Outside, it's dark, and Rin doesn't feel like herself. Her eyes run over the surface of the window, searching for a way to escape. It's dark outside, the usual blackness of an early morning, and it's leaking inside her bedroom. She doesn't know why she can feel the cold from outside, because her window is closed, but –
It's hot, inside her room, and she moves to open the window, climbing out of bed and wriggling her toes satisfactorily. The floor is cool, makes her feet numb, but she doesn't care. Something behind her shifts, like sheets on a bed, but when she turns to look, the room is empty. She sits up in her bed and stares at her hands; the nail polish is chipped. Rin stares at her own blue eyes when they reflect on the black glass, feeling like something is missing (like she is separate even of herself). She doesn't know what, but she thinks she should.
Outside, the sun rises and burns the inside of her room with yellow light, burns the inside of herself with loud promises of another day, a new day.
Rin blinks and cups her cheeks: her face is wet.