Hey guys! Here's an idea that came into my mind whilst I was listening to the song 'Nobody's Listening' by Linkin Park.
A/N: Sonic and co. belong to Sega.
"You've done it!", Knuckles screamed, "You've fucking done it!"
Sonic stared at the giant LCD screen with disbelief. He snapped his eyes shut, and reluctantly re-opened them. He was wasting his time. Right in front of him, on the screen, was an obvious mushroom cloud that lurked in the skies on the giant screen in an intimidating manner. It would only be a matter of time before a number of megatons would instantly wipe out the small town that had originally been targeted by Dr. Eggman.
And it was all Sonic's fault.
Sonic felt tears of guilt form in his eyes as Dr. Eggman cackled from behind, his body structure beaten to a pulp. He spat out a small piece of a broken tooth, and slowly turned to Sonic, the frames on his glasses gleaming with triumph.
"I must say!", Dr. Eggman commented, "I never knew you had it in you, Hedgehog! I'm very, very impressed-"
"Shut up!", Sonic screamed as he spun around to face Dr. Eggman, "Shut the fuck up! It was a fucking accident!"
"I always had a suspicion that deep down you had a split personality, but now that you've shown your true potential…", Dr. Eggman chuckled, "All I can say is it was worth waiting for you to finally tick!"
"How dare you!", Sonic snarled at the doctor, "You lied to me! You told me that that button", Sonic pointed angrily at an amber-coloured button on the huge panel, "was the main control that would activate the missiles to take off and detonate! And you also told me that this button", Sonic pointed to the average-sized button he had pressed prior to the explosion, "Would deactivate the missiles and shut down the system! What the fuck, man?"
"I thought you would have guessed by now, you stupid dunce", Dr. Eggman laughed, "I have a rather terrible habit of telling lies… Honestly, don't you ever learn?"
Sonic glared at Dr. Eggman, breathing heavily through his mouth, sweat standing out on his forehead. He hated to admit it, but Dr. Eggman was right; the doctor lied his head off every single time he attacked Mobius as to make the attack even more complicated for Sonic and his friends. Normally it was Knuckles who made an ass of himself by believing Dr. Eggman's lies and was easily manipulated by them, but it was different this time around. This time, Sonic was the stupid, stupid idiot. Yet, could he really help it? With all his friends and the doctor himself screaming at him simultaneously, telling him which button to press, whilst Sonic watched the digital countdown on the LCD screen, indicating how much time he had remaining to contemplate which button to press in order to save the small town…? Normally if something like this happened, Sonic would shrug and say, "What done is done", but he knew at that moment of time it certainly wasn't an option.
"But I didn't", Sonic spluttered, "I would never…"
"Way to go, jackass!", Knuckles snapped and angrily shoved Sonic from behind. Sonic stumbled forward due to the force of the shove and spun around to face the echidna, and then the others. Tails stood, rubbing his forehead with one hand, his eyes closed. Amy stared at the LCD screen, nibbling her lip anxiously.
"Guys?", Sonic croaked, "You know that it was an accident, right…?"
They all suddenly stared at him with disbelief. Sonic then raised his eyelids at them.
"What… you don't actually think I did this on purpose, do you?", he cried.
"Is that a trick question?", Knuckles shouted, "You pushed the fucking button, not us! You did!"
"But you saw", Sonic protested and then peered at the others, "You all fucking saw! Dr. Eggman tricked me!"
"But Sonic", Tails chipped in, suddenly angry, "We did try to tell you what button to push! You just didn't listen to us! For some… insane reason, you decided to activate the missiles and destroy the town!
"Tails!", Sonic argued, "It was an accident!"
"Oh, yeah?", Knuckles shouted in Sonic's face, "Try telling that to the hundreds of Mobians who are probably already dead as we speak! Try telling that to those who have lost their loved ones!"
"I d-didn't", Sonic stammered, "I-I couldn't have…"
"But you did", Knuckles snapped, "You fucking did. We all saw it, didn't we, guys? We saw it all, and it's all your fucking fault! Mobians have died, and it's all your fault! Now get out of the way", Knuckles leaned forward so that he was practically nose-to-nose with Sonic, "Get the fuck out of our way, you psychopath!"
Sonic stared at Knuckles, realising Knuckles was being very serious. He hesitated and gradually stepped aside, allowing the echidna to stomp past him and make his way towards the exit, too angry to even argue with Sonic. From behind, Tails let out a sigh and began to follow Knuckles. He didn't want to spend another minute beside Sonic. Although Sonic was his best friend, the idea of a friend whom he truly trusted killing so many Mobians - a complete comparison to his characterisation - well… it was too fucked up for words. The best course of action at that moment of time was to leave the room, knowing that whatever he would say would fill him with regret in the near future. Tails turned around and peered at Sonic with disappointment, and slowly sloped away with Knuckles. Sonic stared at Tails with disbelief, and slowly turned to Amy as she watched the LCD screen. She nibbled her lip as she watched the small town on the screen immediately crumble, megatons forcing their way through each building, creating destruction along the way. Amy stared at the screens with horror as she witnessed hundreds of Mobians attempting to flee their homes, only to be caught up by the force of the megatons; bodies were flung into the broken remains of what used to be houses, the intense heat melting the skin of each Mobian within it's path. Although the sound was muted, Amy could only imagine how painful the destruction of the megatons must have been by studying the pained facial expressions of Mobians as the heat waves scorched their bodies.
"Amy?", Sonic whispered. Amy ignored him. Sonic tried once more.
"Amy?", he croaked, "Amy… speak to me…"
There was a brief pause. Amy was the first to break the silence.
"That's just it", she whispered, "I don't know what to say… tell me what to say, Sonic…"
"Amy, you know that what happened was an accident!", he protested, "You know I would nev-"
"An accident?", Amy exclaimed angrily, "You call killing hundreds of Mobians an accident?", she inhaled slightly, "Well, how dare you!"
"Look, I'm sorry-"
"Sorry?", Amy repeated with disbelief, "Sorry doesn't even fucking cover it! It's not as simple as that! What… are you going to apologise to those Mobians who are probably dead from the blast? I've got a cousin who lives there, so are you just going to go up to her corpse and say, 'Hey! Guess what! I'm sorry'? No… what you've done, it's just…", Amy struggled and exhaled slowly, "… No"
"So…", Sonic paused, "You don't even believe me when I say that what I did was an accident?"
Amy scoffed.
"Is that a trick question?", Amy demanded sarcastically. Amy then sighed, and turned her back on Sonic, and began to walk away from him.
"Amy", Sonic called out, "Just stop"
"You're a monster, Sonic Hedgehog", she whispered loud enough for him to hear, "We told you what button to press, and if you just listened to us, then all of this could have been avoided… but… you…", Amy hesitated before stating, "Just stay the Hell away from me…"
And before Sonic could convince her otherwise to stay with him, she was gone. Sonic was stunned. Of all Mobians, he had expected Amy to stay with him, or at the very least agree with him that what he had done was an accident. The detonation was an accident; it had to be. Besides, with only a limited amount of time before the detonation to take place along with the Doctor demanding what button he should press on side and his friends ordering Sonic to press a different button, surely the pressure would cause him to make a mistake? Everybody made mistakes once in a while. So why was everybody treating Sonic like a disease, stating that what he had done was the worst mistake of his life?
Sonic turned to the LCD screen and witnessed the devastation due to his drastic actions. He stared at the screen until the images before him turned into tiny individual pixels. He heard a chuckle escape from the doctor.
"Isn't it ironic?", Dr. Eggman commented, "The hero becomes the worst villain imaginable!"
"Oh, get to fuck, four-eyes!", Sonic shouted, "I don't fucking need your opinion!"
"I don't care how you feel", Dr. Eggman spat, "All I know is everybody is against you, and that your life and glory is officially over! That's all I find amusing out of this entire situation. You're more fucked up than I imagined!"
"My friends will always be there for me!", Sonic snarled at the doctor.
"Considering their responses earlier, I'm not entirely convinced"
"Oh, I don't need this!", Sonic snapped, "Just leave me alone! I don't need this!"
Without warning, Sonic instantly ran out of Dr. Eggman's base, tears spilling out of his eyes as he raced across the land towards Station Square. Hundreds of Mobians had died, and it was all Sonic's fault. He should have been more cautious whilst pondering over his options as to what button he should have pressed. Unfortunately it had to be the wrong button; the wrong option.
So… Mobians were dead, and it was because Sonic had activated missiles in order to destroy the town. However… he had chosen the wrong button to press due to extreme pressure… surely that didn't make him a murderer… did it? Sonic shook his head fiercely as his feet rapidly hit the ground, however his heart began to beat rapidly. No, it didn't make him a murderer. It didn't. It couldn't have. Yet… he felt so guilty, and alone…
"No", Sonic muttered to himself, "I'm not alone. I still have my friends. Sure, they're pissed off with me; that's okay, but they'll still be there for me. They have to be! In time they'll forgive me. They won't betray me. They won't"