Her Hope
How would a parent describe their child? How would even the whole family describe that child? In case of a girl, perhaps sweet and shy, pretty and outspoken, or smart and funny. Perhaps even a combination of these. Yet, many times, we are unable to agree on the specific traits of a person that sets them apart from everyone else because we all perceive things differently. Everyone has a different viewpoint and opinion on things, so to agree unanimously on something, is completely improbable.
Except in one case.
Sabrina Grimm was a girl of many traits, but when it came down to the bare facts, there were two things her family and even the whole town, friends and foes alike, could agree on. Sabrina Grimm was stubborn and strong. No, not necessarily, mind you, strong physically, although no one could or would deny that (she did have one heck of a right hook with the speed and stamina to back it up) but her strength was much deeper than that and went far past the physical. No, her strength was of one that was mental and emotional, psychological. You see, Sabrina had a will of iron, which could not be broken. She stayed true to what she thought and did not back down, nor was she afraid to be who she was.
No matter the trial, hardship, loss, Sabrina did not give up. When her parents mysteriously disappeared, Sabrina always had hope that they would return and gave that hope, one of the last things she had to remember her parents by, selflessly to her little sister. She did not and would not give little Daphne the time to be worried or scared. Instead, she fed the young life with all of the joy and love she could muster, even as her own was slowly ebbing away. But Sabrina Grimm would not back down or give up, no matter the consequences. This was her ambition in life to always follow. No matter what.
Sabrina's soul was strong and her will even stronger. She could bend and bend, but never break. She could crack, but never be shattered. This was her greatest blessing, but also, her most ultimate curse. She could never, ever give up. She had to keep going, even when it hurt and she just wanted to cry and be comforted, just like she was long ago. With her ability to always persevere, in this case of wanting her sister to live a happy, innocent life, she could never stop and enjoy her own childhood. Instead, she had to grow up and mature much to fast. This was so hard for her, because she had always loved to smile and laugh and imagine. But no, her stubbornness and her will would not let this happen anymore, because she could never allow someone to care for her and take the place of the parents she had lost. Instead, she became the "parent" herself and cared for her sister, giving her the love she herself had been given by their parents. Sabrina would not allow anything to take the innocence and trust from her sister's eyes, like months of loss and pain had nearly taken from hers.
But in doing so, her own dreams of finding her parents and the love of a family again started slowly collapsing. Yet, her greatest gift let her heal again and again, but never properly, leaving voids and a crooked, scarred mess. A blessing because she would never give up and always heal, but a curse because she could never allow those around her to help her heal, leaving a torn and nearly broken girl behind.
But, while nearly everyone thought she had nothing left, she still always, always, had her hope.
But what if she lost that, too?
Sabrina always remembered the day she was on the verge of shattering once and for all. The day where her soul, deprived of human love and warmth only a parent could give, was almost gone, the bright fire in it almost died out as her mind told her again and again to remember those she had lost and those who had let her down, those who had slowly gained her trust to then cruelly break it and throw it back at her feet, leaving a more closed and guarded girl who hid behind a sarcastic façade each time, until only the worst of people would accept her and her sister. The day her will would be finally broken and her hope lost. The same day she was told she had a grandmother.
And then, without her knowledge, her love and trust started to slowly rekindle deep inside her heart, her hope beginning to grow more and more until it would be ready to burst out and be given to and shared with others. Soon, more people began pouring into her life, waiting to feed the girl with their love when she would finally be ready to accept it, waiting to heal all those scars and replace them with love and trust. They wanted most of all to give her hope, but what they discovered years later, was that it was she who gave it to them.
Oh yes, every one knew Sabrina Grimm was stubborn and strong. But what no one knew was that she always, always had hope. And nothing could take that away.
"PUCK!" A blonde teenager screamed, her dark blue orbs nearly black in rage, "I'm going to KILL you!" The boy she was screaming at whizzed by, flying on a massive pair of pink wings.
"Na uh, Grimm," He chided her, green eyes twinkling with mischief and his ever-present smirk plastered on his face, "If you kill me, you won't ever find out where I hid your diary."
She growled and began chasing him, ready to pummel the pixie dust out of him. The teenage fairy boy merely cackled and led her on a goose-hunt around the house. They ran, well, one flew, past Daphne and Red in the living room where they were coloring, speeded by Uncle Jake and Granny Relda in the kitchen arguing about dinner and even skirted past Mirror's room where her parents were sleeping and Mr. Canis was meditating. She nearly tripped over Elvis in the hallway. She ended up having to chase the boy outside and through the woods, but throughout the whole thing, Sabrina was smiling and her heart was filled with warmth because she finally had a family again.