This is it - the final chapter :( Just wanted to thank everyone who's reviewed, favourited or put this story on their alerts :) You're all awesome and seeing as this was my first Glee story, it was really cool that you could all give me so much feedback and support :) And now, for utterly shameless self-promotion, I have another three Glee stories if you haven't read them. Every Awful Thing is a one shot about Karofsky and the song Candles, The Lambert Diaries is just a bit of fun with the Warblers and ND while they battle it out over Adam Lambert songs for a week, and Worlds Apart is my favourite story at the moment, about an autistic Kurt and how he and Blaine handle the difficulties of life and school. If you liked Crushed, check my other Glee fics out!
End shamelessness :) And enjoy the chapter!
Kurt sighed as he picked up his drink and headed towards a table, following behind Wes and David. The pair had cornered him back at school and asked him if he wanted to go grab some coffee with some of the other Warblers. Apparently it was so they could talk about their next move after the Regionals failure. 'Ask' had been more of a 'demand', so Kurt had agreed. Besides, he thought, it'd do him so good to get outside. He'd spent most of his time in his room after returning to school last week. And it was just coffee with the Warblers.
"So where's everyone else?" Kurt asked as he sat down with Wes and David. The pair glanced at each other and smirked, as if some secret conspiracy was passing between them. Kurt raised an eyebrow.
"Please tell me I haven't just been dragged all the way out here by you two for no reason when I could be doing something much more important."
"No," Wes replied "It's not for no reason. It's an intervention."
"Of course," Kurt sighed "Look, I don't want to talk about Blaine, so just leave it alone."
"Who said anything about talk?" David shrugged.
Kurt glanced at both Warblers with curiosity as they looked over to the coffee shop entrance. He followed their gaze and turned to see behind him. He let out a small gasp of shock as he saw the rest of the Warblers walking in, earning glances from the other patrons. As the last one walked in, painfully familiar, Kurt bit his lip and almost turned away. What on Earth were they doing, and what was he doing there with them? But before he could look away, that familiar boy started to sing.
Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying 'Lord I just don't care'
But you've got the love I need to see me through
Kurt knew he was blushing and wanted to duck his head away from the other people's stares, but he was fixed on Blaine. The boy continued to sing, smiling as he did.
Sometimes it seems the going is just too rough
And things go wrong no matter what I do
Now and then it seems that life is just too much
But you've got the love I need to see me through
When food is gone, you are my daily meal
When friends are gone I know my saviour's love is real
Your love is real
Blaine reached Kurt's table and held out a hand. Kurt stared at him, unsure. But in the end he smiled, taking Blaine's hand and standing up as the Warblers started their background singing. Blaine sung every third line, belting out the lyrics as he smiled sorrowfully at Kurt.
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
The Warblers quietened down a little, letting Blaine take over the main singing again. Kurt smiled as Blaine continued, eyes shut now with the passion of the moment.
Time after time I think 'Oh Lord what's the use?
Time after time I think it's just no good
Sooner or later in life, the things you love you lose
But you got the love I need to see me through
As the Warblers launched into the repeat of 'You've got the love,' Blaine pulled Kurt closer. He hugged him tightly, Kurt leaning in against him. With Blaine's arms around him, he continued to hum the background while the other finished the song.
Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying 'Lord I just don't care'
But you got the love to see me through
The entire room was silent for a moment as the Warblers trailed off at the end of the song. Then there was appreciative clapping, with one person calling out 'Good on ya!'
Blaine let go of Kurt and looked at him. The pair stared for a moment, Blaine smiling and Kurt still blushing furiously.
"I'm sorry if I made you think I didn't want you around," Blaine said "Because I do want you around."
There was a cough, followed by a very David-like voice muttering 'He wants more than that', but the pair ignored him apart from Kurt flushing an even deeper red.
"I just wanted to make sure you were safe from my dad," Blaine continued quietly "Because I love you."
Kurt smiled, that car-weight finally lifting from his chest. This time, he hoped, for good.
"I love you too."
Blaine moved in and kissed him, earning the pair a round of semi-awkward 'awws' and a couple of laughs. If it were possible, Kurt went even redder but he didn't push Blaine away. It was only when someone (they suspected Wes, though he and David had identical expressions when they looked up) cleared their throat pointedly that they broke apart.
"I'm still mad at you," Kurt said quietly "I guess you meant well, but you really hurt me, and this time singing isn't going to fix it completely."
"Trust me," Blaine smiled "I will fix it."
"Good," Kurt smirked, turning Blaine and himself around a little so the eavesdropping Warblers couldn't hear "Because I want to see Burlesque again."
"Make out?"
Kurt laughed softly, "We'll see."
The song is You've Got The Love by Florence and the Machine and it's not mine! Just like Glee :( Hope you enjoyed Crushed, cuz I sure loved writing it!