I do not own any of the true blood or southern vampire characters.
Sookie Stackhouse wasn't a damsel in distress, in fact many would say that she could basically rescue herself from anything that came her way. But what if she landed herself in a situation where two people are needed, would she go ahead and ask help from someone who can clearly erase her problems BUT! for a price.
Sookie woke up that day with her back aching and her head pounding, but it didn't matter. She had to go to work. She knew that she couldn't waste a way a day worth of tips. She stood up from her bed, put on her pink silky smooth robe and headed for the shower. As she turned on the water, she smelled something odd, something that she usually didn't smell in an early morning like this.
She let the hot water engulf her as she stood there thinking about her tiring day ahead. Sam would be opening Merlotte's in 2 hours, so she had time to cook herself some breakfast.
Wait! that's it! The smell that she couldn't understand was the smell of fresh bacon and eggs. But no one else lived in the house except her... An Intruder! She hurriedly dried herself and draped herself with a towel. If there was an intruder, why would they cook her breakfast? Sookie focused and let her telepathy run through her head. She could hear someone whistling. Its a man.
She slowly and quietly creeped down her stairs and peeked in to see a man, putting scrambled eggs into two plates beside the freshly cooked bacon that was already there.
"Who the hell are you?" She asked.
The brunette haired man stood near the oven, he wasn't wearing a shirt. his blue jeans were so low, she could see his pelvis. Sookie focused herself and moved her eyes up to see a man simply smiling at her.
"Well good morning to you too Sookie," He smiled. He had expected that she wouldn't remember after all the drinks that she drank last night.
She was relieved to see that it was only her boyfriend, Bill.
"I'm guessing you don't remember what happened last night, do you?"
"Uhmm, no sorry. What did happen last night?" She asked as she poured herself some coffee and sat down.
"I don't know how but you ended up in Fangtasia last night, basically wasted out of your mind already. Eric told me to just let you sleep it out then bring you home when my shift ended," He answered to her as he took the two plates of food, handed her one and sat down beside her to take in his breakfast. Fangtasia was a bar over at Shreveport where Bill worked. It was also owned by a vampire named Eric who basically despised Sookie.
She looked at him while he ate spoonfuls.
"By the way, Just thought that you should know that we had a threesome with Eric last night." She dropped her fork loudly on the ground.
"I was making a joke! geez." He said as he laughed at her.
"That was not funny."
"It kind of was, Sookie."
"Minus the Eric, did we have sex last night?" She was embarassed to ask but she had to know.
"Yes we did." He turned around to see her stunned face as she tried to remember if he was telling the truth.
She knew with the look on her face that this time, he wasn't joking.
"You were fantastic by the way."
To hide her shame, Sookie started eating her breakfast. She tried to remember last night. What had she done to end up in a vampire bar of all places? It was coming back to her now, she had celebrated her 23rd birthday alone yesterday. As a gift, Sam let her have as much as she wanted to drink. She thought about how old she was turning and decided to visit her boyfriend. Thank god, she didn't do anything too dumb.
After sookie finished her breakfast and coffee, she went back upstairs to change into her Merlotte's uniform. She kissed Bill goodbye and walked to Merlotte's. She's been saving up to buy herself a car but she still needed a couple hundred bucks to pay for the cheapest car she could buy her in Bon Temps.
She pushed open the door and greeted her boss, Sam.
"Sookie, what are you doing here?" Sam's face turned from anger to pity and sookie wondered why he was so mad at her.
"Its tuesday. My shift for tuesday is always early morning."
"I told you last night that you shouldn't come back here anymore."
"What? why? What have I done wrong?"
"Don't you remember what you did last night sooks?" He put the white towel he'd been using to clean the glasses on the table and went closer to me.
"I really don't. If I said anything harsh, I'm really sorry. You know how crazy I get when I'm drunk."
"I know sookie, but you were too wild last night. You hit and cut Andy with broken pieces of glass and he had to get sent to the hospital. It took 3 men to grab hold of you from attacking Mrs. Walter's children. You left right after that." He was rubbing his hands againest his temples now.
Sookie couldn't believe how violent she was last night. And wondered how she couldn't remember anything about it.
"I'm really sorry Sam. I promise I'll never drink at work ever again." She leaned in to hug Sam but he pushed her away.
"There's more sooks. I got stuck trying to convince the rest of the customers that you were really no harm at all. They didn't listen to me though, told me that if I kept you, they'd all leave and run me out of bussiness. I'm really sorry sooks. It's just business. I swear that I'll help you find another job." Sam rested his hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her. She couldn't blame Sam for what she did. Sam's doing the right thing by firing her.
Sookie went out of merlotte's and ran home. She was jobless now. How stupid was she to do that? She was never the kind of person who was harmful to somebody. Was she really that kind of drunk?
She decided to take a warm bath. To just stay in the tub. Clear her head and think about what else she did last night.
After 30 minutes of soaking, Sookie's memory was better. She remembered going to work that night, Sam greeting her happy birthday. She even remembered lafayette had given her a birthday cupcake. She remembered smiling when she downed her first tequila shot thinking how the drink was now warming up her chest. She took 5 more shots, then 2 more then she downed another 3. So all in all, she had drank 11 shots of tequila. That was a lot! that's the most she ever drank her whole life. No wonder she couldn't remember anything.
Sookie stood up from the tub and grabbed a towel to dry herself. She was drying her legs when she felt a sharp pain.
"Ouch! what the hell is that? " She thought. She looked down and there it was, the wound that caused her to flinch. On her top left leg was a wound. Well two wounds, actually they were to round wounds on her inside thigh. She dropped her towel to look closer.
No, It can't be. She would never. She didn't.
On her thigh was a bite mark and not just any bite mark, It was a vampire bite. She covered her hands with her face and tried to remember. But the only image that came into her head was the face of Eric Northman.
*Okay, so chapter 1 is kind of lame but I promise I'll make the next chapters more exciting now since chapter 2 is when eric comes. *