I'm back with a new story? I got this idea from a manga, but unfortunately I forgot the title because it was a manga that I read a long time ago. Basically, this story will be an oneshot for each chapter and with different canon (and crack?) pairing. I just want to do something lighter, so, I decided to make this story. Hopefully it will end in 7 or 8 chapters soon. Lol, anyway, enjoy reading


- Of the color of blood or fire


- A complicated irregular network of passages or a complex and confusing arrangement


Red Labyrinth




Like any other afternoon, the café was crowded with teenagers who were hanging out with their friends. As usual, all the waitress and waiters were busy to serve the guests. Now, let's follow a waitress who had a short maroon hair, who was holding a tray filled of various food and beverages. Her nametag, which was on her right side, said 'Lunamaria Hawke'. So, Lunamaria or Luna as her friends called her was walking to a table which filled with a group of female guests.

The blonde one with a masculine appearance saw Luna and shouted the latter's name. "Luna!" The rest of the groups turned to face the waitress and gave her space to join them. "So? Why did you call us?" asked the blonde once again. Certainly she was not the type who spent the time at the café.

After she found a good position to sit and put the tray on the table, Luna opened her mouth, "Hey, we haven't spent time like what? One month? And that's what you say? Why I called you guys? Come on Cags, humor me."

"Well, the thing is Luna, if Cagalli say something as sweet as…say, your sister –Meyrin (She pointed to a girl who sat beside her), then it will be a very good humor for us." said the one with long brown hair who looked as masculine as Cagalli – the name of the first blonde.

"Hey! That ain't funny!" Cagalli pouted. Everyone just giggled except her and another girl whose hair color was same with Luna except hers was longer and put into a ponytail, who sat beside the brownish hair girl.

"Uh uh, I agree with Cagalli. That ain't funny." Meyrin agreed.

Luna then decided it's time to change the topic. "So, where's Milly? We can't begin without her, you know." Suddenly someone opened the café's door which made a 'Welcome' sound. "Ah, speak of the devil and there she is." It was a lass with short brownish hair. She wore a white outfit, made her looked like a nurse. She looked around the café and when she spotted the group, she smiled brightly. Without a doubt she hastily ran to the table.

"Sorry guys, I'm late." She said slowly, trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah, we can see that." Cagalli said sarcastically.

"It's okay, Milly. We know that you are busy and please ignore Cagalli. It seems like she just got her period today." Lacus, a girl with the long pink hair with a pink and white dress, answered with a smile. Cagalli just mumbled something.

Milly or Mirrialia just nodded. "Oh, I certainly can see that." She smirked and took a seat between Luna and another blonde one in the group.

Luna clapped her hands happily. "So, since all of you have arrived, I'm going to reveal what's this is all about."

"You better be." Cagalli hissed slowly. Lacus just stared at her knowingly. Luna stood up and dashed to her place. After a few minutes, she got out with her bag in her hands.

"Err, Luna?" Lacus asked, trying to get the other girl's attention. "Don't you think you're supposed to do your job?"

Luna looked at the startled lass questioningly. "What Lacus meant was if it's okay with your boss to hang out with us especially in this busy hour." The brownish hair girl, who mocked Cagalli just now, decided to explain the meaning behind Lacus' question.

"Nah, it's fine. I've told him yesterday that I have something to do." She shook her head while waving her hand to emphasize what she said.

A girl who looked exactly like Lacus except the former wore something more indecent that Lacus spoke, "But certainly, he doesn't like that because he keeps looking at us, maybe even glaring. Are you sure it's fine?" This time, Luna turned her head to look at her boss. Obviously he was behind the bar, cleaning the glasses. Luna could also catch his staring but she just shrugged it off. "It's fine, Meer. You don't have to worry 'bout that." She turned back to her friend and slowly took out something from her bag.

They were eight of them. It was a small bottle filled with red liquid inside. The other blonde in the group took it carefully and stared at it. She put it to the light and she could see it sparkled. "Wow, it's beautiful. What is it? Can Stellar drink it?" She asked to Luna with a pair of innocent eyes.

Luna was grinning widely. "This is-" She touched it and held it with her right hand. "Called 'Red Labyrinth'. I found it in the internet. "

"And?" asked Milly who looked at Luna curiously.

"To put it easy, you know the 'red string'?"

"Red string? You mean the stupid myth about a red string that was tied between the little finger of men and women, that red string?" Cagalli answered.

Nodding, Luna explained further, "This liquid can help us to see that red string."

"So?" Milly tried to trail Luna.

"So, why don't we drink this and prove if it's right or wrong? There's no harm in doing that, right?"

"Yeah? What's the catch?" The brownish hair girl asked.

"Shiho's right. There has to be something about this, right?" Cagalli asked carefully. She knew Luna better than anyone and she knew that the latter might have something in mind.

Luna chuckled darkly. "Yeah, that's right. The effect can last for three days only, therefore, in three days we have to meet each other again and show our 'soul mate', how's that?" Everyone agreed in silence. "But." Luna raised her point finger to indicate that what she was going to say next was important. "Whoever doesn't find her soul mate shall treat us all in all you can eat at Archangel Restaurant, how's that sound?"

"Hey, that's not fair!" It was Cagalli who quickly replied to the stupid condition. "I mean, if, let's say, one of us doesn't get her soul mate, is it fair to ask her to treat us? Aren't we supposed to be the one who treat her so she won't be sad anymore? That is much more reasonable!" Everyone seemed to agree with Cagalli and Cagalli could smile in triumph.

"I know you're right, Cags. But, you see, I know you, so, I know that without a doubt that you won't try to find your soul mate. Hell, you won't even touch the liquid. Am I right?"

"No!" Cagalli was suddenly lost of words. Geez, she was found out. I mean, who would want to do such ridiculous thing as to find a soul mate with that stupid sparkling scarlet liquid? Even to think that she had to drink it ridiculed her already.

"Alright, how about like this? We all drink it here, now, and three days again we'll meet here, bring our so called 'soul mate' and introduce it to one another. Whoever finds him will be treated in Archangel Restaurant by whoever came late at the meeting. How's that?" Shiho gave a new term which sounded more reasonable. "And whoever doesn't find him, will not be treated and can only see us eating at Archangel Restaurant. So?"

"Fine!" Cagalli exclaimed. Besides, she didn't feel like it was a bad idea. It was not like she would want to be treated or not. It was better that than to find a guy whom maybe she didn't know to be her 'soul mate'. The others just nodded to the new 'bet'.

Now, each of them took the bottle, but before they drank it, Luna said, "Wait a minute. I think it's better for us to read the instructions first. How about this? We drank it tomorrow morning and we gather here at the same time the next four days. I don't want us to get the side effect from the liquid. Who knows what'll happen?"

"Yeah, you're right. We can't take the chance of being poisoned." Cagalli said sarcastically.

"I can't believe I agree with you the second time today." Meyrin said with a glint of smirk on her face. Cagalli just smirked back as her reply.

"I guess I have to get work again then." Luna decided it was her cue to get back to her work. Besides, she didn't want to get scolded by her boss.



Few moments later, Milly decided to get back to her work. She waved to her friends and walked out from the café. It was a little chilly outside, so, she decided to cover her neck with her scarf which matched perfectly with her white outfit. Seeing her red scarf, she was reminded with the scarlet liquid Luna just gave her. She reached her pocked and took it out slowly. While she was mesmerized by it, she saw a reflection of someone on the liquid. When she slowly looked behind the bottle, she saw him was leaning on the door and she couldn't help but smile. Carefully, she put back the potion to her small bag.

She could see him walked closer to her with both his hands on his jeans' pockets. When he was in front of her, he looked a little bit nervous. "Hey, I just want to say thank you for this."


1st Labyrinth : Start


There the prologue! So, how's that? Like it? Hate it?

Any idea whom Meyrin and Meer shall be paired with?

So, since there're eight potions that means there will be eight couple XD

And this is oneshot guys, so, don't worry! Hopefully I can finish all the chapters soon enough.

Please leave me review. Remember the more you like it, the faster I update it :P

See you soon!

Luph u
