The last week had been absolute hell. Ever since the incident at the library Kushina had been getting hate mail and occasionally some particularly heartbroken girl would scream slut at her as she walked down the street. At first she thought Namikaze had extremely exaggerated the whole incident and was spreading it around until she caught that super pervert Jiraiya telling a group of men at a bar.
Needless to say she put a stop to his rumor spreading with a left hook his teammate Tsunade would have been proud of. She had then corrected the men on what had happened and had told them to spread that around instead of the mindless gossip Jiraiya sprouted.
Slowly but surely the truth was starting to get out and the angry fan girls were backing off, but that could also be due to the fact that the last one who had called her a hussy she had pummeled right then and there on the street. Kushina didn't care what the Hokage said about them being civilians, they kept it up and there was going to be a beat down.
She hadn't seen Namikaze since the library incident and had no intention of ever seeing him again for that matter, whenever they saw each other it only ended in embarrassment. She had even gone so far as to request relocation to somewhere else in the jonin apartment complex, the risk of running into him again was just too high.
Her request had been denied so she continued using her window as a means of coming and going and avoided anything blonde and spiky. Well that was until she was late for a meeting with the Hokage about an undercover mission she would be going on the next day.
She was running through the streets of the village at breakneck speed trying to reach the Hokage's tower and taking every short cut she knew. She was currently running through a maze of ally's and rounded a corner when she ran into something very hard. At first she thought that some idiot had built a wall to block her short cut until she realized the wall was wearing a blue shirt and jonin vest and falling down with her.
She landed on top of the not-wall and immediately sat up, paying no attention to how she was straddling the not-wall and trying to push her hair back out of her face and over her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." She said as she slung the last of her infamous blood red hair over her shoulder.
Minato didn't know what to do; the person he had been avoiding for the past week was sitting on top of him in a deserted ally. Surly this was the stuff nightmares were made out of and any minute Jiraiya would round the corner with his fan club in tow to make inappropriate comments.
She was fumbling with her insanely long red hair, really what kind of ninja had hair that long, and was wiggling around on top of him. Truly, this was hell he thought as he suppressed all feeling in his body. Now was not the time to for his puberty hormones to finally catch up with him.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." she apologized, flinging the last strand of red over her shoulder.
She then looked down to him and apparently she had no idea who he was because her good natured smile disappeared as her face conveyed horror and turned as red as her hair. Minato felt that his face was probably doing the same.
"Oh God why does this keep happening." She mumbled and jumped off him before running away again.
Minato stayed on the ground a few more minutes digesting all that had happened. He noticed that a pattern seemed to be emerging from these meetings. She would do something, whether it be running into him, crawling under his table at the library or standing in the hallway in a see through shower curtain. Then they would both turn red, she would run away and Minato would leave to take a cold shower. This couldn't be healthy.