Don't Wanna Be Like Cinderella
Chapter One
Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass.
It was a warm, spring afternoon at Ashford Academy. The bell had rung symbolizing that school was over for the day. All of the students were heading home for the day, glad that school was over.
Within the hallways of this prestigious school, a loud girlish shriek was echoed throughout them. It was coming from the school's council room. Inside this particular room, Shirley, Anya, and Kallen were sitting at the table while the council president, Milly Ashford was standing with horrified expression on her face. "What do you mean you won't be able to do it, Shirley?" she cried.
"I'm sorry Milly," the orange haired female began with a nervous smile, "I really want to, but there's something else that I have to do that day."
The blue eyed girl groaned heavily with tears coming down her cheeks, "What are we suppose to do now?"
"Calm down president," Kallen said, "it's not the end of the world; we'll think of something."
"Well, I'm open to any and all suggestions."
Then a soft, mellow voice spoke up, "Maybe we can find an alternate." The other girls turned to the source of the voice which was Anya sitting on the floor playing with Arthur, the council's pet cat.
"That's a great idea, Anya!" Shirley said with glee.
"Yes, but all the other female students have went home for today. Neither of us can't do it because we all already have jobs to do. Who are we going to find to do this, at this late hour?" Milly asked the pink haired council member.
Anya shrugged her shoulders as she stroked the grey cat's fur, "I don't know; I didn't get that far."
"Well we can't quit; we have to think of something." the half Britannian said as she and the others were trying to figure out what to do.
At that moment, the girls heard the wooden door open. They all turned and saw Lelouch, Rivalz, and Gino walk in carrying shopping bags full of supplies. "Here's the stuff you wanted, Prez." the navy blue haired male said to his crush.
"Where do you want them?" Gino asked the council president.
You guys can just place them on the table over there; thanks guys!" Milly answered as the boys did as they were instructed.
While the boys were doing their jobs, a thought struck Kallen. She gestured her hand to the other girls, trying to get their attention. They noticed the crimson haired female's strange behavior and leaned in towards her. Kallen smirked as she spoke in a high whisper, "I found the means of solving our little problem."
They noticed the half Britannian pointing her head over to the where the male council members were. The girls looked at them and nodded in agreement. "Of course!" Shirley whispered.
"I thought I was only one who was thinking it." the blue eyed president said grinning.
The girls slowly turned to the boys once again and chimed innocently in unison, "Lelouch…"
The said teen froze at the sound of this name knowing nothing good would come of it. He gulped then turned to the scheming girls and chimed, "What…?"
"My dear Lelouch, the girls and I have a vision."
The Britannian prince raised his eyebrow incredulously, "A vision of what?"
"As you know, our annual school festival is coming up, but unfortunately Shirley won't be able to participate in it. So we would like you to wear the outfit that she was…" The moment she looked up, there was nothing left of Lelouch but a trail of smoke, "Hey, where did he go?"
"He ran away." the pink haired female replied with an unchanged expression on her face.
Milly crossed her arms and huffed, "Well that's just rude; he didn't even let me finish."
"I didn't even see him leave." Gino added.
"I haven't seen Lelouch run that fast since…" Rivalz pondered on the thought, "You know I've never seen him run that fast."
Kallen sighed as she rested her head against her palm, "Well, so much for that plan."
"I wouldn't give up hope yet my dear Kallen." the blond president said with a devilish grin. "Lelouch can run but he can't hide from the LRD." Then she raised her left hand and snapped her fingers, "Rivalz, Gino if you would be so kind?"
"We're on it." the two males said in union as they went after their friend.
The half Britannian grinned, "Wow, I didn't think you were going to resort to that so soon, Milly."
"Well drastic times called for desperate measures my friend."
"Um Milly, what's the LRD?" Shirley asked in curiosity.
"The Lulu Resistance Duo of course." the blond female replied making a peace sign with her fingers. Anya applauded her while Arthur was sound asleep in her lap, "Oh you're too kind."
"That's certainly a…original name." the orange haired female replied.
"I still think the Lelouch Resistance Team would be a better name." the crimson haired female said to herself.
"NOOOOO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!" Lelouch screamed as he was being pulled by both of his wrists against his will by Rivalz and Gino.
"Now look Lelouch, I understand how you feel but the Prez really needs your cooperation with this." Rivalz said.
"If you really understood, you wouldn't let me go through with this! Why couldn't she get one of you to do it?" the ebony haired teen argued.
"Are you kidding?" the blue eyed blond began, "For what those girls have planned, we couldn't possibly pull it off. So you might as well go through with it."
"I...DON'T...WANT TO!" Once the grip on his wrists lightened, Lelouch swiftly pulled them out of his friends' grasps. As soon as he was free, the Britannian prince climbed to his feet and fled as fast as his feet could carry him.
His friends groaned as they hurried after him. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be, buddy!" Rivalz called out.
"Seriously Lelouch, we're too old for this!" the blond added.
When they caught up to the ebony haired runaway, there was a lot of struggling and yelling being heard throughout the empty corridors. Regardless of the other's constant struggle to break free, Rivalz and Gino dragged their friend back to the council room by his upper arms. "You can't do this to me; this is mutiny! You call yourselves my friends, you traitors!" Lelouch cried in anger.
Just then, the girls heard someone at the door. They looked up and saw Gino and Rivalz carry a very unhappy Lelouch in the room, "Here you go, Prez." the blue haired teen said.
"One Lelouch to go!" the blond male added with a grin.
"Thank you boys, we'll take it from here." Milly said.
The two teens let go of Lelouch and headed out the door. The Britannian tried to escape, but the door slammed in his face. 'Oh great…!' When Lelouch turned around, he saw the female council members corner on him like ravenous wolves holding a dress, accessories, a black wig, and black shoes. He backed up against the door with a face as pale as a ghost, "Now ladies, you don't have to do this!"
On the outside of the door, Rivalz and Gino heard Lelouch yell, "NO! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! YOU GET THAT AWAY FROM ME…STOP IT!"
"Sounds like Lelouch is being tortured in there." the dark blue haired teen said with concern.
"It sure does." Gino replied.
"We should probably go outside and wait for Suzaku to get here." Rivalz suggested out of the blue as he and Gino headed for the school doors.
"He certainly wouldn't want to miss this." the blond male added with a grin.
After the work was done, the girls wiped their brows, "Well ladies, I'd say that this is our greatest work yet!" Milly said with a smile.
"Not bad if I do say so myself." Kallen added as Anya was taking pictures with her phone.
"I'll say," Shirley turned to the model, "what do you think, Lulu?"
"What do I think?" Lelouch asked with a fake smile as he looked at his reflection in a tall mirror. He was wearing a long sleeved blue violet dress. The sleeves were puffed at the shoulders with white bows attached to them. At the edge of each sleeve, there was a white, puffed material sowed to them. It was a box neck collar with a fuchsia rose attached to it and white frills going down the front of the dress The skirt was knee length and was double layered with the same white material (that is on the sleeves' edges) on the edges of each layer. He wore a long ebony black wig with a blue violet band with a white lily accessory attached to it in his hair. Oh his feet, he wore black leather flats. Around his neck, he wore a dark blue choker with a small fuchsia rose embedded in the middle of it.
The Britannian prince shuddered at his reflection in the mirror, "I look…horrendous!"
"Don't be so negative, Lulu." Shirley said.
"She's right, you look great." Kallen added.
Lelouch turned away from the mirror with a menacing look in his eyes, "Do you see what you've done to me?"
"Yes, and if we knew how good you were going to look, we would've done it sooner." Milly replied.
The violet eyed teen groaned at his misfortune, "I don't see how this could get any worse."
"Well I don't know about worse," the crimson haired female began as a sly grin arose on her face, "but this is just the beginning."
"How's that, Kallen?"
"Well Lulu, we've decided that since you look so amazing," Shirley began with a smile.
"You're going to take Shirley's place in out festival next week; isn't that wonderful?" the council president asked.
The room fell into an awkward silence till a loud laugh broke it. The girls stared at the Britannian prince who was having a hearty laugh. "I'm sorry, it sounded like you said that I'm going to have to wear this…in public!" he said between laughs.
"Yes, that's exactly what she said, Lelouch." the pink haired girl said still taking pictures.
Lelouch paled at the sound of those words and ceased with the laughter, "She's kidding right, please say right!"
"Now Lulu, you know that Anya never kids." the blue eyed blonde replied; "besides you'll be doing a nice thing for a fellow council member."
"There's no way I'm going out in public looking like this!" the violet eyed teen retorted in anger, "I'll die of embarrassment and Anya why are you taking pictures of me?"
The others stared at the non-expressive girl holding her camera phone, "For blackmailing purposes in case you try to get out of this."
Everyone except for Milly gave her blank looks. 'She didn't have to be so blunt.'
"Oh great, just great! I've been dragged against my will, forced into a dress, and now I'm being blackmailed into degrading myself, what's next?" Lelouch muttered under his breath.
Just then, there was a knock at the door, "Yes?" Milly called out.
"Hey Prez, Suzaku's here!" Rivalz replied through the door.
Lelouch winced at the sound of those words as the blond president headed for the door, "Okay, I'll be right there!"
'Why does this always happen to me; I'm a good person…sometimes.' The sound of Milly turning the brass knob broke his train of thought. He panicked, looking his way and that. 'Oh no, I can't let Suzaku see me like this! I got to get out of here!' As violet eyes looked to the right, the ebony haired teen smirked as he made his way over without anyone noticing.
Once Milly opened the door, she motioned the boys inside as Suzaku said to her, "Sorry I'm late; did I miss anything?"
"Oh no; you're just in time to see our greatest masterpiece yet!" the blond president said with glee.
"Oh really what?" the brunet asked with interest.
Milly turned as she said, "Meet our…" Everyone stared in the same direction as the blond female, but saw Anya waving nonchalantly with no Lelouch in sight. "Where did he…how did he?"
"Man he's good." Gino said.
"I'd say that's a new record." Rivalz added.
"We better find him before he gets too far away." Kallen suggested.
Milly nodded, "I couldn't agree more, let's get going ladies." The blond female led the other girls out of the council room.
Suzaku turned to the other males in confusion, "Um, what's going on?"
"We'll explain on the way." Rivalz answered as he and Gino led the emerald eyed teen towards their destination.
Gino grinned, "All we know is that you're gonna love it."
Suzaku raised his eyebrow at the other, "Okay…" 'I wonder if Lelouch has something to do with this.'
To his surprise, Lelouch made it outside the school without being spotted but he knew now wasn't the time to relax. "I better get home before they find me."
As the violet eyed teen was walking past, three pairs of lecherous eyes watched his movements from behind. Three male students followed after Lelouch as quiet as mice. The Britannian prince sensed that someone was following him. He used his peripheral vision to discover that it was true so he halted in that very spot, "If you're trying to sneak up on me, you're doing a terrible job."
Lelouch turned around and saw there were scruffy looking teen males wearing the school's charcoal black uniforms but their jackets were unbuttoned revealing their t-shirts. The teen that was standing in the middle walked up to him. He had dirty amber hair and dark brown eyes with a silver hoop earring. His brown eyes looked Lelouch up and down which made him very uncomfortable. Then he turned to his two man posse, "Looks like we have a pretty smart girl here, boys."
The other two teens snickered as their leader turned his attention to his prize smirking, "So what's your name, sweetie?"
The violet eyed beauty gave the other a disgusted look, "That's none of your concern."
The shaggy haired teen laughed at the other's response, "There's no reason to be so feisty, honey."
"Look," Lelouch began, "I have better things to do than to hang out with you so if you gentlemen will excuse me."
As the ebony haired teen walked away, a calloused hand gripped his wrist causing him to stop in his tracks, "Where do you think you're going, hot stuff?"
Lelouch turned around and noticed a perverted gleam in those dark brown orbs. He frowned at the other as he replied, "Away from you, now let me go!"
The amber haired teen ignored the ebony haired beauty's cry and leaned in towards the other's face, "Why don't I give you a little smooch, cutie?"
"Are you insane; no way!" the violet eyed teen screamed at the top of his lungs. He tried to release his wrist from the other's grip but to no avail.
"You don't have much of a choice here, beautiful."
"Make sure you save some for us, boss." one of the other punks said.
"Yeah, don't get greedy now." said the other.
The leader turned to his posse and smirked, "Aww you guys wound me. Relax, you'll get your turn just as soon as I…SMACK!" At that moment, the shaggy haired teen was slapped hard on the cheek forcing him to let go of his captive. "Damn it, that hurt!" he grunted in pain.
"Boss!" the two man posse cried as they ran to their injured leader's side.
"I may not be a fighter," the Britannian prince began with a menacing glare in his eyes, "but I'll be damned if I let some filthy bastards like you have your way with me."
The leader stared angrily at Lelouch with his hand over the deep red bruise the slap left, "You bitch; get her boys!"
The other punks did as they were told and each grabbed one of the captive's arms. The ebony haired teen tried to wriggle out of their grip, "I'm not in the mood for your games now release me!"
Then Lelouch felt a rough hand grab his chin and force him to look up into those disgusting brown eyes, "Who said that this was a game? I'm going to get what I want from you whether you like it or not." he said with a perverted smile.
"Lelouch, Lelouch!" Suzaku called out as he, Rivalz, and Gino were searching the school hallways for their friend. The brunet turned to the others and asked, "Where could he have gone?"
"I dunno; we've checked everywhere." the dark blue haired teen replied.
"For a guy who rarely shows up in P.E. class, he's certainly quick on his feet." the blond added.
Suzaku sighed as his emerald eyes peered over to the tall window. Something outside caught his attention, "What's going on out there?" They all went over to the glass window to see what was happening, "Hey, don't those guys look familiar?"
"Yeah, those three are always causing trouble especially towards the female students." Gino replied, "I wonder what they're up to today."
As Suzaku got a good look at what was going on, his eyes widened in shock, 'Oh no…!' The emerald eyed teen sprinted off in the other direction as the blond yelled, "Suzaku, what's up; where are you going?" The said teen didn't reply back. Gino ran his hand through his hair, "Sheesh, where is he going in such a hurry?"
Rivalz eyes widened as a thought struck him, "You don't think…!"
"Let's hope not; c'mon let's follow him." Gino replied as he and Rivalz fleeted after their friend.
"Ow!" the gang leader bent over in pain due to Lelouch kneeing him hard in the nuts.
"Now are you going to let me go," the violet eyed beauty smirked, "or do you want to get hurt some more."
At that moment, sharp sterling silver was pointed at Lelouch's cheek. The ebony haired teen broke into a nervous sweat at the sight of the knife as the leader chuckled darkly, "You know, I was going to forgive you since I like feisty girls, but I'm through being nice." A lusty grin arouse on the other's face that made Lelouch's insides churn, "Now if you give me what I want like a good girl, I won't have to damage that pretty face of yours."
When the Britannian prince turned his head, he heard the amber haired teen yell like he was in pain and the knife drop to the pavement. He saw the leader turn his attention away from him as he said, "Alright who hit me; who's out there?"
"I did!" a mysterious voice replied. They all turned and saw Suzaku standing there throwing medium sized rocks in the air and catching them, "You got a problem with that?"
The leader grinned at the sight, "Well look at what we got here boys, the filthy Eleven has come to wreck our fun."
"Ha! I think he's trying to be a hero, boss." one of the punks said smirking.
"Hey Eleven, didn't anyone teach ya not to intrude on Britannian affairs?" the other asked.
"No reason wasting your breath on him, boys." the leader began, "His kind doesn't even have manners."
As the three punks broke into a hardy laugh, Suzaku shook his head with a grin, "You three perverts are making a pass at a lady in broad daylight and you say that I don't have manners. You guys are pathetic."
Lelouch gritted his teeth in annoyance, 'A lady? I'm going to get him for that!'
"What did you say to us, punk?" the leader asked in anger.
"You actually have the nerve to call yourselves Britannians? I can't believe they even let dogs like you into this school; you don't even show up for class." the emerald eyed teen retorted with a smirk.
"Are you asking for an ass kicking, Eleven?"
"No; I'm telling you to let go of her or else."
"Oh I'm so scared!" the leader said in a sarcastic tone.
"You should be because I don't think your boys are up for a challenge right now."
"What are you talking about?"
Suzaku pointed behind the gang leader, "See for yourself."
The brown eyed teen turned around and saw his posse on their backs, beaten to a pulp. He stared in shock, "H-H-How did this happen?"
"Man, they didn't even put up a good fight." a giddy voice said. The leader looked up and saw Gino was stretching his limbs and Rivalz was helping his friend to his feet.
"You alright there, pal?" the dark blue haired asked the violet eyed teen.
"Despite how incredibly pissed off I am right now, I'm just peachy."
"Where the hell did you guys come from?" the leader asked them.
"We just got here; of course we could have been here sooner if Suzaku didn't leave us behind." the blond haired teen replied.
"Sorry guys, I was in a hurry."
"Well I got to save a damsel in distress so I guess I'll forgive you."
"AHEM?" Gino turned and saw Lelouch giving him an evil look with flames of rage surrounding him.
Rivalz tried to console his friend as the blue eyed male backed away from him with a nervous smile, "I'm sorry!"
As Suzaku was laughing at his friend's misfortune, the gang leader charged toward him with his fist. The brunet easily dodged the other's blow and threw a quick right jab in the teen's jaw. The blow was so intense that the leader landed on his back and slid across the concrete. Suzaku walked over to the gang leader with a menacing look in his eyes. The leader saw that murderous look in the Japanese teen's eyes and backed away from him in fright. The brunet yanked the other off the ground by his shirt collar. "You better listen and listen well because I'm only going to say this once. If you ever come near my friend again, I'll kill you."
"I-I-Is t-t-t-that a threat?" the amber haired teen stammered.
"No, that's a promise; now do you understand me?"
"Good; I believe you and your little friends should leave now."
"I-I-I couldn't agree more!" As soon as the brunet released him, the leader ran off in the opposite direction in a huge frantic.
"Boss wait!" said one of his followers as he chased after him.
"Don't leave us here!" said the other who ran after them.
"Spineless cowards." Lelouch mumbled to himself.
As Suzaku went over to the others, Gino happily slapped him on the back, "Awesome work Suzaku; I dunno what you said to him, but he sure ran with his tail between his legs."
"Well hopefully, he got the message loud and clear." Emerald orbs peered over to the ebony haired teen, "Are you okay, Lelouch?"
"Yes, I'm fine…" Amethyst eyes widened in shock, "How did you know it was me?"
"Well it wasn't hard; I knew it was you the moment I saw you," the brunet grinned, "and you getting mad at Gino when he called you a damsel in distress gave it away too."
Lelouch paled at the other's words then walked off in the other direction without uttering a single word. "Where are you going, Lelouch?" Rivalz called out to his friend.
"Where do you think? I'm going home while I still have a shred of dignity left."
As the ebony haired teen walked off, Gino turned to Rivalz, "I wonder if he's still mad at us for dragging him against his will to sudden doom."
"You're damn right I am!" they heard Lelouch answer in anger.
"How did he…?"
"He has really good hearing." Suzaku and Rivalz answered in unison.
The blond male nodded, "Ah!"
"I better go after him and make sure he's alright." the brunet suggested.
The dark blue haired teen nodded in agreement, "You should; the poor guy's had a rough day. Gino and I will inform the girls about what happened."
"We'll take it from here." Gino added with a thumb up.
"Thanks guys." Suzaku said as he hurried after his friend.
"Come on Gino; we better find the Prez." Rivalz said as he and the blond headed back into the school.
Gino sighed as he place his hands against the back of his head, "What a day, what a day."
To Be Continued…
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of my first Code Geass story. The "steamy" stuff will appear in the next chapter and I'll update it as soon as I can. Remember to review if you liked it and stay tuned!