By Namikaze99/Ninja99
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
(..HA!) - Me Talking
Hey! - Normal
'WHAT!' - thoughts.
"Wow, you were really hungry..." Naruto stared in amazement. Sure, she had a pitless stomach, but the infront of her just kept eating...and eating...
The boy however just ignored her and ate and slurped and drank and dipped and sipped get the whole idea.
This had been going on for atleast 5 minutes.
"Uhm..." Naruto akwardly asked, "What's your name?"
The boy glanced up at the girl and continued chewing, ""
Naruto raised her eyebrows, "Sake?"
The boy shook his head, "Sasuke!"
"Oh..." Naruto said even more awkwardly. The boy didn't mind the awkwardness in the air and just continued eating the ramen, the teriyaki chicken, the rice, the EVERYTHING.
"So..." she tried again, "What are you?"
"A human, just like you," Sasuke lied as he ate.
"That's a bull of crap," Naruto hissed.
Sasuke's eyes widened and he spit out the food in his mouth.
"You moron! Not literally! It's figurative speech!" Naruto facepalmed as she yelled.
"Oh..." Sasuke replied, staring at the food he spit out. He just leaned forward and licked it back into his mouth.
Naruto stared at him, her eyes narrowed while she muttered, "That's discusting..."
The boy just shrugged.
"And what I meant is that you being human is a lie. Human's do not just grow ears and a tail. Unless you're a mutant," Naruto scoffed with her eyes closed and arms crossed.
"Well believe it or not, I'm human," Sasuke argued with narrowed angry eyes.
"I don't buy it," came a masculine voice. Naruto turned her head to her left shoulder.
"Well duh," Naruto frowned.
"What? You believe me?" Sasuke asked with wide eyes, a spoon with rice on it frozen in place held by his hand, "But you just disagreed!"
"No! I don't believe you!" Naruto glared.
"Don't be too harsh on the boy, Naru-chan," came a melodic female voice from Naruto's right shoulder.
"I'm NOT being HARSH!" Naruto yelled, standing up and clenching her fists. She was glaring from the corner of her eye.
"Wha...?" Sasuke asked confused, his head tilting to the side slightly.
"SHUT UP, KITTY BOY!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke, "YOU TOO KYUUBI!" Naruto yelled to her left.
"Hey! I'm just saying! I mean Kyuuki's being too kind and all and it's kind of annoying..."
"Oh yeah!" Kyuuki yelled at him with a balled fist, "Your face is annoying, but you don't hear me complaining!"
"That doesn't even make sense!" Kyuubi yelled back at Kyuuki, one hand in his pocket.
"It does actually," Naruto muttered.
"Uhh...Miss? Are you alright?" Sasuke interrupted, staring with wide eyes.
He was really starting to freak out.
"Ugh, he probably thinks I'm nuts," Naruto groaned, burying her face in her hands. She sat back down in her chair.
"Don't call me that," Naruto spat, looking up from her hands, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Don't call me Naru-chan, or Naru or Naruko or anything. Just Naruto. Spelt Na, Ru, To."
"Uhm...okay..." the boy looked paler than usual.
The two just sat there awkwardly, looking at anything but each other.
For about 5 minutes.
Sasuke had decided to proceed eating, so the sound of the spoon against the bowl would be occasional.
And, once in a while Naruto would yell, "URUSAI!" and glare at her shoulders. The raven haired boy always thought it was directed to him and tried to eat quieter.
When the boy had finished eating, he sat back against his chair and patted his stomach.
"You...have any place to go?" Naruto eyed him dangerously.
Sasuke frowned and looked down, "Not...anymore."
Naruto perked up curiously, "Huh? What do you mean 'not anymore'?"
"'s a long story..."
"I've got nothing but time."
"A REALLY...long story."
"I still got nothing but time."
" don't understand. It's a REALLY long story..." Sasuke said, trying to keep away from the topic.
"JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED," Naruto yelled, losing her patience.
Sasuke looked like he was in deep thought.
"I'll tell you if you let me stay here," Sasuke smirked.
"Fine," Naruto agreed.
"I'll tell you in the morning," Sasuke yawned, getting up from his chair and walking down the hallway to find the bedroom.
"Fine," Naruto agreed. "Wait, WHAT! YOU'RE TELLING ME NOW YOU BASTARD!"
"I don't think so!" Sasuke grinned.
"OH YEAH!" Naruto fumed, standing up from her chair, "WELL THE JOKES ON YOU! I WAS GOING TO LET YOU STAY ANYWAY!"
She smirked in triumph and crossed her arms.
"Actually, the jokes on you," Sasuke said, turning around to face Naruto and smirking, "I didn't say I was going to stay here for one day. I meant for a LONG time."
Check out Himeko-chan's doujin pages on NEKO-CHAN! (GO TO MY dA page ((LINK ON MY PROFILE PAGE)))