


Author's Note:

This fic is dedicated towards kale, who had left


Destiny – Prologue One : Warrior of Light


Everything is about power. It was the need of those in the land of Gaea, where ongoing wars rages. 

Power for gold…

For rulings…

And for destroying…

Rulers during that time waged war against their neighboring countries, always in thirst for more lands. Battalions of deadly trained soldiers were sent into cities, borders, and villages. These war trained man spread through the land like swarms of insects… slaughtering everyone in their way. Let it be soldiers… adults…  children… or even newborns…

Houses were burned…

Cities were crushed…

Castles were leveled…

None were spared…

The people always lived in fear and despair. Even a shadow in the horizon scared the life out of them, afraid that it was a group of soldiers, advancing into their area. The people had forgot about happiness and harmonies for deaths were common in those times. That time was called the 'Age of Darkness'.

A time of darkness…

Where nightmares exists…

During those times, the strong ruled and controlled all, and the weak suffered like they were in hell. All the powerless were considered slaves. They were always overworked. They were not even paid, or even get sufficient food and rest. They were only pests under their master's feet. Most just wanted to end their life for they couldn't endure the beating and torture of their masters.

None could escape the wrath of their rulers or lords…


One kingdom, which lies to the east of Gaea, still held the flickering happiness. The kingdom was called East Haven. This kingdom was ruled by a fair king; who treated every of his subjects equally. His people loved and adored him as if he was god Himself. King Seferius only wish was none other than for the war to end. So that the people of Gaea, the people he so loved, will live in peace. He despised war, for war brings only deaths and unhappiness. So he did everything he can to stop it. He had tried to bring the other kingdoms together, but failed miserably.

The other kingdom's rulers think that King Seferius was a weakling, so they started to try and conquer his kingdom. They wanted that kingdom not only to destroy a nuisance but they also wanted its land, which is said to be as beautiful as heaven and very fertile as well. "Two birds with one stone," the other kingdom's advisors had said.

When the armies come across from the Great East Sea, King Seferius had no choice but to defend his kingdoms. But to no avail, one by one, his land was conquered and claimed. Just when the king thought it was the end, a messiah or also known as the 'Savior' appeared. Rumors had it, that the messiah was sent by the Holy Gods from the heaven to help the king, for the king was kind-hearted, fair and just. The messiah advised the king to search for a 'Holy Stone' that was buried in the world.

Heeding the Savior's advice, King Seferius sent his faithful followers in search of the stone. The followers searched high and low, far and near for the stone, for they wanted so much to help their king. Finally, after months of searching, one of his follower, returned with a glowing sphere orb. The instant the king touched the orb, a bright light, which shined to the heaven, marked the king as the holder of the stone.

With the 'Holy Stone' in his possession, King Seferius rid the land from power thirst rulers and freed the slaves. The inhabitants of Gaea will never forget that day, the day when all were to be equal, the day when King Seferius, stands on a beautifully made podium, and announced the end of the 'Age of Darkness'. And also when peace and harmony spread through the land of Gaia.

Under the rule of King Seferius, not a single bloodshed was seen. People rebuild castles, cities and the whole land was spread with happiness.

And it goes on…

and on…

and on…

Till a thousand years later…


1008 years and four months After Darkness (A.D.)…

A boy stood up and wiped his forehead, which was covered with sweat. The boy, Ishida Takeru was barely the age of fifteen, but yet, he worked at the farm for he loved to tend to the plantations, a hobby he had picked up when he was still a young, mischievous boy.

Under normally circumstances, if you passed him, you could see that the boy had fair skin and beautiful golden-blonde hair, which was kept short, and shone nicely, when the sun was in the right position. He had eyes, which were as clear as the ocean. Not only that, he's a cheerful, innocent boy, which everybody adored. But those were not what the villagers of the Village of Shinobi saw in him. Instead, it was his sense of justice and his morals. The villagers said he resembled King Seferius, the Inochi-ou of the Age of Darkness. Kind and caring. And at the same time, fair and just.

It had been a hard day in the farm for the boy. His blonde hair was matted to his forehead. His arms were filled with dirt. His skin was red for working too long under the sun. And his cerulean blue eyes were filled with the look of tiredness. And yet the boy wasn't complaining for he's busying catching pests, which were destroying the vegetables and fruits. Thus making the village in lack of their only source of foods. The work was not easy considering it was the season when pests' number will grow.

Takeru stretched himself, and decided that it was time for a rest. He started to head for the house that he lived with his mother, Natsuko Takaishi and his brother, Yamato Ishida, who was also known as 'Matt' by some. His father had died during an accident, which nobody knows the cost of it.

However, Takeru had witnessed his father death. But for some reasons, he couldn't remember that tragic night. His father, Richard, had always been his role model. Richard was known as the most powerful ninja in the history of their village. His death had been a surprise to all and crushed the heart of young Takeru, when he was seven. But the memories of his father would always be with him.

On the way to his home, Takeru gazed at the scenery surrounding the village, which he always did after a hard day at work. The children were running around, playing tag, while the older ones worked at the farm or tended the animals that were bred. Takeru smiled to himself, as he passed them. He liked the peace and happiness, which filled the village. The laughter of villagers. The silent rustling of leafs. The gurgling of water from a nearby stream. The chirping of birds. Everything was just perfect.

The Village of Shinobi was surrounded and hid by mountains. It's only entrance was hidden behind a waterfall, which they called it Tsuyosa no Taki. The village chief's house, which was the largest of all houses, was situated in the middle of the village. The village's previous chief and his wife had died on the same day of Takeru's father. Their eldest son took over his father place, when he's only ten. Many disagree of him becoming the next chief, but after a few years, many recognized his potential and his capability and accepted him with no hesitations.

The 'Forbidden Forest' was located to the northeast of the village's chief house. Rumors said that there was a shrine, which was a sacred place for one of the 'Holy Guardians', was located deep in the heart of the forest. Many ninjas loved to venture into the forest. But none ever came out alive from the forest for it was filled with monsters, thus the shrine remains a mystery ever since the legend of the 'Holy Guardians' was discovered. It was said that only the village chiefs know what was hidden in the shrine.

After a short walk, Takeru reached his house porch. He hung his already sweat-full towel and walked in. The first person that greeted him was his brother, Yamato. Yamato, like Takeru, had blond hair and blue eyes. He's tall and quite handsome. He also had a talent with music. Many of the girls in the village chased after him like 'paper and glue'. The downside was; he's too lazy. So most of the time he stayed at home, doing nothing but compiling his own songs and sing to no one. To add more, he's also cool-headed and liked to keep all his thought to himself.

"Welcome home squirt." Takeru removed his slipper as his brother continued, "You're back quite late today. Too much problem in the farm and orchard?"

"Yeah, the crops are getting less. If things go on as it is, I'm afraid someone will have to go to the nearest town, Miijen, to buy some supply. Which probably will happen, considering the situation we are in now." Takeru sighed and said, "I really hate it when someone goes into a town. Those townspeople are really mean."

Takeru shuddered at the experience he had. Last year, the boy had volunteered to go to the town because of the draught season. A shopkeeper had rudely chased him from the shop, when Takeru wanted to buy some supplies. That rude person refused to do business with a stranger for reasons that was unknown to even the peoples who lived in that town.

Yamato tried to assure his brother, "Well, we can always hunt in the forest."

"Are you kidding? It's too dangerous in the forest. And we need to get the chief permission to even set foot on that forbidden land."

"What's the matter? We can just ask Retsuko and I'm sure he'll agree." Yamato thought for a while then plastered a smirk on his handsome face, "Or are you too chicken to go in? That's it, right?"

"I am not," Takeru said almost at once.

"Is it now?" Yamato asked with an ugly grin on his face.

Takeru countered back, "Even if we are to catch in there, I'm sure those meats are not edible due to those poisonous fog in some part of the forest."

Yamato gave a thought about it. He's suddenly picturing himself eating a piece of meat, and suddenly his whole face turned green. He shook the mental picture off his mind and coughed a bit before saying, "I guess you're right there."

The conversation was stopped when someone banged on the front door. Both the brothers stopped and stared at the door.

When both brothers didn't make a move, the visitor banged on the door again, with enough force that made the door shook. Takeru moved to open it. But a sudden cold feeling stopped him at where he was standing. It felt like something dark… and evil was behind that door. But then, he shrugged it off and opened the oak door. And it was revealed that their visitor was a young girl about Takeru's age.

"Tomoe?" Takeru called, surprised at the girl's sudden appearance.

The girl, Tomoe Tachikawa was the youngest sister of the village chief, Retsuko Tachikawa. She has an older sister called Mimi Tachikawa, who was said to be the fairest girl in the village. Both Mimi and Yamato had a secret relation that was only known to Takeru and Tomoe. Anyway, like her sister, Tomoe had long brown hair, which is tied into buns at the side. She had a fair complexion and a lovely face, thus gaining her attentions from boys her age.

But, Takeru never felt any love for her as he only treated her as a childhood friend. When Takeru father was alive, Richard had a very close relation to the father of Retsuko. They were said to be comrade in arms, twenty years ago, when Richard was eighteen, in the battle against the samurai warriors in the North Mountain. This was why the children of Ishida and Tachikawa were very close, like brothers and sisters.

Without a word, Tomoe rushed in and slammed the door behind her. Yamato raised an eyebrow and asked, perturbed by the girl's action, "Hey, what's the big deal?"

Without wasting her time, Tomoe went straight to the point of her intrusion, as she always did when she wants to tell a person something. "I've got a way to enter the forest!" she squeaked. She holds out a piece of paper and waved it madly in front of her, "And I've got a map to the shrine too!"

Tomoe was a very adventurous girl. Every villager knows that. The other younger females of the village called her tomboy, not only because she liked to venture but also as a way to tease her, for they were jealous of the attention she got. But Tomoe paid very little attention to them, for she was a 'So? I don't care!' type of person.

Anyway, Takeru go against Tomoe right away, "You can't be serious?" A worried expression was on Takeru's still sweaty face. "I mean… going into the forest? What about the guards who guard it? And even you could get past them, think of the dangerous monsters that inhabit there! You might get hurt! Or worst killed!"

"Although you seem desperate to go into the forest, but I'm afraid I have to agree with Takeru on this one," Yamato said with his arms crossed. "It is just to dangerous for you, to go alone."

"That's why the two of you will be coming with me," Tomoe said.

Takeru and Yamato both stared at her with unbelieving look and almost thought as if the girl in front of them was crazy. Her face though, showed little emotion and looked serious. However, she was barely able to conceal the smile that was already forming on her lips.

Yamato broke out suddenly, "What am I? Your personal bodyguard?"

"Well, if you want to put it that way then…  yeah. Afterall, I'm the cute younger sister of the village chief," Tomoe smiled.

Takeru wasn't so sure about it, "What about the chores and crops that I had to take care? And it was said to take days to reach the shrine."

"There are others who can take care of the pests problem that are going on," Tomoe said triumphantly. "And don't listen to all the nonsense that don't have any single solid proof. Besides, it only takes one to two hours to reach the shrine."

Both Takeru and Yamato blinked.

"You know," Yamato started, "The way you say it, seems like you have work out everything."

"Sure is!" Tomoe beamed. "I've found a few person who is willing to take care of the farm. And I also told my friend to cover up for me if my brother and sister started to worry and try and look for me."

Takeru let out a huge sigh and said, "I'm still against it. The forest is just too dangerous, both Yamato and I might not be able to defend you when trouble surface."

Yamato wanted to say Takeru was wrong, but a very stern look from the younger Ishida, instantly stopped Yamato from saying anything. Takeru continued, "I suggest that you forget everything Tomoe. Don't make your brother and sister worry."

"But - " Tomoe started.

"No but," Takeru interrupted rudely. Then in a more polite way, he said, "Please promise me you won't go in there. And tell your friend about your change of plans. And about those willing person-" Takeru smiled, "-we could use a few more hand."

If this were in others situation, Tomoe would had laughed at Takeru's remark. But for some reason, she was too level headed and opened her mouth to try and protest. But after some thought, she decided that it was of no use. So, in the end, she nodded her head in silence. Satisfied, Takeru sent her away.

The minute the door closed, Yamato said, "You know we're capable enough to rid the monsters in there. Why didn't you agree to go with Tomoe? It would be fun venturing in that forest."

"Two reason," Takeru said. "First, IF something happens to Tomoe, I won't be able to forgive myself. Second… I don't want to go to the place where… father died…"

Yamato understood immediately, so he dropped the subject and changed into another topic, "You're going to the dojo tonight right? Get a decent clean up and rest before you go. You look bushed." The older boy added, "And since it had been a boring day today, I'll accompany you tonight on your practice."

Takeru nodded with a smile. He liked it whenever his brother trained with him. Without giving another thought about Tomoe's idea, he retreated towards his room.


Sounds of weapon clashing were heard from the dojo, a place where ninjas were train or a place for practice. Inside, Takeru and Yamato were already breathing hard and sweating from sparring. Usually, Takeru came at night to horn his skill. But sometimes, Yamato joined his brother just for the fun of moving his muscles or just to come and test his brother's improvements.

Both Yamato and Takeru were currently the strongest ninja in the village. Yamato can easily knock out five adults with his bare hands, even if they attack all at once. None in the village dared to challenge him except Takeru himself. The younger boy however, has already mastered the use of long spear, katana, bow and staff. The only thing was, the younger Ishida lacked experience. So Yamato often taught him the art of survival in a battlefield.

At this time, both the boys were using wooden katana. Both were keeping a steady grip on their weapons. And their sweaty palms didn't help much. Their feet were ready to lunge at any minutes. Eyes locked. Watching the others every move, like a hawk eyeing its prey. And their minds were calculating the other movements.

Without warning both charged forward with lightning fast speed. To others, their movements looked like blurry shape, shifting here and there, disappearing and reappearing. Blows were exchanged whenever both brothers came close.

Then, Takeru used the wall as platform, and rocketed forward.

Yamato knew what was about to come. He assumed his defensive stance and brought his katana in front of him. When Takeru neared his brother, their weapons clash. A fierce attempt of throwing the other off was being ensued. Both brothers were struggling to maintain their position. Both stared at each other with feral eyes. Both refused to back down even as sweat started to form on their foreheads. And the sweats on their palms made the two to struggle not to lose their hold on their weapon.

A while longer, Yamato, being the stronger and older one, gained the upper hand. Takeru staggered a bit. Knowing full well that he couldn't hold too long, he leaped to the side. Yamato was surprised at this, so he was thrown off balance. Seeing an opportunity, Takeru charged again, weapon over his shoulder, ready to bring it down any minute.

But what the younger boy didn't see, was the smirk on Yamato face. He rolled away just in time as Takeru weapon swept pass him. Yamato regained his offensive stance and struck at Takeru side with enough force that Takeru fell down. All this happened in less than a second. Takeru rolled away and quickly resumed his posture. However, he had one hand clutched at his injured side.

This was the way of ninja. In battle, 'Do not give any chance to your opponents'. Strike with all you've got, even if that enemy was of your own blood.  It's either the enemy or you. But luckily, this was just a simple training. Yamato doesn't have an intention to kill. So he hadn't strike with all his strength, but it was enough to leave a bruise.

"You're getting better ototo-chan," Yamato said with a menacing grin. "If you're using the staff, which you are better in, I would have been struck already."

"A compliment means nothing in a battle," Takeru replied. "If one felt proud for even a second, it could means his or her life and death."

"Very good, at least you had studied the 'Book of Ninjitsu' that I gave you," Yamato smiled. But the smile had quickly vanished and was replaced by a serious expression, "Now, let's continue with this match."

Yamato charged, but this time, Takeru was ready. He parried it and strived at his brother's shoulder. Yamato leaped back, ignoring the place where Takeru had injured him. Without giving time for Yamato to read his movements, Takeru rushed forward and leaped up into the air.


Takeru used his midair skill in which he raised the katana over his head and brought the weapon down, hard, aiming at Yamato's head. Reacting to instinct, Yamato brought his own weapon up, trying to block Takeru's deadly move.

A thunder like sound reverberated around the room.

And then… all fell silent….

Yamato was motionless and Takeru was still suspended in midair.

A few seconds passed and then, a cracking sound was heard. Both the boys weapon broke in two. Yamato recovered a millisecond faster than Takeru. He released his grip on his now broken weapon, which fell to the tatami floor with a silent 'thud', and brought his fist up. Takeru, noticing his brother movement, quickly gave a sharp kick to his brother's injured shoulder and leaped back. When he landed, Takeru quickly back flip a few meters to bring distance between his brother and himself.

Then he put on a defensive stance. Feet apart. Hands in front of the face and body, ready to block any attacks that were directed at him. Yamato on the other hand, charged, with hand cross in front of him. A few seconds before he reached Takeru, Yamato got ready, and gave a thrusting blow, aiming at Takeru's shoulder. Takeru blocked away the attack with one hand and used the other to land a chopping blow.

But it passed through Yamato.

Yamato blurred and vanished. Takeru immediately realized that it was only an image that was left behind by Yamato's incredible speed. Takeru searched left and right for his brother. Seeing no sign of him, he quickly looked behind, knowing full well that his brother would attack from behind.

But then… without warning, Yamato appeared suddenly in front of Takeru. The younger blonde hair boy was surprised, and this made him temporally exposed. Yamato took this as his chance and started to attack.


Yamato landed a pack of flurry punches at Takeru's chest. The younger boy staggered back and grimaced in pain, as Yamato hit him again and again. Just when Takeru countered with a kicked that was aimed at Yamato's stomach, the older Ishida grabbed onto Takeru's shoulders and leaped behind him, using him as a stepping board.


Yamato reeled his fist back and struck. The wind could be seen rippled, as Yamato's fist that was aimed at Takeru's exposed back, closed in. Takeru already knew he couldn't escape, since he was hurt quite badly by his brother's 'Ryuseisho'. So he braced himself for the incoming attack. When it struck, Takeru fell backward, skidding across the ground.

All fighting spirits were knocked out of him.

Before he could even recovered, Yamato jumped in front of Takeru and again brought his fist up, aiming at Takeru's head. With intention of knocking him out.

Takeru shut his eyes, and waited for the fatal blow.

A minute passed. But nothing came.

Slowly, Takeru opened his left eye and gasped. Yamato fist was a centimeter from his nose. Yamato then lowered his fist and held out a hand. Takeru stared at it for a moment, too ashamed to take it. He had closed his eyes when he was about to be struck, a very disgraceful act for a ninja. But eventually, he took hold of it and his brother helped him into a standing position.

Takeru was expecting his brother to lecture him. But instead he said, "You're doing great today, except in the last part, but you're still good." He paused for a while and continued, "I must say, you improved a lot since the last time I practice with you. Your strength has increased and your speed is not bad. And if instinct didn't took over, I might have died today because of your aerial strike."

"Geee… thanks bro," Takeru replied with an indifferent tone. "But aren't you going to comment on the last part."

"What's there to comment about? There's no wrong in doing that. It's a chain reaction. Like when I get a scolding or lecture from Mimi." Takeru chuckled and Yamato went on, "You know? I ought to take back the book, 'The Ways of a Ninja', from you. You're starting to worry me. Moreover, most of the book stated rubbish anyway."

Takeru crossed his arm and pouted, "But I'm still not happy." Yamato raised an eyebrow at Takeru's childish behavior. "I'm this close…" Takeru indicated it with his fingers, "…to beat you. That close to win the so-called unbeatable Yamato Ishida."

Yamato laughed heartily. And after he stopped, Yamato said, "You'll have your chance squirt. That, I promise you."

Yamato eyes showed truth in them, so Takeru dropped the subject. Having exhausted his strength in the training, Yamato suggested, "Come, let's go back. This attire is really tight and I really need a long hot bath."

Both brothers bowed towards each other and then exited the dojo. Before they retreated for the night, they also bowed towards the dojo; it was an act of respect. They turned on their heels and headed for their house.

The path was silent and looked deserted except for some nocturnal animals. The bright moonlight was the only thing that provided their source of light. They passed houses, which candles had already been blown off. Houses, which only loud snores could be heard. Both assumed everyone were asleep.

But they were wrong…

Not one realized the shadow that crept towards the Forbidden Forest…


The next morning…

The sound of the roaster awakened Takeru from his pleasant slumber. He stood up from his mattress, which lied on the floor, and opened the window. The dark room was suddenly flooded with light that shone from the now rising sun. Takeru relaxed his arms on the windowsill and stared at the sunrise. The boy had loved watching sunrises when he was four. Before his father died, Richard often brought Takeru and Yamato up to the roof, just to watch the sunrise.

Takeru fingered the pendant around his neck. It was a memento from his father. Richard had given it to Takeru when the boy turned seven. It seemed a little too big back then, but the pendant fitted him perfectly now. Richard had said that it was passed down through the line of Ishida to the oldest son in the family. But knowing Yamato doesn't like accessories; Richard had given it to Takeru instead.

The pendant itself wasn't special. It was made out from odd steel during the 'Age of Darkness' and shaped like a rising meteor. However, it was said that the pendant couldn't be broken. But Takeru or anyone who had held onto this pendant before wouldn't want to chance with it.

Takeru clutched at pendant tightly. It always reminded him of his father. Though his father was no longer with them, Takeru knew that he would always be watching over them; like a guardian angel.

In another part of the house, Yamato was also doing the same, watching the sunrise. He loved sunrises for it brought the new day, which he had no idea what might happen that day. Thoughts quickly filled his mind. Will he go out with Mimi today? Will he practice with his brother again? Will someone challenge him today?

So many 'wills'…

But then, panic voices interrupted his train of thoughts. Villagers, old and young alike were murmuring something while working and playing. As curiosity filled his mind, Yamato leaped out his room, through the window, which is own the second floor, and asked the nearest person, who happened to be Megume, an old lady who lived next door, while she was tending the carrot farm in her house compound.

"Excuse me ma'am, may I ask what's the commotion about?" Yamato asked politely and respectfully.

In Shinobi Village, it was a custom that all the villagers treated each other as family, since there were only seventy or so villagers in the village. It was also because that their village was cut off from any communications with the outside world. So, everyone held respects towards each other. And one would attempt to help the other if it was ever needed.

Megume, asked in her soft, hoarse voice, "Didn't you hear?"

Yamato shook his head.

Megume cleared her throats before she speaks, "This morning, Mimi-sama came out from the chief house in tears, searching and calling for Tomoe. Mimi-sama said Tomoe had been missing since yesterday after dinner. The poor girl, she had asked nearly every person she passed, whether they saw her sister or not, but not one gave her a positive answer." Megume cleared her throat again. "Retsuko-sama had just ordered guards to search for Tomoe in the village's surroundings."

Yamato had heard enough. He quickly thanked Megume and ran back into his house, leaping up, and entered through the window. As he was passing the front door, to Takeru's room, which was on the lower floor, a pounding on the oak door interrupted him. He turned and opened the door right away to get it over with.

But before he could even see who it was, he was hug quite fiercely, as the figure cried on his shoulder, soaking his nightshirt with tears.

"Mimi?!" Yamato said surprisingly as he recognized the crying brown haired girl.

"Oh God! Yamato! She's gone! Tomoe! She's gone!" Mimi wailed and cried louder.

"Mimi, it's okay! Please, calm down!" Yamato tried to calm the overreacting girl. He circled an arm around Mimi's slim figure and he used the other to pat her back. All the while saying comforting words.

Just then, Takeru appeared behind them, confused, and definitely surprised.  "What's Mimi doing here so early? And why is she crying?" Takeru asked.

Mimi couldn't speak in her current condition, so Yamato explained instead, "Tomoe didn't go home yesterday." At the mention of her sister's name, Mimi cried even louder. Yamato had to raise his voice to be heard; "Mimi is searching for her now."

"Tomoe is not home…?" Takeru whispered suspiciously.

Tomoe had talk about the Forbidden Forest the day before and she had showed great disappointment, when Takeru disagreed in going with her.  She had also given her word that she would not be going in there alone. Yet, she was gone today. Takeru put two and two together. Right away, he understood everything. He gave his brother a meaningful look and Yamato in return, nodded as well.

"Mimi," Yamato began. "I think both Takeru and I know where she is…."

Mimi stopped crying, and faced Yamato. "You… know?"

"Not exactly, but it is the only possible place." Yamato stammered it out as if he wasn't sure himself, "She… sorta left… some clues…."

"Where? Where is she?" Mimi asked, with every determination to find her sister.

"The 'Forbidden Forest'…" Takeru said darkly.


A few minutes later, Takeru and Yamato found themselves standing at the entrance to the forbidden. Mimi had said that she would go to the forest right away, after she change and ask for permission to enter the forest. Both the Ishida brothers had agreed to help her.

And now Yamato was standing there in his black ninja costume and also with his kodachi. Takeru however, wore a short sleeve version of it and had brought along a strong oak staff he had used during trainings. The boy preferred light clothing and easy to wield weapon, to not hindered his movements. However, he knew he'd get scratched in the thorn-full forest for wearing short clothing.

While waiting, Yamato removed his shiranui, which was a type of small dagger with a very sharp edge and a rounded hoop at the hilt, hidden in his waistband and flipped it. He then asked Takeru, "Why would Tomoe goes into the forest alone? She'd promised that she would not go. I know her well enough, that she's not the type of person to break a promise."

Takeru sighed, "Beats me…." He scratched behind his head and continued, "I don't even know why she wanted to go to the forest so eagerly."

"Probably after some secret of the shrine if you ask me," Yamato stated. Yamato took out another shiranui, this time, from under his sleeve, and flipped both at the same time.

"Yeah, but what's so important that she is willing to risk her life?" Takeru pounded on his own suggestion. He went through all the possible reasons, but not one that can describe Tomoe's actions.

Takeru then went on, "If you ask me… she's quite suspicious yesterday…. The way she talks… it doesn't seem like her at all. And I feel like she's been surrounded by some evil aura…" Takeru shook his head, "It's like she's another person…"

Takeru twirled his staff experimentally. Yamato wanted to comment on something, but before he could get his voice out, Mimi jumped down suddenly from the tree above them. She landed softly on her feet. Rather than her usual kimono, she now wore a ninja costume, specially made for females.

Out of forty females, only one third were ninjas. Normally, females preferred to do chores and farming, to fighting and sometimes, killing. But being a female ninja, doesn't necessary mean that she was not better than a male.

Yes, they lack strength, but their agility and their stealth, helped them to be even with the male ninjas. Mimi was the strongest of all the females. She could even best most males of the village. Still, she often stayed lady-like, rather than tomboyish like her younger sister.

"Didn't hears you coming," Yamato said, while placing his shiranuis back.

Mimi just smiled, taking the compliment. She then said, "Retsuko is such a hardheaded person, just like Tomoe. Luckily I wasn't like them or boys would have fled in terror already." Yamato gave a disagreeing look and Mimi smiled at that. "Anyway, he has agreed to let me go into the forest, after I told him the two of you were coming with me. He would like to come along, but he has to make sure the village is in order. But at least he provided us with a map. Which is more accurate than Tomoe's."

She held out a piece of brown parchment. Both Takeru and Yamato took a good look at the map produced and studied it. The map, showed all the trails and secret or hidden paths to the shrine, which were marked with a cone shape, looked alike picture. Blue lines were lined here and there. The trio assumed that it was streams from the mountain heading towards the lake in the village. The map also showed monster's breeding areas and places that had poisonous fogs that were released by poisonous plants that grew there.

"Who made this map anyway?" Yamato asked.

"I have no idea," Mimi answered in return. She then went on after some thoughts; " In any case, we must be extra careful from here onwards…"


The trio had walked for quite some time. Though the forest was quite cool, all three of them were already sweating heavily already, due to the constant jumping from tree to tree, with Mimi in the lead. Down below them, there were bushes that have deadly, poisonous thorns.

Though it was not fatal with a few scratches, a drop into it could render one dead. Not to mention, the trees in the area were fifty feet tall. The surrounding area doesn't help their journey either. And added in Mimi's constant complains, things couldn't get any better.

The brothers had been silence ever since they entered the forest. The moment they stepped into that accursed place, there had been a sudden drop of temperature.

The sunlight also seemed like it couldn't shine through the thick canopies of the forest, making the place as dark as the night. So, a deep concentration was needed to keep them on track. The good thing was, the branches in there were so thick that even three person, standing side by side, will still had enough space to dance around.

Mimi stopped suddenly. Yamato and Takeru landed next to her. They had been constantly stopping from time to time to see if they were in the right direction. Mimi squinted her eyes, even when she held the old parchment centimeters from her face. 

"Let's see…" Mimi looked up and down the map. "Aha!"

She pointed to one part of the map with her index finger and told the Ishida brothers aloud, "The good news is… we're close to the shrine. But…"

"I don't like the tone of your voice Mimi," Yamato said disapprovingly.

"Well," she replied, "It seems like we're in the Iguions's nesting grounds…"

"What?! You can't be serious. I mean… Iguions?!" Yamato exclaimed in disbelief.

Takeru also had a worried look on his face. He had remembered the Iguions from a class in their school. Iguions were blue creatures that looked a lot like lizards, which had colorful fins on their back. Their body was lined with yellow stripes and their claws' swipe was poisonous. One bite could paralyze a person even with the strongest immunity systems. But the worst part was, they could hid themselves like using an invisible potions. Most people were dead before they could even see them.

Mimi clamped her hand over Yamato's mouth to silence him. She continued in a whisper, "God, you're so noisy. What if the Iguions hea-"

Before she could even continue, Mimi fell off the branch she's standing on. And the map slipped off her fingers. Mimi screamed as she fell towards the deadly bushes below. Luckily, Yamato grasped her hand quick enough. So, now she's hanging in midair with Yamato as the person who determined her life and death.

"How could you be so clumsy?! You could be dead already if I haven't been paying attention to you!" Yamato yelled as he tried to pull Mimi up with both his hands.

Mimi yelled back, "It's not my fault! Something hit me!"

Takeru knew immediately. Something they couldn't see it coming. It could only be one thing.


He scanned the area quickly. Though it was dark, he could still see as clearly as daylight, as he was trained in seeing in the dark and sensing movements with the change of the winds. Not long after, he spotted a blurry, distorted shape, clutching on a tree branch not far from Mimi and Yamato. He was not sure of what it was until it materialized for a moment and disappeared back.

What Takeru had seen was already enough. A blue lizard, the size of a man, with a fin, was ready to lunge at Yamato, who was still trying to get Mimi up. Without even knowing it, Takeru shouted, "Yamato! Get down!"

Yamato was quite surprised at first, but he quickly complied with his brother's warning. He ducked just as something passed above him. Yamato could feel the large creature as it passed him. He didn't hear Mimi complaining at him for nearly letting her hand go, but he had definitely heard the snapping of jaws. Had his brother not warned him, his head would be missing now. Yet, he quickly recovered and pulled Mimi up, who is still complaining. He then warned her, "Mimi, be careful, I think the Iguions are here!"

"Do I even need you to tell me?" she shouted, just as she and Yamato leaped to another branch when they saw the blurry shape of the Iguion lunged in their direction again.

Yamato quickly jumped to a branch further from Mimi and Takeru, so that the Iguion will find him hard to capture. But then, Yamato could quickly feel there were more than one Iguion there. He closed his eyes to bring his senses up to the fullest.

Yamato was a gifted child ever since he was born. He could feel the presence in the surrounding area, just by closing his eyes and concentrate. Currently, he could feel two figures avoiding things. That would be Takeru and Mimi. He then felt three larger figures around them. Which he knew immediately they were the Iguions. And to make matter worse, one of them was trying to leap at him.

Yamato broke out of his trance and leaped towards a higher branch. He then quickly warned Takeru and Mimi about the three Iguions. Pulling out his shiranui, he threw it at the place where he had felt the Iguion who had attacked him. A roar could be heard. And Yamato knew his dagger had hit it. And as a bonus, the shiranui that was buried deep in the Iguion's body could be seen moving around in midair.

Meanwhile, Takeru eyes were too strained to look for the Iguions already. He could only relied on his ability to feel things in the change of the winds. A sudden change to his left made him moved away and struck at the objects that had came near him, with his staff. He could feel the oak staff hit something solid. He then quickly leaped away and brought his staff in front of himself protectively.

The Iguion, which Takeru struck at, roared in both pain and rage, and became visible. Takeru took a good look at the monster. The fin of the Iguion was sliced clean by Takeru's staff. Takeru waited for it to become invisible again, but instead, it launched itself head-on. This surprised Takeru, but he still managed to evade it. The Iguion landed on a branch and lunged at Takeru again.

Finally, it dawned on Takeru. 'The Iguions fins are the things that help them become invisible!' his little mind screamed in excitement. He quickly dodged the Iguion's claws and informed Yamato and Mimi about his newfound valuable information.

Mimi, though busy avoiding, still managed to hear Takeru. She removed her wakizashi, a type of olden dagger, which was easy to wield and slash, and stand perfectly still. Then, in a quick move, she switched her grip on her weapon and slashed it side way. A menacing scream was heard. And as told by Takeru, the Iguion appeared. Its fin could be seen cut off in half.

In truth, Mimi had wanted to pierce her weapon at the fiend's head, but she wasn't too sure about her accuracy. So, she decided to heed Takeru's advice. And the outcome was just as satisfying.

Both Mimi and the Iguion glared daggers at each other.

Yamato heard Takeru, but he didn't quite need it, since the Iguion had revealed itself. At first, Yamato had thought that Iguions were deadly killers. But after this battle, he's going to think otherwise. High above the Iguion, he's enjoying watching the fiend searching for him. The moment he saw the Iguion stopped moving, he jumped from the branch, towards the Iguion, and headlock it.

The Iguion thrashed around and clawed viciously. Luckily, Yamato was on top of it and the arms and legs of the Iguion were too short. Or else, the poisonous claws of the Iguion would have killed him for sure.

Yamato didn't want to risk his chances on being clawed, so, he removed one arm from the fiend's neck and placed it at the side of its head. With a burst of strength, he pushed the fiend's head. A snapping sound was heard, and the fiend below him instantly stopped moving. The Iguion's tail twitched a bit before it fell limply to its side.

Yamato stood up and kicked the dead Iguion down to the thorny bushes below. He decided to help the others. At first, he thought of helping Takeru, but he knew the boy was capable in killing the Iguion. He was proven right, when he saw Takeru buried his staff into the fiend's head. As Takeru removed and cleaned his weapon on a huge tree's leaf, Yamato could see blue-green blood started to ooze out of the punctured head.

Diverting his gaze to Mimi, he could see the girl was handling quite well as well. She planted her wakizashi into the fiend's side and slit it open. Blood gushed out the cut immediately. The fiend gave one last ear-piercing scream before it fell dead. Yamato also noticed that Mimi was smirking at her triumph over the fiend.

Then, Yamato closed his eyes again to feel for any other presence. Feeling none other living things in the immediate area, he spoke out loud, "Mimi, once you're done gloating over your victory, please check the map."

Mimi gave Yamato a dirty look, which caused him to laugh, before she retrieved the parchment that was dropped at the beginning of the ambush. Fortunately, the map wasn't damage in the fight. She picked it up and studied the map again. A minute or so later, she pointed in a direction, which Takeru knew it was where the shrine was.

He thought to himself silently, 'Finally the shrine is near…'


A limp form fell to the dusty wooden floor, which was not stepped on for decades. A dark shadow came out from the still body that had of no use already and slowly formed into a humanoid shape. The figure took a moment to stretch himself. His body felt so cramped, for he had been staying in another body that was smaller, for far too long. But it was required to use that body for he needs to complete the task given by his superior.

He spoke out in a low tone, "Now where is the Holy Stones?"

The figure started to ransack the place. Kicking old cupboard, shattering glasses, upturning tables, breaking furniture, and even destroying various statues in that area. He started to grow restless when he couldn't find the thing he's looking for. Fear also started to engulf him when he thought about the consequences of not finding 'it'. His master will surely skinned him alive.

The figure roared in fury, "WHERE IS THAT BLASTED STONE?!"


Takeru and the others landed cleanly on their feet.

They had finally reached the entrance to the compound of the shrine. They stared in awe at the structure. The building was huge, and very creatively built. The structure had roof in shape of a cone and random pagodas were placed at each corner, as if they were guards' towers. The walls, which were still in perfect shape, were painted with ancient markings and drawings. Two huge statues were at each side of the huge oak door. One of the statues was already in shamble, and the other was still in good shape. Through the opened oak door, the trio can see the shrine.

Slowly, they advanced in.

Mimi stopped as she observed the painting on the wall. She started to examine it and after a minute or so, she gasped. Both Yamato and Takeru turned to her and the older Ishida asked, "What's the matter Mimi?"

Mimi tried to open her mouth, but no voice came out. Feeling impatient, Takeru then said, "Come on Mimi, get on with it. We don't have much time. Tomoe might be in danger as of now."

After regaining her composure, Mimi said, "These are ancient runes that enables one to use magic in the ancient time." She paused and touched the markings carved into the walls. She whispered in a soft tone, "I can't believe they existed here…. In our very own backyard."

Yamato was suddenly very interested in Mimi's discovery. He had studied about these runes in school and got very fond of it. He moved closer to the wall and examined it as well. A minute later, he gave a sigh of disappointment before he spoke up his discovery, "Mimi, these are not the original runes. They are writing in shape of them."

Mimi gave a look of disappointment too. She was hoping it was really runes for she would love to study it. And if she were able to decode it, it would be a great discovery indeed.  

Takeru, not wanting to be left out in the conversation, asked in curiosity, "Can either of you two read it?"

Mimi shook her head. But Yamato nodded and read it out loud, "When a thousand years passed, the hero from the 'Age of Darkness' will rise from the dead, bringing fear and destruction to all. It will once again be the 'Age of Darkness', where people will live in hunger and despair, and also hiding from death. But when the time is right, seven warriors will rise from seven different worlds, wielding weapons of magic and stones with power. Together, the seven of them, and only the seven of them, will once again cleanse the world from evil…"

The three of them stood in silence. What Yamato had read had obviously been a prophecy written down years ago. Mimi, out of curiosity and fear, asked, "It will again be like the 'Age of Darkness'?"

"That's what it states," Yamato answered her. He then started to examine the painting, which looked like weapons, on the wall.

"A thousand years from the 'Age of Darkness'… it means now right?" Mimi asked worriedly. "We're going to live like those time?"

She started to shake. She remembered everything her mother had told her when she's still a child, sleeping in a bed, wanting a bedtime story. Her mother had once told her about the 'Age of Darkness'. She had nightmares about it a few times after hearing that story.

Takeru noticed Mimi shaking. He then spoke up in a comforting voice, "Mimi I'm sure these are all crap. People don't just rise from the dead. It's against the will of gods. Personally, I won't bring myself to believe all this junk."

Hearing Takeru's words, Mimi felt a lot better, but the fear was still in her heart. No matter, she thanked Takeru for his kind words.

Takeru gave a smile to Mimi and then focused his attention on his brother who was still busy examining the paintings and markings. He then shouted, "Snap out of it bro, and let's go!"

Yamato's head perked up. He then walked back towards the other, "Sorry, I guess I kind of lost myself there. For some reasons those weapons painting really fascinate me."

The trios continued. They walked into the compound of the shrine. In there, they could see dried up ponds, stables, and wooden sheds. They assumed those sheds were probably for people who lived there. There were also some stalls, which were still standing. Takeru assumed that they were used for delivering foods last time.

Finally, they reached the entrance of the shrine. As Takeru stepped into the sacred ground, a nostalgic feeling suddenly washed through Takeru. It felt like he had been there before with someone, an adult, someone he loved with all his heart, but he couldn't quite remember it. For all he knew, this was the first time he had ever come here.

Giving a casual shrug, Takeru chased after Yamato and Mimi who had already moved further in. The hallways they walked on, looked dark and deserted. They passed many side rooms. Some were for dining and some were used in praying. Others were used as dormitory. Each room had no signs of Tomoe, only wreckage, which seemed to be left aside recently. There were also statues decorated along the hallway.

All three of them never stopped moving till they reached a vast, open area. Yamato knew that they were in the main praying area. The room, as suspected, was dark and gloomy. Though they couldn't see very far, they didn't miss the figure that was lying on the floor.

Without even thinking, Mimi rushed forward and knelt beside the figure that was lying face down on the floor. She couldn't be sure who it was, because it's too dark. But she knew the figure was definitely still alive because she could hear the soft breathing of the figure.

Slowly, she turned the figure over. When she saw the face of the figure, tears started to leak out her eyes. The figure was actually Tomoe. Mimi hugged the still unconscious girl and cried softly onto her sister's shirt. She whispered through sobs, "You're okay… thank god…"

Yamato and Takeru stood there feeling happy for Mimi. But their reunion was short while, because suddenly, Yamato felt the presence of another being in there. He tried to warn them, but it was too late when he heard Mimi screaming.

A dark figure stood tall, looming in front of Mimi, who was shaking uncontrollably just by looking into the red eyes of the figure. With one swung of the figure's huge arm; Mimi was sent flying across the room with Tomoe still in her arms. A loud crash sounded and Mimi slid to the floor slowly.

Takeru didn't see Mimi woke up after that. He feared that Mimi was dead. But he didn't have time to check on her because at that moment, the dark figure rushed at them. Both he and Yamato jumped aside immediately. Takeru was barely able to dodge it. He was very surprise that the huge figure had such incredible speed.

The figure skidded to a stop and turned around. Yamato shouted at the figure with pure hatred in his voice, "Who the hell are you? How dare you hurt Mimi!"

The figure gave a menacing laugh. With a snap of his finger, the torches of the room roared into life. With the soft glow of the torches, Takeru and Yamato could now see their attacker. He was a man with four arms and foots the width of a watermelon. Yamato could tell the person was nearly nine feet tall. He wore nothing but a worn out long pant, thus revealing his muscular chest. On his face, he wore an ugly mask, which has strange marking all over it. Only the red eyes of his could be seen.

Yamato repeated his question again, "Who are you?"

"Who am I doesn't concern you," the figure said in a soft tone. "All you need to know is… your time is up, humans."

The figure lunged and tried to grab Yamato. But Yamato had already anticipated the figure's moves. So he leaped behind a few meters, out of range. Before his feet touched the floor, Yamato pulled out three shiranuis and launched it at the figure. But those miniature daggers merely bounced off him harmlessly.

The figure then gave a mocking laugh.

Being cocky, the figure was careless and gave Takeru a chance to strike at his back with his staff. Though it didn't even damaged him, the figure was angry. He tried to backhand Takeru with one of his four arms. But Takeru just used the figure's arm as a platform and back flipped away.

The figure snarled angrily and lunged at Takeru.

The figure moved so quickly that Takeru didn't have time to evade. So, the figure's broad shoulder slammed onto Takeru, which sent the boy tumbling into some pile of rubbles. Takeru didn't hear his brother yelled his name, but he did manage a small gasp, as all his air was released out in that attack.

Slowly, using one hand Takeru righted himself. He was very surprised that the figure didn't continue attacking him. His question was answered when he saw the figure trying to get Yamato's strangling hold away.

Yamato was struggling to keep a firm grip on the figure neck to keep him from attacking Takeru anymore. But then, one of the other two extra arms of the figure jerked hardly at Yamato. The other arms were trying to punch him, so Yamato had no choice but to release his grip and leaped away.


Takeru had again taken the opportunity and quickly unleashed three consecutive attacks that struck the figure's vital parts, which was his head, chest and stomach, using the oak staff. The figure however, barely felt the pain, as he just laughed. He swung two arms at Takeru.

This time however, Takeru manage to get away by ducking down and rolled away.

The figure pursued Takeru. But suddenly, Yamato appeared in front of him out of nowhere. The figure was momentary stunned. Yamato smirked and delivered a roundhouse kick at the figure's stomach. The force knocked the figure away, but Yamato didn't stop right there. He ran towards the figure that was trying to get up. And while running, Yamato reeled and clenched both his fists.


Yamato fists could be seen outlined by a thin layer of aura, which he then punched the figure's stomach. He then crouched down and jumped a little. At the same time, he used his other fist and uppercuts the figure's lower jaw.

Before Yamato could attack again, the figure grabbed both Yamato's wrist with two hands. Yamato was surprised at the quick recovery of the figure, but his mind was still functioning properly. He tried to get away by kicking the figure's head. But before his legs could reach, both his legs were grab by the remaining hands of the figure.

Yamato struggled to get away, but the figure lifted Yamato above his head and pulled him into a spread eagle position with his back facing him. Before Yamato knew what the figure was doing, his back was head-butted. Yamato could feel the pain coursing through his body. The pain, it was immense, nothing he had ever felt before.

Takeru, noticing his brother in need of help, rushed forward. The figure saw Takeru coming, so he head-butted Yamato a few more time before he threw the helpless boy to the wall, which cracked when Yamato connected against it. Takeru's anger rose when he saw his unconscious brother. He's not only angry at the figure for hurting Yamato, but also he himself for reacting so slow when his brother needed him.

Takeru leaped just when he was about to reach the figure. He brought his staff up and struck down when he was inches from the figure. However, the figure blocked the attack with two hands. The staff shattered when it connected with the figure's strong arms.

This shocked Takeru.

The figure then seized Takeru's neck with one of its hands. The boy could immediately felt the air supply cut away from him. He gripped the figure's arm with one hand, and used the other to punch it. His legs also kicked at the figure.

One of his feet caught the figure face. It knocked its mask away, and the figure's face was revealed. Takeru shivered at the heavily twisted face, which had burnt marks all over it. Takeru acts caused the figure to tighten its grip in anger. That caused the boy to choke and Takeru could feel his strength slowly slipping away from him.

However, instead of struggling, Takeru asked, "How… did you get… into the… village and this… shrine? Did you… kidnap Tomoe and… made her bring you… here?"

The figure snickered and said, "No silly boy, I had possess her body a few days ago, to search this village."

Takeru then realized the coldness he had felt yesterday when Tomoe came and talked to them about the shrine, was coming from this figure. He then asked, "Why do you… take Tomoe's… body?"

"She's the perfect person to get away from suspects. She's also the village chief's sister, and also an adventurous girl. Nobody will cares when I snoop around looking for the map to this shrine." The figure paused. He was not used to long term talking. However, he did continue, "I would have come myself, but I had lost the diagram my master gave me, so I had to take her."

The figure then said when he thought he had leaked out enough information, "I think it is time our chat come to an end."

The figure tightens his strangling hold, causing Takeru to choke even harder. However, when the figure got a better look at the boy, he loosened its grip a bit. He didn't care who his opponent was just now, but seeing Takeru had definitely interest him. He then spoke up, "You're the boy who came here eight years ago. The one that I couldn't kill. The one that I had asked to come along yesterday but refused."

"What… do you… know…? Who are… you?" Takeru choked out his word.

The figure chuckled, "I… am the person who killed your father eight years ago at this same spot." Takeru's eyes widened, and the figure continued, "I wanted you and your brother to follow me, so that I could kill both of you on the way here. But you didn't follow, so I decided to kill you after getting the thing that is hidden in here, which I couldn't get last time because of your father. I was badly injured in that fight and… let's just says it is a long story."

The figure talked on, "I had no intention of killing young fighters, but it was an order, given by my master. The order was very specific, 'Kill the Ishida brothers, one of them will be the one prophesied to defeat me'." The figure then laughed, "The way I see it, the two of you didn't pose much threat at all. Just like your father, the two of you are weak, and powerless."

Takeru didn't hear the figure. He was thinking about his father's death. The person who had caused it was right in front of him. And yet, he couldn't kill the murderer with his own hands. His memories came flooding back to him right then. Memories… that he had long forgotten.


Takeru hid in a corner, as his father had instructed him. When he was sure that he was properly hidden, he turned towards the battle scene. Mikage, the village chief, and his wife, lied on the floor motionless. He gasped when he saw his father crouching, and clutching his severed arm. Blood flowed from the stump freely and the white bones could be seen. Takeru tears leaked out when he saw his father's conditions. The boy closed his eyes and shook his head vigorously. His mind screamed out at no one, 'Why? WHY? How can a tour of the shrine, turn into a nightmare?'

The four arms figure that loomed above Richard threw the severed arm away. He had easily ripped the man's arm away. The figure snickered and asked, "Where is the stone?"

Richard laughed and answered, "Even in death, I will not tell you, you foul creature of darkness."

"If death is the thing that you want…. Then so be it!" The figure clutched Richard head with just one of his arm and lifted the man up. Both Richard and Takeru screamed at the same time, one in pain, and the other in fear. The figure straightened the fingers of another arm, and plunged it into the screaming man's stomach.

When Takeru opened his eyes and surveyed the scene, more tears came out. The figure arm had stabbed right through the now silent man. With a swung of its arm, Richard was toss away. The man was still alive, but he knew he was at the brink of death. He closed his eyes and concentrated. With the last of his strength, he tried to summon the holy power that was in the shrine.

The Ishida family was given the power to call upon the power of the 'Holy Guardian of Light' long ago. But for safety, only some of the descendant of the Ishida clan can use this immense power. Even the first Ishida never knew the true extent of this power. In the 'Sacred Scroll', a scroll that was passed down in the Ishida clan, it only stated that, the power shouldn't be used unless it was necessary.

This was the first time Richard had ever tried this power. He hoped with all his heart that he would succeed.


The whole room started to glow a brilliant gold. The figure shut his eyes immediately to avoid the blinding light. Takeru also did the same. But Takeru was able to see through squinting. However, what he saw shocked him. A figure, a woman with long sparkling blonde hair was knelt beside his father. The woman has three pairs of pink wings on her back. And her eyes were the colour of emeralds. She wore a simple satin dress robe.

The 'angel' touched Richard face gently. Takeru wasn't sure but he thought he heard the 'angel' said in a soft soothing tone, "Your pain and suffering will end now… I will grant you your dying wish…"

There was a blinding explosion and Takeru could feel himself surrounded by a mysterious globe. He doesn't know what happened next because he passed out right then. The next thing he knew, he woke up in his room with his mother and brother who were crying, without a single piece of memory of what he had witnessed in the shrine.

Takeru cried for days when his mother told him about his father's death. But… he stopped crying when he heard the voice of his father whispering to him… no… not to him… but to someone else that he couldn't remember…

'Lady Tenshi… I begged of you… bring my son… to safety…. Let him forget… all that he had seen here… so that… he could lead a happy… li… life…ao that he will live… a bright future…'


The figure laughter brought Takeru back to reality. The boy could feel his anger rising. He thought to himself, 'No way I'm going to let someone who kills my father get away! No way I'm going to let the same person to end my life!'

With renewed strength, Takeru brought his legs up and arm-lock the figure. The figure laughed at Takeru's attempt, but when Takeru twisted his leg, and when he heard a sickening crack, the figure roared in pain. The arm that was holding Takeru was now twisted in an ugly angle and the boy was now able to remove the strangling hold and get away.

When Takeru was quite a distance from the figure, he glared at the still roaring figure. It wasn't just a simple glare. The pupil of his eyes had shrunk smaller into slit and the eyes showed no signs of emotion. Only his murderous intentions could be felt. Takeru arms shook violently because of his anger and blood seeped through his tightly clenched fists. The figure shivers when he met Takeru's glare.

Takeru then spoke in a soft, but deadly tone, "I will avenge my father, so that his sacrifice will not be in vain. I will end your life here so that evil will not disturb our village again. I will not be defeated, so that my brother, Mimi, Tomoe and myself will get to see the next sunrise, a new day, a new adventure."

Bright golden light surrounded Takeru. With every word he spoke, the light seemed to grow brighter. And when it lit the whole room, something started to materialize in front of Takeru. It was a long golden weapon, in shape of a spear with an unusual handle, a naginata.

Near the hilt of the weapon, there was a socket that seemed to be used for inserting something. At the tip, there was a big, wickedly sharp blade. Just below the blade, there were three spherical crystals. If seen properly, engraved within these crystals, were words written in runes.

When the weapon was fully materialized, it hovered in front of Takeru.

Slowly, very slowly… Takeru reached for the naginata. 

As his hand touched the weapon, memories and vague images flashed through his mind. The weapon seemed to be giving knowledge and experience that was accumulated by the past masters to him. Takeru could feel them, their resourcefulness and power, surged and coursed through his body. The weapon was filling his mind with all the ways to fully utilize the weapon that he was holding now.

When the memories seemed to stop playing, Takeru crouched his legs and shifted to an offensive stance, with one hand holding the hilt of the weapon and the other hand, just below the blade. Takeru could feel immense powers flowing through every vein in him, giving him the strength to destroy the evil in front of him. Powers not only of his own, but also an unknown being as well….

Just as sudden the naginata had appeared, Takeru dashed forward with lightning speed. The four arms man didn't have time to move away. Instead, he used his remaining arms to defend himself. He watched Takeru intently, so that he could block the attack and at the same time counterattack. But suddenly, as Takeru came close, he vanished and appeared behind him.

Surprised, the four arms man turned around. As he did so, he felt a tingling feeling on his left shoulder. What he saw nearly gave him a heart attack. Both his left arms had been cut off and had fallen to the floor. He stood there in disbelief, for he didn't even feel the steel cut his arm. When the pain finally came, the four arms man screamed in pain.

Takeru however, didn't stop.

He advanced towards the screaming man. Slowly at first, then he broke into a run. He brought the naginata sideway with both his hand and slashed at the man's waist. Though the man's skin was hard, the naginata cut into it with ease. There was a loud crack as blade met bones. As Takeru applied more strength to his weapon, the man was sliced neatly in half.

The lower part of the man fell backward onto the shrine's cold floor, but blood didn't came out until the upper part of the body fell to the floor too. The man choked as blood gushed out his mouth and cuts. However, the man managed a smile and said, "Ve-ry… impres-sive. I ha-dn't notice… such power… e-ver since… I witnessed… my master… ki-lled an eaves-dropper…"

"Then your master is also another heap of rubbish that is going to be dispose off soon," Takeru replied.

The man laughed hoarsely and said, "You'll wi-ll ne-ver… defeat h-him…. You're too… you-ng…, too nai-ve…."

"We'll see about that," Takeru end the small talk and slashed his weapon down.

The man's head went rolling away. But before the man's life expired, Takeru could hear him muttered, "Pl-ease aven-ge my… de-ath… 'Shi-ou-sama'…."

Takeru stared at the remains of his opponent before his eyes reverted back to its usual cheery look. Standing there, Takeru played back the fight just now. He never knew he could be so cold, so… heartless.

But he didn't care much right then, since his primary concern were of his brother and Mimi, not at himself. Takeru quickly ran to his brother first and shook him lightly, calling his name every second. The naginata lay forgotten at his side. After a few more attempts, Yamato opened his eyes slowly, and looked at Takeru.

Takeru could feel tears running down his face. Takeru doesn't understand why, but somehow, he couldn't hold back his feeling when he knew that his brother was safe. Right then, he felt like burning all the stupid ninja books that state, 'Never let emotion took hold of you.'

Yamato sat up and rubbed his backbones, while his eyes scanned the area. When he didn't see the four arms man, he said, "I guess you beat that creature or whatever he is." Yamato wanted to say some sarcastic comment, but when he felt Takeru's tears on his hand, he said soothingly, "Hey, I'm fine squirt. Nothing to worry about… see?"

Yamato stood up and stretched himself as if to proof he was fine, but he stopped very suddenly as the pain on his back took hold. Takeru laughed at his brother's attempt to look alright, before he said, "You shouldn't move around too much. Just sit down." Takeru forced the unwilling Yamato down and continued, "I'll go check on Mimi, and you wait here."

Takeru moved to the spot where the four arms man had hit Mimi. Yamato sat there gratefully since he really needed the rest. Then, and only then, did he notice the golden weapon on the floor. The naginata glistened in the dark as Yamato reached for the weapon and examined every single part of it. He could have sworn that he had seen it recently, but he didn't quite remember it.

Takeru brought the now awaken Mimi to the spot where he had left Yamato. Mimi had one arm over him and another on Tomoe, who had also awakened when Takeru found them. It seemed that Mimi had twisted her foot when she was knock against the wall. Tomoe however, seemed perfectly fine. Though there was no sign of injury, her face looked exhausted, which was quite normal, considering she had been possessed.

Yamato quickly got up and hugged Mimi when he saw them. Mimi returned the hug as Yamato said, "For a minute, I thought I would loose you."

Takeru and Tomoe stood there with smiling faces as Yamato kisses the top of Mimi's head. Though a little dark, Takeru could see tears on both their faces, which was rare, in Yamato case. Tomoe and Takeru then gave an acknowledging nod at each other. Both moved away, giving some time for the couple.


Takeru, Yamato, Mimi and Tomoe emerged from the forest. The group had made their way out the forest without any troubles blooming. Which was a good thing since Yamato was carrying Mimi who couldn't move by herself. 

The group stopped at a cliff that overlooked the whole village. Tomoe smiled as the wind blew through her hair. Mimi hugged Yamato tighter and kissed at his neck. Yamato responded by smiling, which Mimi couldn't see. Takeru however, looked at his golden naginata. He hadn't told Yamato of its mysterious appearance and also the things the four arms man had said. He also hadn't mention anything on their father.

Takeru lowered his naginata and stretched. He had had enough adventure for the day, so he decided to tell Yamato what his brother had missed when things settled down. He looked at the setting sun and said, "It felt good to be home…"

"Yes…" Tomoe said. "And it felt even better to be able to control myself."

"Then what are you two babbling about? Let's head into the village, Retsuko are going to send the whole ninja squad if we weren't back soon," Mimi joked.

The group giggled before continuing. As they came close to the forest-village border, a guard noticed them. He congratulated them for finding Tomoe before running ahead of them to inform Retsuko. As they passed the retiring villagers, the villagers gave them their blessing.

The door of the village chief's house burst open as they reached there. Retsuko came running out and hugged Tomoe. Takeru, Yamato and Mimi laughed as the two crashed to the floor. After regaining his composure, Retsuko instructed the group to assemble at his house, after a nice, long, hot bath. He wanted to hear their story and everything that had happened.

Takeru waited patiently for his brother, who had carried Mimi into the huge house. When Yamato came out, both brothers headed for home in silence but lighthearted. When, they reached their house, their mother, Natsuko, planted a kiss on each of them. She had been sitting on the front porch waiting for the arrival, or rather praying for their arrival, since both brothers noticed the charm she had been holding onto.

Their mother had prepared the water and food, while waiting for them. She hadn't eaten yet, for she wanted her sons to eat with her. After both brothers had taken their baths, the family enjoyed their delicious dinner.


Takeru and Yamato waited for Retsuko to show up. They sat on the cushions that are placed on the wooden floor of the praying hall. Torches and a bon fire that surround the statue of Seferius the god, not King Seferius, lighted the hall. The statue was made of pure gold and was built on the middle part of the room. Four earthenware were placed at each corners of the ten feet tall hall. Poetries, which were written by philosopher on large scrolls, were hung on the wooden walls. There were no windows in the halls since it is used for praying and secret meetings purposes. But the Ishida and Tachikawa siblings also use it as a chatting room.

Takeru was about to doze off when the sliding door opens. Mimi and Tomoe step in. Both were wearing kimonos. Mimi was of a bright pink and Tomoe's was sky blue. Shortly after, Retsuko also came in. He walks gracefully into the hall and sat down on one of the cushion.

When all were comfortably seated, Retsuko asked, "So what did you all found out in that shrine? Anything interesting?"

"Nothing of interest except these writings of runes on the shrine walls and also a fight with a four arms man. Other than that, all else is in rubbles." Yamato informs the chief.

"Darn, and I was hoping that there were treasures or something like that," Tomoe said indignantly. That got her a very disapproving look from Mimi.

Takeru sat there in silence, choosing whether to tell the group about his discovery. When he couldn't make up his mind, he decided to just tell them, since it is only a matter of time before he said it to them. He clears his throat and spoke, "I… uh… I have something to tell you all."

All gathered, look at Takeru questioningly. The boy felt very uncomfortable from the attentions he got. He shifted on the cushion before he finally says, "The four arms man… was the one who killed our parents… eight years ago…." Everyone gasped, but Takeru continues, "He told me, he had possessed Tomoe to get into the shrine, which hid the legendary Holy Stones… the same purpose when he was here eight years ago…. But he is dead now."

The group let the information sink in, before Retsuko mutters something that he was sure the others could hear, "Finally… your death is avenge father…." Then in a louder voice, he asked, "There was a Holy Stone hidden in a shrine? And who defeated that man anyway?"

Yamato answers to that question, "Takeru is the one who killed that man. Both Mimi and I were out before the fight was over. I guess that is why we weren't able to hear what the man had said to Takeru."

Retsuko looks at Takeru and said, "So, Takeru, you have my gratitude. Thanks to you our village will be safe. Who knows what the man is searching the Holy Stone for."

Takeru smile sheepishly, "It was only by miracle we had survived, if it weren't for the golden naginata that appears, Tomoe, Yamato, Mimi and I would be joining our father in the other world already."

"A golden weapon?" Retsuko asked.

"Yes. It appears in mid fight when the man is about to strangle me to death."

A thought suddenly hit Yamato, "Takeru, that golden weapon of yours, it was one of the weapon painting that I see on the shrine wall which have the ancient prophecy."

"Prophecy? Painting on wall? Can someone fill me in with EVERYTHING?" Retsuko demanded.

Mimi shook her head and said, "We discover a prophecy, which is written on the wall, as we enter the shrine. The prophecy said something about the rise of a dead person and also the beginning of a new 'Age of Darkness'. It states that seven warrior will bring an end to this."

"And there were numerous painting on the wall. Pictures of weapon," Yamato adds in. "There were seven type of weapon sketches on the wall. There is a naginata, which look just like the one Takeru had. The others was a claw like thingy, a sword, a bangle, a pair of gauntlets, a twin sword, and, finally a spear."

Mimi spoke up suddenly, "Wait a minute, if the weapon Takeru has is really the one painted on the wall, wouldn't that mean that the prophecy is true?"

"It sure looks like it," Yamato replied.

"That is awful," Tomoe said.

The group was silent for a while, but Retsuko broke the silence by asking Takeru, "Takeru? Where is the weapon now?"

"It is back in our hou-"

Right then, a fellow ninja broke into the room with a very worried expression. He was so pale like he had just seen a ghost. Retsuko stood up. Everyone could see his eyes are furrowed with anger. When he demanded, his voice was like venom, "What is the meaning of this intrusion?!"

The ninja knelt down, "I'm very sorry chief! But there is a group of ghastly monsters attacking the village! Our capable fighter is trying to stop them right now but our effort seem to be futile!"

"K'so!" Retsuko cursed silently. He then quickly calculated the condition before he give command to the ninja, "Gather all the villagers that couldn't fight into this hall. Place fifteen ninja to guard this place, ensure that the villagers are protected. Guard them with their life if it must. The rest rout up the enemy. Hayaku! Get everyone on his or her usual post! And ring the bell!"

"Yes chief!" leaves swirl around the ninja and he disappears from the room.

Retsuko turns around and give the rest of his command; "Mimi and Tomoe, you two stay here and protect the villagers. Takeru and Yamato, the two of you try to keep these creatures out of this house compound. The other ninjas and I will try to destroy those running around the village."

Takeru and Yamato ran out the room. They heard a bell being rung. It was the signal to gather at the chief's house. As if on cue, some villagers are already rushing in the chief's house as they ran out.  Some were elderly person; many were children who are crying in their parents or grandparents' arms. They also pass ninjas who are defending the place. They were leading the villagers into the hall. Both Ishida rush out the house and saw the first sign of their enemy. There were three of them.

They were shadows, or gas creature with red eyes and sharp claws. They have no mouth or nose and were the colours of charcoal. They have no legs, only a strong tail that supports them. But the way they are floating, the tail seem to be use only as a weapon and not to support them. Behind them, two pairs of tentacle swish dangerously.

Takeru eyed this new creature and think carefully before he moves. But one of the creature dashes forward suddenly and swipe at Takeru. The boy got away, but his cloth was tore off, leaving him bare chest. The fabric on the creature arm, was burned away by a purple flame. Takeru mentally reminded himself, not to stay too close to the creature.

Yamato somersaults backward and punches at the creature when he lands. To his surprise, his fist passes through the creature body. And immediately, a stinging sensation was felt. He quickly pulls his arm away and leaps back. When he checked, he found out his arm was slightly burned. He cursed silently for not able to use any attacks that require touching the creature.

 Takeru however, spotted a stick that is used in herding sheep on the ground. He quickly picks it up and assumes the offensive stance for the using of a staff. Legs apart, shoulder held high, one hand gripping the staff, the other to support it. The creature took no mind at this, instead, it charged at Takeru. It swipe at Takeru again, but Takeru jumps overhead him just in time. Takeru manages a blow on the creature head with his staff before he landed. But the staff sizzled when it connects with the creature, thus the attack doesn't even faze it.

The third creature, which hasn't joined the fight earlier, swiped at Takeru back. Takeru felt the place where the creature has hurt him, burning. But it was quickly forgotten when he heard a very familiar voice screaming. Yamato heard it too. The voice, it was none other than the voice of the person who sang them to sleep when they were young. The person who comforted them when they were scared. The person who kissed them every night and took care of them…

Their mother…

The battle to protect the creature from nearing the chief's house was quickly forgotten. They both leap onto a roof and headed toward the direction where the scream was heard. It was coming from their house. When they reach it, they saw their mother surrounded by five of the creatures. In her mother arms, she was holding onto the golden naginata, which Takeru had left home, tightly. The sight made them feared for their mother safety.

Without knowing it, Yamato had reached for a nearby barrel. The way he lifted it, it was like the object doesn't even weigh a kilo. He then threw it at the creatures. The creatures move away to dodge it, which is what Yamato had hoped for. Takeru ran forward and carried his mother to safety. Both brothers jump from roof to roof, heading back, towards the chief's house.

Yamato asked his mother in fury, though he knew it was disrespect towards her but he really cared for his mother safety, "Mom, why didn't you head for the hall when the bell was rung?"

Natsuko, who is being carried by Takeru, answered her older son, "I wanted to, but then this creature started to come in and hurried into Takeru's room. When they reappear, they were holding this…" Natsuko indicated at the golden naginata. "No way I'm going to let those foul creature to steal my son thing, so I steal it back. That only seems to provoke them. They started to chase after me, and I was cornered."

"You could have just let them take it mom. You're not in your young days anymore when you're a famous female ninja. It was so dangerous. Imagine if Yamato and I didn't here your scream, " Takeru said.

"But still, I couldn't just let them take it. They seem to be after this weapon. It was like the purpose they are here for," Natsuko said defensively.

Both Takeru and Yamato let the matter slip off for the time being. But this gave Yamato a new thing to question on. If the creature are here for the naginata…. Then it must means; the weapon is really the one that is prophesied.

Both Takeru and Yamato landed on the chief's house roof. Takeru puts her mother down and retrieves his naginata from her. The weapon gave a faint glow, in the arm of its rightful master. Both brothers and Natsuko stared at the scene that is unfolded before them. The seventeen ninjas, including Mimi and Tomoe, which are place to guard the hall, are fairing badly against the creatures. The creatures' numbers are increasing every minute. And the ninjas couldn't hurt them. It looks like the attempt to protect the hall is in vain.

But Takeru isn't going to give up hope. He gave his brother a nod, and they both jump down. Yamato saved Mimi who is about to be swipe at by the creature. In another part, Takeru slash at a creature that is trying to bombard Tomoe from behind. Takeru never thought that the weapon would damage the gas creature, until he notices it disappearing slowly. A faint shriek could be heard from the mouthless creature.

Tomoe thanks Takeru, but the blonde boy is to busy staring at the place where the creature once is. When he finally finds himself, he leaps from monsters to monsters, slashing each of them once. Their faint shriek was heard as they dissipated. There was silence when the last trace of the creatures had disappeared.

After a brief minute, the ninjas there, cheered. Natsuko, still on the roof, clasped both her hand to her chest and whispered a faint 'Thank god'. Yamato stared in disbelief of the power of the naginata. He never had thought the weapon is THAT strong. Just one swipe and the creature are gone. Takeru also stood there in disbelief of his triumph. But nonetheless, the villagers are safe.

But then, their mind reminded them of Retsuko, who is still fighting in the distance. Takeru rushed around town, searching for Retsuko, and at the same time, destroying any gas creature he chanced upon. When he found Retsuko, and made sure the last of the creature is gone, Takeru, together with the rest of the ninjas and Retsuko, gather at the hall.


Once again, Takeru finds himself seated on the hall of the hall. The rest of the villagers had returned home with a newer respect towards Takeru, who had saved their life. There were no casualties, and the village only suffers minimal loss. A few houses were burned in the attack, but the victims are staying at their neighbours house till their houses were rebuild. Some farm animals were also killed, but it is not bad enough to make the villagers loose their source of dairies.

Retsuko sat there and thought deeply before he voice out his opinion, "I guess… the person who sends the creatures here are the same person who instructed the four arms man to raid the shrine. It would take a lot of coincidences for two attacks in a day."

Yamato also add in some personal thought, "Yes, considering they were after the naginata that is brought back from the shrine."

"They were?" Retsuko asked.

Takeru confirms it, "According to my mother, they had rush into my room and hurried out with it. It really do seems this weapon had a meaning to whoever who sent these creatures."

"Then does that means, it confirms the prophecy?" both Mimi and Tomoe asked at the same time.

"It seems like it…" Takeru answered.

Yamato hadn't wanted to say it, but it was for the good of the future. So, after a few more confirming, he spoke up, "This means that Takeru is going to leave us." This earns him every attention in the room. "The prophecy said, 'Seven warriors will rise from seven different worlds. Together, they will once again cleanse the world from evil'. This means that Takeru must look for the other six warriors that have the same magical weapon." 

Tomoe disagree immediately, "Wait a minute, this doesn't means Takeru must leave the village! The others six will probably come here!"

"Come on Tomoe, face it! How will six persons meet in one place! It would take a lot of miracles!" Yamato snapped, but he didn't stops, "You think I like the idea of my brother leaving here! I would sooner die than let him ventures the dangerous world! But it must be done! Or the world will be covers by the fog of death! Don't you understand?!"

"Then we could go with Takeru!" Tomoe argued.

"No! This matter is way beyond our problems! The prophecy had stated that ONLY the seven of them who can destroy the evil that will rise! This means that we will not be able to interfere!" Yamato countered stubbornly. He didn't know why he wanted to argue. he might as well follow his brother and screws the prophecy. But it felt right whenever he goes against Tomoe.

Tomoe broke into tears and seeks her sister for comfort. Mimi patted her sister and says, "But… it is up to Takeru whether he would want to leave or not."

Retsuko nodded, "That's right, it isn't fair that we make Takeru leave the village against his will. That is just plain selfish."

Everyone look at Takeru, who is trying hard to decide which path to choose. It was a hard choice. Either way, both has its pros and cons. If he stays, then he could enjoy his life but the world will be in grave danger. If he goes, then he would be fulfilling the prophecy, and gets to see the world, but it will make him leave his friends and most importantly, his family members, behind. Takeru ponders on the choices.

Then he heard his father voice. It was only heard to him. 'Lady Tenshi… I begged of you… bring my son… to safety…. Let him forget… all that he had seen here… so that… he could lead a happy… li… life…so that he would live … a bright future…'

With that Takeru made up his mind, "I'm going…. I'm going to stop this evil. So that everyone, will live in a bright future, like my father always wanted."

Yamato didn't know if he is happy or sad right then. Happy that his brother is all grown up. Sad that his brother will leave him. He held back his tears; it would be a shame to show his true feeling. Retsuko didn't show any emotions. Mimi wanted to cry too, since she will surely miss Takeru. She knew it would be a long time before she will see him again. Tomoe only cried louder.

Takeru said soothingly towards Tomoe, "Please understand the situation Tomoe. And beside, this village needs as many ninjas it can provide. If the prophecy is coming true, then I guess there is going to be war soon." He pauses and said, "And I need a reason to come home to. A place where there will be people waiting for me, praying for my safe return. They will protect the village, always making sure it is in good shape when I come back…"

Mimi let her tears flow out right then, "Takeru no baka. Don't say it like we are not seeing each other again."


Takeru stood at the base of the Tsuyosa no Taki. A sack is hung over his shoulder. The sack is filled with things that are essential for his journey. There is also a big sack of gold, which is accumulated from very villager. Takeru sighed and gripped the golden naginata tightly. He then turns around and said, "Well, this is it!"

Natsuko cried on Yamato chest. Yamato puts a comforting arm around his mother. Both brothers had had a hard time making their mother understands. Natsuko had cried for days, until she couldn't shed a single tear anymore. Mimi stands beside Yamato. Her eyes are also red and puffy. Retsuko was also present to see Takeru off. Tomoe was nowhere to be seen.

Takeru looks at the small crowd and asked, "Where's Tomoe?"

Retsuko answered him, "I guess she still couldn't overcome the grieve. It will be hard on her to see you off."

Takeru lowered his head and nodded knowingly. Yamato steps up right then and hugs his brother. "Come back home squirt. Remember that I will always wait for you. And also remember what I told you, don't give up no matter what." Takeru hugs back his brother as Yamato wishes him good luck. Both brothers cried right then.

Everyone present let them share the private moment. When Takeru regain his composure, he waved at them and said goodbye. Yamato held his right hand up and move it sideway across his face, then down to his heart. It was the ninjas way to say, 'We will always wait for you even to the end of their life'. Natsuko, Mimi and Retsuko also did the same.

Takeru returns it by clenching his right fist and move it across his chest. Then he opens his clenched palm and slowly held it towards the group. It means, 'I swear to you I will come back to you all.' He turns toward the stonewall and pressed a hidden switch. The place where he had pressed, sank in, and a secret passage to the outside world is revealed.

Just when Takeru was about to step through the secret tunnels, a voice stops him. Tomoe dashes through the crowd and hugs him. Takeru smiles and returns it. She then pulls her red scarf, which she has always been wearing. She took Takeru's naginata and tied it just below the place where it can sockets something. That done, she said, "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier… hope you understands…." Takeru nods for her to continue, which she did. "I wanted my scarf to be with you so that it will represent me walking with you, and also a reminder to you, that your childhood friend will always be here, waiting for you…"

Takeru held the girl close and tell her, "I promise I will be back and tells you about my adventures…"

Tomoe cried and steps back. Mimi patted her sister and urges Takeru to go on, and not look back. But Takeru didn't get to go until Natsuko kisses him one more time on the forehead. Yamato gave a thumb up and Retsuko bowed towards him with respect.

Takeru turns and went into the tunnel. But not without saying, "Yamato, I hope to see you and Mimi already got married when I see you again!"

He ran deep into the tunnel laughing. The group also laughs, but it was only for a brief moment. When Takeru is all but gone, he whispered, "You don't need to worry about that ototo-chan. Just remember… we will be waiting for you…"

And in the heaven, Richard Ishida smiled as his son took his first step to the outside world…

Kesa mo mata nemui me kosutte
Genki ni "waraou!"
Atama ga ne yume no tsuzuki mitai
Ha migaki shiteta

This morning, like always, I rub my sleepy eyes
And energetically say "laugh!"
My head feels like it's still in a dream
As I brush my teeth

Mahou wo tsukaeru you ni
Nagareboshi ni onegai wo

I wish on a star
That I could use magic

Tama ni namida ga dechau
Sou kuyashii kara
Bokura no waarudo hitori ja nai
Demo akogare datte chanto motteru
Suashi no mama de ireba kitto be all right

Sometimes I cry
Because it's so vexing
We're not alone in our world
But I have my aspirations
If we stay barefoot, I'm sure we'll be all right

Kanransha choujou tsuitara
Sora made chikai yo
Onaji sora takusan no hito wo
Mamotte iru ne

At the top of the ferris wheel
We're near the sky
That same sky is watching over
Many people

Ashita mo kyou ga tsuzuku no?
Negaeba kitto tsuzuku yo ne

Will today continue tomorrow?
If we wish for it, surely it will

Ashita tenki ni naare yume made todoke
Teruteru bouzu to nakayoku narou
Hora akushu wo sureba ishindenshin
Kimi mo egao wo misete kitto be all right

Tomorrow we'll have good weather, and continue into my dreams
Let's make friends with the weather god
Look, if we shake hands, it's like telepathy
Let me see your smile, I'm sure it'll be all right

Ashita tenki ni naare yume made todoke
Teruteru bouzu to nakayoku narou
Hora akushu wo sureba ishindenshin
Kimi mo egao wo misete
Zutto be all right...

Tomorrow we'll have good weather, and continue into my dreams
Let's make friends with the weather god
Look, if we shake hands, it's like telepathy
Let me see your smile
It'll always be all right...



I will not translate the skills that are written in Japanese. (I am not very confident on my translation.) But I will translate the others.

Tsuyosa no Taki – Falls of Strength

K'so – Shit

Hayaku – Faster/Quick

Takeru no baka – Stupid Takeru

Author Notes:

This fic will be Takari. I repeat TAKARI! The scene between Takeru and Tomoe was only show as a sign of friendship. So, don't worry my fellow readers. Though the Takari will not start until I finish my other six prologue chapters, which will probably be quite some time before I post them up, since I'll be having three exams on three consecutive months! (Imagine the stress!) Oh, and for those who don't know it, above is Takeru image song from Digimon Adventure 01. It was from Megchan Digimon site. Thank you Megchan!

With that, wait for the next chapter, 'Kind Wind'.