Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds, nor and I making any money from this. It's jus for fun!
A/N: I'm back! This is the sequel to 'May Day'. It will be an NCIS crossover but it will NOT be a romance story, just to make that clear. It'll mainly focus on Reid/Abby/Ziva, but the other guys will be in there too. Just so you know what you're getting from the get go. If you're not into NCIS then I am gonna write another story after this which may be a follow on but you won't really need to have read this one to read that one. It's like I'm writing a mini series! HAHAHA! Anyway, here we go. Hope you enjoy and that my last story wasn't a one hit wonder! (If you didn't read 'May Day', all you need to know is Reid was hurt and had to basically re-learn his balance and co-ordination, but if he gets tired, the left side of his body get's uncoordinated. Oh, and he raced Morgan on an obstacle course and won : ) )
Trapped – Chapter One.
Reid limped into the office and over to the break room. He was glad he was first in so as to avoid questioning about his leg. He knew he'd pay for the race with Morgan the evening before, but it was worth it just to see the look on Morgan's face when he'd lost to the younger man. Reid chuckled to himself a little thinking about how shocked everyone had looked over the fact that he'd beaten the clearly more athletic man.
He poured himself a coffee and was adding his sugar when Prentiss walked in. "Hey," he called to her. "You're in early." He said as she walked over to him.
Prentiss sighed, getting herself a coffee mug. "I had to take my car to the garage," She explained. "There was no point getting the bus back home to get the train to work, so..." She shrugged and reached for the milk.
Reid finished stirring his coffee and, still holding the spoon in his right hand, reached to pick it up with his left. He wasn't entirely sure how it happened, but next thing he knew his mug was knocked over and his coffee was over his hand. He swore to himself, grabbing some tissue off a nearby roll to clean it up.
"Hey," Prentiss said, helping him clean it up. "You ok?"
Reid sighed. "Yea," he shook his head. "Just..."he sighed again. "Yea."
"Go run your hand under the tap," Prentiss said, taking the tissue off him. "I got this."
"I'm ok," he said, using a piece of tissue dab to some coffee of his shirt. "Did I get you too?" He asked, looking at her.
Prentiss shook her head. "Go sit down," she ordered. "I'll make you another one."
"I can make..." Reid began.
"Shh!" Prentiss cut him off. "I'm offering to make you a coffee and I may not do so again for some time, so accept the offer and go sit down." She smiled at him.
Reid smiled back and muttered his thanks before heading to his desk.
Prentiss followed him a few seconds later. She placed the coffee in front of him and sat at her own desk. "What's with the limp?" She asked, nonchalantly.
"Nothing." Reid replied, taking a sip of coffee. He shrugged. "Just, after yesterday." He hoped that explanation would suffice and turned to his computer to log in. It didn't.
"Does it happen a lot?" Prentiss asked, now also facing her computer.
"Does what happen a lot?" Reid asked, not looking up from his screen and pretending not to know what she was talking about.
Prentiss stopped typing and looked at him. "Come on, Reid." She said, resting her elbows on the table. "The coffee, the leg..." She learned forward a little. "You can talk to me, you know that, right?"
Reid stopped typing and looked at her. "Sometimes, if I'm tired," He explained, avoiding eye contact with her. "I can't," he shrugged, still not looking at her, "My left side doesn't always do what I want it to." He looked up at her and half smiled. Prentiss went to say something but Reid carried on talking. "It gets better as the day goes on," He took a sip of coffee and held the mug in his hands as if trying to keep them warm. "In a few hours it'll be alright."
Prentiss smiled sadly at him. "Is that, like, a permanent thing?" She asked. They'd all be so pleased when Reid had been cleared to come back to work after being gone for so long that she hadn't even thought about there being any long term problems that Reid might have to cope with.
Reid shrugged. "You'' find out when I do." He said, turning back to his screen and typing again. After a few seconds he stopped and turned back to face her. "You won't tell the others, will you?"
Prentiss was a little taken aback by this question. "Not if you don't want me too." She said after a few seconds. "But they're gonna notice something's up if I did." She said, taking a sip of her own coffee.
"I know," Reid said, looking down and playing with a pen on his desk. "But I don't want them to baby me, or think..." He shrugged and looked up at her. "I don't want them to think I can't do my job."
Prentiss smiled. She was about to speak when Morgan walked in. "Morning," She said as Morgan got closer.
"Hey." Morgan said as he got to his desk. He eased himself into his chair as if it were the most difficult task he'd undertaken in a while. A grimace spread across his face and a small groan of pain escaped his lips as he made contact with the chair.
Prentiss turned to face Reid. "Looks like you're not the only one feeling it today."
Hotch had called them all to the briefing. Luckily, everyone had put Reid's limp down to the fact that he'd run a six mile race the day before and as Morgan too was feeling a little worse for wear, they'd not asked him any questions. Prentiss eyed him knowingly as he sat down but said nothing. Reid sent her an 'I'm ok' look over the table and JJ started briefing the team.
"Two victims," She said, pressing the clicker in her hand. Two photos appeared behind her on the screen. "Both male. James Kettering, thirty two and Michael Doherty, twenty nine." She turned to look at the screen quickly then turned to face the team. "Both shot in the head, execution style. Both in D.C. The first in West Potomac Park, the second in Rosslyn across the river."
"Any connection between the two victims?" Hotch asked, looking through the case photos.
"There is one thing," JJ answered, pressing the clicker again. A photo of the first victim – James Kettering, appeared. This time he was in a dress uniform.
"He was in the army?" Rossi asked.
"Marines." Reid corrected, noticing the subtle differences in the uniform.
JJ nodded. "Former Marine. He was discharged two years ago after being wounded. The second victim," another photo appeared on the screen of Michael Doherty. "Signed up but never completed boot-camp. He dropped out after twelve weeks."
"Twelve weeks?" Prentiss asked.
"That's a long time to just suddenly decide to drop out." Morgan said, looking up from the file he was reading through. "Boot camp's thirteen weeks. Why drop out with one week left?"
Reid nodded. "Statistically, only 1.9% of drop outs occur in the last two weeks or training."
Rossi looked at Reid for a second. "Is there anything in their Corps file?" He asked, turning back to face JJ. "Some incident that connects them?"
JJ shook her head. "Not that we've found, but there's one more thing." The team looked at her, but remained silent. "Four weeks ago a Marine on leave in Washington was killed." She pressed the clicker and a photo came up of a man in dress uniform. "Private First Class Mark Glennister. He was thirty. Found in Rock Creek Park."
"Were they a boot camp together?" Prentiss asked.
JJ nodded. "Yes, but they were all assigned a different drill sergeant. And although they were there at the same time, Kettering passed out two weeks before Glennister. Who passed out a week before Doherty dropped out."
"OK," Hotch said, looking at the team. "Rossi," He turned to face the older man. "I need you to visit the crime scenes. JJ, you go with him. I'll stay here and go through victimology." He turned to face the other three team members. "Reid, when you get back I need you to work up a geographical profile..."
"When I get back?" Reid asked, "From where?"
"This guys killing ex-marines. And he's killed one still in service," Hotch said. "You three, head over to the Navy Yard in Washington. NCIS are giving us a copy of their findings from the Glennister case."
Morgan sighed and hung his head. "NCIS?" He asked, sounding disheartened.
"Come on, Hotch," Prentiss protested. "NCIS hate us."
"They do not." Hotch said, shaking his head.
"They do." Prentiss said. "When I was a grad, I was working with Agent Fornell and we had to liaise with them on this case we had." She shook her head. "We were working with this Agent. Man, he was grumpy. He hated having the FBI on his case." She looked around the team. "I mean, hated it." She shook her head." I can't remember his name." She furrowed her brow trying to remember. After a few seconds she clicked her fingers. "Gibbs." She said, sounding rather pleased with herself.
"Good." Hotch said, standing. "Then you'll already know who to look for when you get there." He said, leaving the room.
"He's joking, right?" Prentiss asked, looking around the team. JJ and Morgan shrugged.
"Have you ever known Hotch tell a joke?" Rossi asked standing and leave the room. JJ smiled at them in a somewhat apologetic manner and followed Rossi.
"Great." Prentiss muttered, standing up.
Morgan and Reid followed suit. "He can't be that bad." Reid offered.
Prentiss scoffed but said nothing.
"I'm driving!" Morgan called as he followed the two out of the room.
"FBI?" Tony asked. Gibbs nodded. "You hate the FBI."
"They're just coming to collect some evidence and then they'll be gone." Gibbs said, not looking up from his work.
"But you hate the FBI." Tony said again.
"If they can catch the guy who's killing Marines, DiNozzo," Gibbs looked up. "Then I'll let them have whatever files they need."
"But," Tony looked confused. "FBI..."
McGee looked at Tony for a second. The older agent was just sitting there with a dumbfounded expression across his face. "So he's killed civilians now too?" He asked.
Gibbs nodded by way of answer, turning back to his work.
"An ex-Marine and an ex-Cadet." Ziva added, reading the email that had been sent over. "So now that there are civilians killed it becomes an FBI case?" She asked, looking from Tony, who was still just looking confused, to Gibbs.
"We keep the Marine case," Gibbs answered. "They take the civilian. We're just telling them what we found." Not looking up.
"So who's coming?" McGee asked.
"Some agents from the BAU." Gibbs looked up at McGee briefly before turning his attention back to his desk.
"NCAVC?" Tony asked, finally back in the conversation. "Man, those NCAVC guys are even worse!"
"Do you even know anyone from NCAVC?" McGee asked, turning to face him.
"Do you, McGeek?" Tony retorted in an accusing tone.
"Enough." Gibbs said, still not looking up.
"Wait, wait." Ziva said, raising her hands slightly in confusion. "BAU?" She asked. "NCAVC?" She looked from Tony to McGee. "Who are these people and why are there so many abbreviations in you Federal system?"
"Behavioural Analysis Unit," Gibbs answered. "And The National Centre for the Analysis of Violent Crime."
"They're both part of the CIRG, The Critical..."
"McGee." Gibbs interrupted, shaking his head.
"Sorry, Boss." McGee said, turning back to his computer.
"Agent Gibbs?"
Gibbs looked up to see the young woman who worked behind the desk in the foyer. "There are some FBI Agents here to see you."
"But he can't be that bad." Reid said. "Nobody's that bad."
The three were walking towards the NCIS building. "You'll get to find out for yourself." Prentiss said, turning to face the younger man and smiling. Morgan chuckled a little but said nothing.
"Crap," Reid said to himself, looking at his watch.
"What's up?" Morgan asked, looking him. "You OK?"
"Yea, it's just," He looked embarrassed for a few seconds. "Since, you know..." he paused for a second. "Since I was in hospital my Mom's made me phone her everyday."
"Everyday?" Morgan asked, sounding more surprised than he meant to.
Reid nodded. "She refuses to take her meds unless she knows I'm ok." He looked embarrassed again. "I know it's stupid but..." He shrugged.
"Call her in the car on the way back to Quantico." Morgan offered.
Reid nodded and they headed into the building.
"Agent Gibbs?" A strange female voice enquired. Gibbs and his team looked up to see three unknown people standing before them.
"You're the FBI?" Tony asked, sounding surprised. They had not been what he was expecting. The woman was the most FBI-ish of the three, wearing black trousers and a red long sleeved top. Next to her stood a muscular guy with a shaved head. He did not look like an FBI agent. He was wearing dark cargo pants and a grey t-shirt. If it wasn't for the gun on his belt he wouldn't have looked at all like any kind of law enforcer. Next to him stood a tall, skinny guy. He has short brown hair and was dressed more like a kid on work experience than an FBI agent in dark trousers and a dark purple shirt, sleeves rolled up and a dark tie that looked like he really didn't want to be wearing it. Tony noticed that he was also wearing trainers. Very unlike previous FBI agents he had come across before. "Really?" He asked, after taking in their appearance.
"Really," The bald guy answered. "I'm Agent Morgan" He said. "This is Agent Prentiss," He gestured towards the woman. "And this is Doctor Reid."
"Doctor?" Ziva asked, noticing the mans young appearance.
Reid nodded, now used to people questioning him when they heard this.
"Agent Gibbs." Gibbs said, standing to greet the FBI Agents. "These are Agents McGee and DiNozzo," Gibbs indicated the two men. McGee nodded his greeting while Tony just continued to stare.
"And this is Officer David." Gibbs introduced Ziva, who stood to shake hands with the FBI Agents. "Our Forensic Scientist has the evidence ready for you in her lab," he turned to face Ziva. "Officer David will show you the way."
Morgan nodded for Reid to follow the woman towards the elevator on the opposite side of the room.
"Doctor Mallard, out Medical Examiner has the autopsy report for you. DiNozzo will take you." After a few seconds when Tony didn't move Gibbs called again. "DiNozzo!"
"Sorry, Boss." DiNozzo said, standing. "This way."
Prentiss looked at Morgan than followed the man heading in the direction Reid had been taken.
"McGee," Gibbs turned to face him. "Can you pull up the file and get a copy for Agent Morgan?"
"On it, Boss." McGee turned to his keyboard and started typing furiously.
Morgan headed over to where the younger man, McGee was sitting. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting but this hadn't been it. Gibbs didn't seem quite as grumpy as he'd expected. True, he didn't seem too pleased to have the FBI there but Morgan supposed he wouldn't be too pleased if they'd turned up at the BAU either. DiNozzo had seemed a little, well, odd. He'd not said much but had spent far too mush time staring at them when they'd arrived. McGee so far had seemed ok, although he'd not said much. Then there was the female agent, Officer David. She'd not been dressed like the others. She was dressed much like himself, in light cargo pants and a grey long sleeved t-shirt.
They'd been sitting in silence for a few minuets when Morgan decided to try and start a conversation with Agent McGee. Before he had the chance, a red light began flashing and a siren sounded.
There was suddenly a lot of commotion in the bull pen and Morgan was sure he heard the grey haired agent swear.
Chapter One, done. Didn't seem so long when I was writing it till I looked back over it! Oops! Let me know what you think. Hope everyone is in character. Will try and involve everyone but like I said, mainly going to be Reid, Abby and Ziva. But, once again, NOT a romance! Sorry if that's what you were hoping for! : )
Also, as you know by now, I'm not from Washing, nor in fact, America. I looked up the places on a map and I remember when I did visit Washington that those places all seemed fairly close together. So yea... Hopefully update soon assuming you want more ; )