication with her
I can't believe that idiot doesn't even visit Sasuke, I thought he was like a brother to Naruto, Sakura thought
They were on their way to a fancy restaurant that's the Akimichi clan owned, but Sakura paused slightly when she saw an unexpected sight
"Look Sasuke, Ino's at the ramen stand… and she's with Naruto?" She exclaimed
Sasuke only turned his head in the direction she was pointing and raised an eyebrow, then continued walking. Sasuke had never forgiven Naruto for stopping him before he could attack the leaf village, and as if to rub salt into the wounds, he then brought him back to the village he wanted to destroy so badly.
One day this village will burn, but I need to get stronger before I can beat Naruto and the rest of the ninja of this shit hole, Sasuke thought, he was still as bat shit crazy as ever, but now he hid it so the village would fall into a false sense of security.
He wanted revenge so badly, and making the village council warm up to him by saying he only did it because of the pressures of being the last of a legendary clan was the first step in his plan. Next he would re-earn the trust of his fellow ninja, but that would be easier said then done.
Ino giggled while Naruto wolfed down his 3rd bowl of ramen. She had never seen anybody eat so fast, and how was he able to cope with the heat? She slowly took another mouth full of her small bowl. She had ordered the same as Naruto because she had no idea of what to get, she wasn't a regular like Naruto. The only differences in there meals was the size and quantity, Ino had ordered one, small bowl while Naruto constantly ordered extra large servings.
The two blondes stayed and talked for a good hour until they finally stood and payed for the ramen.
"You wanna go for a walk?" Naruto asked a slightly bewildered Ino, this was all going so well for her.
She smiled, nodded then fell in step with her friend. After a short walk, Naruto lead her on top of the hokage monument and stood on top of his fathers head.
"This is my favourite place to come when I need to think or be alone" Naruto explained, "I've never actually been up here with anybody"
"Wow, the view is beautiful, you can see the whole village up here" Ino observed "Thanks for showing me this place Naruto"
'Heh its fine, I like to stand in this specific spot because it makes me feel like I'm a little closer to my dad" he said while gesturing to the fourth hokage's head
"Oh right, I almost forgot you're his son, it must be amazing to know your related to the greatest ninja ever produced by the leaf, besides you of course" Ino said with a smile and jabbed Naruto in the ribs
Naruto looked at her and smiled back, "I don't think I'm quite as strong as dad yet, but I'm getting there. I just wish that he was around to see me when I become hokage, mum and pervy sage too".
Ino continued smiling but stayed quiet; Jiraiya had always been a touchy subject with Naruto so she was happy that he was able to talk about it with her so easily. Naruto turned his gaze to the sky and looked at the newly emerging stars; he liked to imagine that his family was watching over him and new he would follow in his fathers foot steps soon enough.
"Ino I haven't told anybody yet, but I think you should be the first to know since you've been there for me after… recent events" Naruto said, "grandma picked me to be her successor, which means I'll really be hokage when she retires"
Ino just stared at Naruto then launched herself at him, causing both people to blush. "I can't believe it Naruto, I'm so proud of you" she said while hugging him
"The 6th hokage, Naruto Namikaze. That has a nice ring to it" She whispered in his ear
Naruto just chuckled and returned the hug, he didn't know why but it felt good, like it was meant to be this way. They both stood there for another few minutes, neither wanting to end the embrace but eventually Naruto sighed and loosened his grip, which prompted Ino to do the same
"It's getting late, I should walk you home before the undesirables come out" Naruto sad sadly. Ino only nodded because she knew he was right, her house was past the bar and drunks were bound to hassle her on the way back if she was alone.
Naruto walked slowly beside Ino up the path to her front door, when they reached it they both stopped.
"Guess this is it for tonight" Naruto stated sounding a little down, Ino only nodded and made a split second decision. She raised herself slightly my standing on her toes and gave Naruto a light peck on the cheek.
"I had a good time, thanks Naruto" she said while pulling out her keys and unlocking her door. She stood in the open doorframe for a few moments and waved. Naruto waited until she was inside before heading in the direction of his own home.
Naruto walked with a spring in his step and before he new it he was home. For the first time since he fought Sasuke, Naruto was able to fall asleep without problems; it was almost like Ino created a barrier and protected him from the after affects of his fight.
Ino stepped out of the shower and breathed a sigh of relief; the hot water did its job like always. Ino slowly made her way to her bedroom and got dressed in tank top and some underwear, then got into bed. For a while she just stared up at her ceiling while thinking about the nights events.
Could she possibly have feelings for Naruto? He had always been the dead last, but now he was in a league of his own, far above anybody else he had attended the academy with, he was at kage level.
Ino remembered when everyone, herself included, had laughed at him whenever he said he would be hokage, they all saw him as the dead last that would die on a mission soon enough, but somehow he had survived all of the challenges thrown at him. He had managed to befriend the untouchable Uchiha, who kept everyone at arms length, and eventually became strong enough to beat the sharingan.
Naruto even beat the self declared 'ninja god' pain, who at the time seemed invincible. Naruto had gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the village that treated him like the plague was always safe, and soon he would be their leader.
Ino fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Sakura rolled off Sasuke after just giving him her virginity; it hadn't been as painful because the strenuous activities of being a ninja had already dealt with most of that. She looked at her partner expectantly but he had already turned to his side and began to sleep. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him in an attempt to spoon and sighed again into the back of his shoulder.
Did I make the wrong choice? Could I have been happier if I was with Naruto? He is such a giving person while all Sasuke does is take. Why do I have to love him so much? I don't think I can live without Sasuke, but I'm so unhappy with him.
Sasuke grunted quietly and shrugged Sakura off of him; she looked at him sadly then rolled onto her other side and faced the other way.
Naruto slept soundly and for the first time since he returned to the village, he had a good sleep. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to be rested and refreshed.
Naruto went to the kitchen and noticed a note stuck to the fridge. He took it down and read it:
Naruto Namikaze
Your assistance is needed in the hokage tower; please leave as soon as you receive this
Naruto noticed that there was no name identifying who had written it so it was probably by the ANBU. Naruto quickly made a piece of toast and left for the hokage tower like he had been instructed. When he got there he was ushered into Tsunade's office, the owner of this office looked pissed.
"Naruto why did you take so long" Tsunade demanded.
"Sorry I slept in so I didn't get your message till later" he replied.
"Fine, I have an assignment perfect for a hokage in training" She said said with an evil grin on her face
"What's with that face granny, what do I have to do?"
"You, Naruto, will do my paperwork with Shizune's guidance while I go out"
Naruto stared at Tsunade then glanced at the stack of paperwork on her desk, it was still morning but it was already half a meter tall. Tsunade stood up and grinned at Shizune,
"He's all yours, make sure it's done by sundown, there will be more stacks delivered later"
With that the current hokage left the office while smiling happily because she had gotten out of doing paperwork for once.
Naruto had spent the better half of the day doing paperwork and was happy to find out that there as only one more pile to go through. He stiffly stood up and lifted the stack off the ground and placed it on the desk. He almost laughed when he saw what the first document was for; the village council had put in a request for their own private bath house in the upper district of the village. It would be strictly off limits to anybody who wasn't apart of the council.
"Heh, I don't think so" Naruto said with a cruel smile while writing DECLINED in the paper. He worked for the next hour and a half before finally finishing. He stretched, stood up and smiled. Since Tsunade wasn't back yet, Naruto decide to quickly get some take away ramen.
Naruto took longer than he thought he would and when he returned he saw a fuming Tsunade and a scared Shizune.
"Naruto… do you realise that you missed an interview that I purposely scheduled for you to take as a test?"
After a brief argument with Tsunade about the importance of staying in the office until he was sure there is no more work, Naruto finally got home. He was dead tired so didn't even bother to shower and went straight to bed. He ended up falling asleep still fully dressed, and dreaming of a familiar blonde.
Aaand the long awaited chapter is complete. Again I apologize for taking so long but I had stuff to deal with.
Btw could you guys tell me if I use commas (,) too much, I feel like I do.
Ok so like always leave a review if you want, I like to see what you guys think of my chapters so I can improve them.